Smashing Crushed Coral Into Sand

pros and cons to switching crushed coral to sand

I tried crushed coral in one of my Tropheus tanks. To be honest I quite liked it but did switch to pool filter sand and find this easier to keep clean once fully mature …

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This simple machine turns glass bottles into sand

Glass recycling rates in the U.S. are abysmal. Finding non-traditional solutions—like Cynthia Andela's glass crushing machines—could help.

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sand vs crushed coral | Marine Aquariums South Africa

Hi, propably a dumb question, but:confused1: which is better? Sand or crushed coral bottom for a marine tank? My starter tank has got sand in it but I'm moving everything over to my 500L tank in two months, so I'm …

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Short of sand, beaches might get crushed glass

Faced with the constant erosion of Florida's beaches, Broward County officials are exploring using recycled glass — crushed into tiny grains and mixed with regular sand — to help fill gaps.

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Saltwater Tanks Demystified Part 03: Live Rock, Aquascaping, & Sand

What is live rock, what are its functions, how much do you need, different shapes and types. How to aquascape & our choices for live sand.

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Comparative study of coral sand and silica sand in creep …

Coral sand has individual characteristics that differ from silica sand, such as creep behavior that is always attributed to particle crushing under high stress states. To understand the creep behavior of coral sand under general stress levels, three series of comparative triaxial tests relevant to the deviator stress, confining pressure, and relative …

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Crushed Coral For a Freshwater Aquarium: What Are The …

In addition, once you insert a substrate such as crushed coral into your tank, you will be deprived of some of the most interesting fish species that are categorized as sand-sifting animals. Furthermore, starfish, Nassuarius snails, and gobies are just some of the types of aquatic pets that adore burying themselves in the sand and using their ...

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pros and cons to switching crushed coral to sand

Crushed coral does very little, if anything to raise the p.h unless it's in your filter, it also is not good to use with mouthbrooders. Tropheus sift through and eat sand.

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Changing crushed coral to sand | Marine Aquarium Society …

If it's really old, you might stir up some nasty stuff locked into the crushed coral bed. If you just add the sand on top of the crushed coral, the sand will eventually end up under the crushed coral. It will sift through the large chunks and after a time, it will look like a crushed coral bed again.

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Mixing crushed coral with sand

I will be adding at least 2 inches of previously used live sand from another tank. I didn't want to mix them if it will cause problems later. I mainly just want to know if …

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Can I use half sand and half crushed coral

I have always used sand for my substrate And now I want to use caused coral. Can I just put the crushed coral on top of the sand ? Or should I take half of the sand out? And btw this is on my newly set up tank that hasn't established yet. So I was wondering if I can switch or is it too late ??

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#1 Crushed Coral vs Fine Sand for Malawi Substrate

#1 Crushed Coral vs Fine Sand for Malawi Substrate. ... Fine sand is probably more similar to the natural rift lake substrate as well, and debris doesn't penetrate far into fine sand. Pool filter sand is also pretty popular among many here, and is better washed than most other sand.

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How to add crushed coral to existing tank?

What I did is put the crushed coral in filter bags and tucked them in behind plants and decorations. The attached photo is a side view of my 40 Breeder that I breed …

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Crushed coral in the refugium or no? | The Reef Tank

So after siphoning out the crushed coral, I saw some pics of some nice refugiums and they all had a layer of crushed coral on the bottom. Should I put the crushed I removed, after washing, into the refuge or just leave it out?

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using crushed coral | Cichlid Fish Forum

Crushed coral can dissolve and help to raise or buffer pH. So if your pH is too low or not stable for your fish, the answer is...maybe. The problem is it cannot dissolve fast enough to make a significant difference with the weekly 50% water changes we make when keeping cichlids.

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Crushed Coral to Sand. How should i do it?!?!?1

Crushed coral are known to trap detritus/uneaten food. Don't change it all at once. I would do 1/3-1/2 at a time. I really like Caribsea Flamingo Reef and Fiji Pink Reef sand.

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How to Add Crushed Coral to Aquarium: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this blog post, we'll dive into the benefits and drawbacks of crushed coral, how to properly add it to your aquarium, and which types of fish will benefit most …

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Caribbean Crushed Coral (40 lb) 3.0

Shop The Best Saltwater Aquarium Equipment & Supplies at Saltwater Aquarium. We Carry Everything you will Need for your Fish Tank.

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Fantastic Pink Sand Beaches and Where to Find Them

The pink sand of Horseshoe Bay Beach owes its unique color to the presence of crushed coral and shells, which have transformed the coastline into a visual masterpiece. The delicate grains of sand glisten under the warm Bermuda sun, creating a harmonious contrast with the azure waters that gently caress the shore.

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Sand or crushed coral?? newbie here | Cichlid Fish Forum

Personally, I just prefer the sand cause it's easier to sift through with this sand shovel I have, although the coral is easier to vacuum. It's tough to say, in my Jack Dempsey tank I have fine sand mixed with crushed coral but I'm just about to move them into a larger tank with finely ground aragonite sand and fine sand.

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Raising KH with crushed coral | The Planted Tank Forum

I use crushed coral to maintain KH around 4°dKH in a 33 gallon for my shrimp, and I use about 200 grams in a HOB aquaclear, and it raises the KH from 2 to 4 over a few weeks slowly. You don't want to add too much, but if you do, it will still raise slowly with crushed coral which is more natural. I would avoid using sodium bicarbonate.

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Crushed Coral to Sand. How should i do it?!?!?1

Your best bet is to do a regular water change but siphon a little bit heavier. What I mean is siphon half the tank but do I normal water change. Then take that half of substrate out and replace with new substrate. Then On your next scheduled …

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How Much Crushed Coral To Raise PH? [Coral Dosage Guide]

Find out the ideal crushed coral dosage to boost pH levels! Get expert tips on how much crushed coral to raise ph! Read along to find out right now.

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Mbuna tank--sand or crushed coral ?? | Cichlid Fish Forum

I've been reading that a lot of Mbuna tanks use sand. Which is better sand or crushed coral ?? I've already set up my tank using the crushed coral--will I have problems with fish waste getting in between the crannies of the coral ?

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Sand or Crushed Coral?

Reefs Discussion - Ok, so I'm researching all about live sand vs. reef grade dry sand and crushed coral (aragonite). I am setting up a 28g nano tank and...

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Turning my dry crushed coral intro sand... | Michigan Reefers

Turning my dry crushed coral intro sand... Tags buy coral crushed coral eat fish problem sand youtube. Jump to Latest 1K views ...

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How to add crushed coral to existing tank?

Per the advise I received on another post, I need to add some crushed coral to my tanks. I have a 20 G tall and a 40 Gallon breeder. One has pea gravel substrate and the other has smaller gravel substrate (both have eco complete underneath for plants) How do I add coral? I have HOB filters so I a...

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washing coral sand | Cichlid Fish Forum

Coral sand/crushed coral/aragonite in my experience does not require any washing before putting it into a tank. At least I have never washed mine, and the slight resulting cloudiness subsided within 30min of starting up the filters. The same holds try for pool filter sand.

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Glass Recycling | Glass Smash

When you subscribe to Glass Smash Sand Co Op we will pick up your cleaned glass bottles and jars and turn them into sand. The sand can then be repurposed in many types of projects. Think art projects, cement, horse shoe pits, landscaping, pool filtration, sand blasting, sand boxes.

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Live Sand for Saltwater Aquariums

Aragonite, Crushed Coral, and Black Sand Aragonite and crushed coral are generally pretty similar except aragonite is typically a fine to medium sand and crushed coral is pretty large. Both contain calcium carbonate which can be good for coral growth.

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Carib Sea Florida Crushed Coral, 40 lb.

Florida Crushed Coral is the only crushed coral with aragonite, which provides up to 25 times the buffering power of other crushed corals, dolomite, or oyster shell. It eliminates chronic pH problems and provide maximum surface area for water purifying bacteria.

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Changing crushed coral to fine sand? | The Reef Tank

Reef Discussion Forums. General Reef Discussion

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sand or crushed coral? | Tropical Fish Keeping

Saltwater Fish and Coral Reef Tanks. Beginner Saltwater Aquariums. sand or crushed coral? Jump to Latest Follow 4K views ...

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Sand Or Crushed Coral – Which Is Better For Your Aquarium?

Crushed coral was a popular substrate choice for many aquarists but newer sand-based products help reduce trapped detritus, balance Ph better, and a wide selection of grain …

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Refugiums: sand, MUD, or crushed coral? | The Reef Tank

Refugiums: sand, MUD, or crushed coral? ... IME the crushed coral proved problamatic because it trapped detritus more then other substrates. I think this was because of the greater space between the rocks then there was between the sand. ... the only way pods are going back into your display for food is if you were to fish them out …

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