How To Obtain Solution For Calcium In Furnace Slag

Two-way Valorization of Blast Furnace Slag: Synthesis of …

Calcium Extraction from Blast Furnace Slag NOTE: Due to the detrimental effect of acidity on leaching selectivity, the extraction of calcium takes place in two steps, using half …

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Alkali activation of blast furnace slag using a carbonate-calcium …

The utilization of calcium carbide residue (CCR) as alkali activator is promising to reduce production cost and ensure production safety. In this study, CCR/carbonates system and Ca(OH) 2 /carbonates system were used to replace the NaOH and KOH to activated blast furnace slag developing cemented paste backfill (CPB), and …

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Lesson Explainer: Extracting Iron | Nagwa

When calcium carbonate decomposes as a result of the high heat inside the furnace, it reacts with sandy impurities to form what is known as slag. Carbon in the form of coal is delivered to steelmaking plants, and before it is mixed with limestone and the iron ore, known as hematite, to form the charge, it must be heated to a high temperature in ...

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Synthesis of high-value CaCO3 via indirect CO2 fixation …

The fresh water-granulated blast furnace slag (BFS), which is a type of cooled slag formed by the rapid quenching of high-temperature furnace slag with water during the iron-making process, was obtained from Xiangtan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. ... a certain concentration of CO 2 was introduced into a high calcium solution to …

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Two-way Valorization of Blast Furnace Slag: Synthesis of Precipitated

The acetic acid-to-calcium molar ratio used in each extraction step was 2:1 (based on the mass of slag, the calcium content of the slag, and the volume of acetic acid solution), meaning that the total ratio over two extraction steps was 4:1.

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CO2 mineral sequestration by using blast furnace slag: …

CO 2 mineral sequestration is a promising strategy to combat global warming. Indirect CO 2 mineral sequestration was proposed in our previous study by using blast furnace slag as feedstock. As the continuity of this research, the continuous experiment process was carried out in a self-designed rotary kiln, and the results were compared …

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obtain solution for calcium furnace slag

Two-way Valorization of Blast Furnace Slag: Synthesis of Precipitated. This promotes the parallel formation of PCC and zeolites. The acetic acid-to-calcium molar ratio used in each extraction step was 2:1 (based on the mass of slag, the calcium content of the slag, and the volume of acetic acid solution), meaning that the total ratio over two extraction …

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Mechanical properties and permeability of red mud-blast furnace slag …

Red mud, a by-product of alumina production, has a great impact on the environment due to its high alkalinity. In this paper, two-part geopolymer mortar was synthesized by combining red mud and blast furnace slag (BFS) to obtain optimized compressive strength and flexural strength for construction materials. Geopolymer …

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Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag as a Cement …

As compared to traditional mixing procedure, the novel mix-ing methodology has given improved results in terms of mechanical strength of concrete. The highest compressive …

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How To Obtain Solution For Calcium In Furnace Slag

how to obtain solution for calcium in furnace slag. · Substantial amounts of magnesium, silicon, aluminium, and iron originating from the blast furnace slag also ended up in the calcium carbonate precipitate.

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A novel conversion process for waste slag: synthesis of …

The synthesis of slag-made calcium silicate hydrate (slagCS) was achieved via a facile two-step dissolution– coprecipitation procedure using HCl and NaOH, respectively.

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What is Blast Furnace Slag and How to Process It?

Blast furnace slag is a solid waste formed by gangue in ore, ash in fuel and nonvolatile components in solvent (generally limestone) in the process of blast furnace ironmaking.It mainly contains oxides of calcium, silicon, aluminum, magnesium and iron and a small amount of sulfide.

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Titanium Extraction from Titania-Bearing Blast Furnace Slag: …

In the sulfuric acid leaching process, titania-bearing slag is dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid to produce titanyl sulfate solution, and the hydrous titania precipitate is then obtained by thermal hydrolysis, which is then calcined at high temperature to obtain titanium dioxide. The primary reactions are shown in Eqs.

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A novel approach to accelerate carbon dioxide

The ladle furnace slag was ground for different durations in a ball grinder to obtain slag powder with a specific size distribution. Analytical reagents, namely Sodium bicarbonate (purity: 99.5%), were dissolved in deionised water to …

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Durability Properties and Microstructure of Ground …

Ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) is a green construction material used to produce durable concrete. The secondary pozzolanic reactions can result in reduced pore connectivity; therefore, replacing partial amount of Portland cement (PC) with GGBS can significantly reduce the risk of sulfate attack, alkali–silica reactions and …

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Utilisation of steel furnace slag coarse aggregate in a low calcium …

This paper evaluates the performance of steel furnace slag (SFS) coarse aggregate in blended slag and low calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete (GPC). T…

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Extraction of Valuable Metals from Titanium-bearing Blast Furnace Slag …

To realize the resource utilization of the valuable metals in the titanium-containing blast furnace slag, the process route of "hydrochloric acid leaching-electrolysis-carbonization and carbon dioxide capture-preparation of calcium carbonate" was proposed. In this study, the influences of process conditions on the leaching rates of calcium, …

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Carbonation of calcium sulfoaluminate cement blended with blast furnace

The present study investigated the carbonation of calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cement blended with blast furnace slag. Paste samples were prepared by substituting CSA cement with slag at dosages ...

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Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking and Slag …

The growth of electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmaking in North America has occurred mainly in the past 40 years due to low electricity prices, an abundance of steel scrap (especially near large …

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Basic oxygen furnace slag: Review of current and potential …

Steel slag, in particular, basic oxygen furnace slag (BOF-S) – a by-product in the steelmaking industry – is an environmental challenge due both to the large volume of the material that is produced annually and its potentially detrimental environmental impacts.

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Preparation of Calcium Silicate Absorbent from Iron …

This work investigated the formation of calcium silicate solids from the reaction between iron blast furnace slag and lime. Since SO 2 reactivity for calcium silicate sorbents …

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Activation of Metakaolin/Slag Blends Using Alkaline Solutions …

This study describes the use of alkaline silicate solutions produced by mixing silica fume (SF) or rice husk ash (RHA) with aqueous NaOH, as alternative silica-based activators for metakaolin (MK)/slag (GBFS) blended binders. Pastes prepared with these activators show similar trends in mechanical strength development as a function of …

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Mechanisms of phosphate removal from aqueous solution by blast furnace

We report the adsorption of phosphate and discuss the mechanisms of phosphate removal from aqueous solution by burst furnace slag (BFS) and steel furnace slag (SFS). The results show that the adsorption of phosphate on the slag was rapid and the majority of adsorption was completed in 5∼10 min.

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Impact of Alkaline Solution And Curing Temperature On

The present study proposes to use blast furnace slag as geopolymer raw material, which was mixed with an alkaline solution activator to obtain the stabilizer for earthen material.

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Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Slag: Formation, Reaction, and …

Examination of a slag sample taken from the hot-metal dephosphorization experiment described previously in the induction furnace confirmed, across the slag–lime particle boundary, the existence of two layers of a dense and continuous C 2 S–C 3 P (2CaO·SiO 2 –3CaO·P 2 O 5) solid solution layer next to the bulk slag and an FeO/MnO-rich ...

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Blast Furnace Slag

Blast furnace slag is a byproduct acquired in the production of pig iron in the blast furnace and is involving essentially of silicates and alumino-silicates of calcium and of other bases, which is developed in an igneous condition consecutively with iron in a blast furnace [1].

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Ladle Furnace Slag: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

The calcium dissolution of LF slag with ammonium solutions was poor. Further carbonation experiments were carried out, and the solution with LF slag and ammonium salt resulted in rhombohedral CaCO 3. It achieved a precipitate purity of 99.8 % with calcium conversion from solution to precipitate at 50–70 %.

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Basic oxygen furnace and ground granulated blast furnace slag …

1. Introduction. Basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag is obtained during conversion of iron to steel or pig iron refining process as a by-product. During the operation, carbon amount is dwindled and oxidized by rushing the oxygen and neutral gas into the BOF to reduce the carbon content in the pig iron.

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The potential of copper slag as a precursor for partially …

The safe and efficient treatment of copper slag (CS) is an important aspect of the circular economy and green development. In order to reduce the negative environmental impact, CS is used as a precursor to substitute different contents of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) in the manufacturing of alkali-activated materials (AAM)) in this …

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(PDF) Two-way Valorization of Blast Furnace Slag: Synthesis …

Oven-dry the filtered material at 105 °C for 24 h to obtain the hydrothermally converted material. ... amounts of calcium from the slag to the solution, while ensuring the ... of calcium from ...

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