For Alkyl Benzene Sulphonate

Phenylsulfonat CAL

Phenylsulfonat CAL is based on a linear CaDDBS and shows improved bio-degradation versus the the branched Ca salts and has therefore become the environmentally friendlier alternative.

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General chemical structure of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LASs

General chemical structure of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LASs), where x and y corresponds with the number of CH2 on each side of the benzene sulphonate group (7 • x + y • 10).

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Alkylbenzene Sulfonates | INNOSPEC

We supply a range of NANSA® anionic surfactants based on linear or branched alkylbenzene sulfonic acids or as an isopropylamine salt. The products provide flexibility to the formulator as primary emulsifiers for Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) and Emulsion in Water (EW). They can also be specified as wetting agents in suspension concentrate …

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General chemical structure of linear alkylbenzene …

Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (ABS) is starting to be used by manufacturers as a substitute for Branch Alkyl Benzene (BAB) because it is considered more environmentally friendly and easily broken down...

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Linier Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate Adalah: Apa Itu Dan Apa

Apa itu Linier Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate? Linier Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate atau yang biasa disebut LAS adalah bahan kimia yang banyak digunakan dalam produk pembersih, seperti sabun cuci, deterjen, dan pembersih lantai. LAS dibuat dari bahan baku minyak bumi dan merupakan bahan yang sangat efektif dalam membersihkan kotoran dan noda pada …

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Kemampuan Lemna minor dalam Menurunkan Kadar Linear Alkyl Benzene …

Bahan kimia berupa Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonate (LAS) dalam detergen dapat mencemari lingkungan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi kandungan detergen di dalam perairan adalah dengan metode fitoremediasi menggunakan tumbuhan Lemna minor.

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The effect of calcium on the behaviour of aqueous sodium alkyl

That behaviour was explored after dispersal in solutions of both a sodium dodecyl 4-phenyl sulphonate and a commercial blend of sodium alkyl benzene sulphonate. These sodium alkyl benzene sulphonates find particular application in hand washing of textiles at ambient temperatures in emerging markets.

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A Review in Linear Alkylbenzene (LAB) Production Processes …

In each of these processes, paraffin is obtained with a purity of more than 98%, which is either converted to alkyl chloride and reacted with aluminum trichloride catalyst with benzene to produce LAB, or to produce olefins by reacting with benzene in the existence of a hydrochloric acid catalyst to produce LAB .

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Effect of Surfactant Tail Structure on Phase Behavior of

Systematic investigations into the phase behavior of a ternary system of linear alkyl benzene sulfonate (LAS) or branched alkyl benzene sulfonate (BAS) in oil (corn or olive oil) and water were carried out. The study showed that there is a relationship between the surfactants' chemical structure, aggregation properties, and the formation …

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The effect of calcium on the behaviour of aqueous sodium alkyl

Near equilibrium values for the relevant surface tensions, entry, E e, spreading, S e, and bridging coefficients, B b r e, for lein with both solutions of sodium dodecyl 4-phenyl sulphonate solutions and the commercial sodium alkyl benzene sulphonate used for much of the behaviour described here are presented in Table …

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Acid Slurry (ALKYL Benzene Sulphonate)

Acid slurry or alkyl benzene sulphonate is prepared by sulphonation of Linear Slkyl Benzene (LAB) with a suitable sulphonating agent. Sulphonation can be done by the following processes Batch sulphonation with either diluted SO 2 gas or concentrated sulphuric acid or a mixture of 20% oleum and 98% sulphuric acid or oleum alone.

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Interfacial assignment of branched-alkyl benzene …

A molecular dynamics simulation was conducted to analyze orientations of sodium branched-alkyl benzene sulfonates molecules at nonane/water interface, which is helpful to design optimal surfactant structures to achieve ultralow interfacial tension (IFT).

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Surface properties of linear alkyl benzene sulfonates in …

Surface properties of a series of highly purified linear alkyl benzene sulfonates were extensively studied in hard river water. The effects of water hardness, alkyl chain length and position of the phenyl sulfonate group in the molecule on such surface properties as pC20, critical micelle concentration (CMC), γCMC, CMC/C20 ratio, and minimum area …

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Alkylbenzene sulfonate | chemical compound | Britannica

Other articles where alkylbenzene sulfonate is discussed: soap and detergent: Raw materials: By sulfonation, alkylbenzene sulfonate is produced; marketed in powder and liquid form, it has excellent detergent and cleaning properties and produces high .

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Linear alkyl benzene (LAB) is a raw material for making the detergent intermediate LAB sulfonate (298). According to Perego and Ingallina, the process for making LABs …

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Alkylbenzenesulfonic Acid

Alkylbenzenesulfonates are the most common of the commercial anionic surfactants. Their general structure is p-alkylbenzenesulfonic acid, sodium salt (Figure 1) where the alkyl …

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10.3: Converting an Alcohol to a Sulfonate Ester

Some examples of alcohol substitution reactions using this approach to activating the hydroxyl group are shown in the following diagram. The first two cases serve to reinforce the fact that sulfonate ester derivatives of alcohols may replace alkyl halides in a variety of S N 2 reactions. The next two cases demonstrate the use of phosphorus tribromide in …

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Sodium alkyl(C=10-14)benzene sulfonate : CAS Number ., 2, 2, 2, 2, 6 . 2. Product Uses and Benefits Sodium linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) is an anionic surfactant. It is widely used as consumer products contained in laundry detergents and kitchen detergents.

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Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonates a Soul of Cleaning Agents: A …

Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonates (LABS) are one of the anionic surfactants that are presently used commercially in the cleaning sedulity. It's employed considerably in …

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Histopathological changes in testis of the freshwater fish

Corpus ID: 34732522; Histopathological changes in testis of the freshwater fish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) exposed to linear alkyl benzene sulphonate (LAS).

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Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonate Salts

Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonate Salts 6 4. Product Descriptions MARLON A MARLON A is the sodium salt of a linear alkylbenzene sulphonic acid (MARLON AS 3).

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Fate of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates in the environment: …

The fate and risk of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS) in various compartments of the environment have been reviewed. Under aerobic conditions LAS degrade rapidly and concentration of LAS has been found very low in effluents from aerobic sewage treatment plants (STP).

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Sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate | 6

Sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate is an antirust additive synthesized by sulfonation and neutralization of heavy alkyl benzene, and its emulsifying performance is good. Uses Sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate can be combined with other additives to be formulated into emulsified cutting oil, wire cutting working fluid, hydraulic transmission …

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Linear alkyl benzene sulphonate (LAS) degradation by …

We studied the LAS degradation of immobilized Pseudomonas aeruginosa with low-intensity ultrasonic and the influence of original LAS concentration, pH, rotary velocity and different conditions of low-intensity ultrasonic irradiation on the degradation of LAS. In our experiment, the degradation rate …

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ICSC 1602

The linear alkyl chain has typically 10 to 13 carbon atoms, approximately in the following mole ratio (percentage of alkyl chain lenght relative to the total component) C10:C11:C12:C13=13:30:33:24. The formulations of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates available in US contain also 0-5% C14 component

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Sodium AlkylBenzene Sulfonate

As an anionic surfactant Sodium AlkylBenzene Sulfonate is mainly used to prepare various types of liquid, powder, granular detergents. Get TDS &

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Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonates a Soul of Cleaning Agents: …

Linear Alkyl benzene Sulphonic Acid can be annulled with acidulous pop (NaOH) to form sodium alkyl benzene sulphonate an considerably applied anionic surfactant Figure 5. Linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acid is the largest- volume synthetic surfactant because of its fairly low cost, good performance, the fact that it can be dried to stable ...

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The effect of calcium on the behaviour of aqueous sodium alkyl

At a high enough Ca 2+ concentration the so-called precipitation boundary is reached in solutions of sodium alkyl benzene sulphonates where a precipitate of calcium alkyl benzene sulphonate begins to form. ability declines at that point [13], [14] which effect is also potentially superimposed upon the effects of oily soil anti.

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Sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate | CAS#:6 | Chemsrc

Chemsrc provides Sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate(CAS#:6) MSDS, density, melting point, boiling point, structure, formula, molecular weight etc. Articles of Sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate are included as well.

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Sodium benzenesulfonate | C6H5NaO3S | CID 517327

Sodium benzenesulfonate | C6H5NaO3S | CID 517327 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological ...

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Sulfonation and Sulfation Processes

Oleum is used to sulfonate alkyl benzene and sulfate fatty alcohols for heavy duty detergents. The reaction is shown in Figure 7. It is an equilibrium process, as water is formed in the reaction and the resultant water dilutes the oleum and/or sulfuric acid. The

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Linear alkyl benzene sulphonate (LAS) degradation by …

We studied the LAS degradation of immobilized Pseudomonas aeruginosa with low-intensity ultrasonic and the influence of original LAS concentration, pH…

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LABSA: Extensive Production, Steady Supply

Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS), developed to become a biodegradable replacement for nonlinear alkyl benzene sulfonate (BAS), has considerably replaced BAS in …

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Linear alkylbenzene sulfonates: Chemistry, environmental impact …

The environmental impact of detergents and other consumer products is behind the continued interest in the chemistry of the surfactants used. Of these, linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LASs) are ...

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