Roasting Of Copper And Nickel Ore And Ore Concentrates

(PDF) Sulfation Roasting of Nickel Oxide–Sulfide Mixed Ore …

In this study, nickel oxide–sulfide mixed ore concentrate was roasted with the addition of ammonium sulfate under a static air atmosphere, and the roasted …

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Phase transformation and roasting kinetics of cobalt-rich copper …

This process can be explained as follows: Iron sulfide in copper and cobalt ore is oxidized to iron sulfate first, which is a strong exothermic process. In the roasting process of copper and cobalt ore with sodium sulfate added, sodium sulfate will react with iron sulfate which is the first oxidized in copper and cobalt ore to form liquid phase.

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Modeling of Exchange Interactions in Melts Formed During …

An original methodology based on the use of experimental values of the conditional equilibrium constants in metallurgical calculations was employed to perform a theoretical modeling of the exchange interactions in melts formed during joint matte smelting of oxidized saprolite nickel ore and a product (cinder) of partial oxidizing …

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Processing of Copper-Containing Molybdenite Concentrates by Roasting

The paper discusses methods of processing copper-containing molybdenite concentrates. A process flow diagram based on roasting with sodium chloride (or carbonate) and subsequent water leaching is presented. The chemistry of sulfide interaction with salt additives is described. The effect of the roasting temperature on copper and …

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Chapter 2 Roasting of Sulfide Minerals

Oxidizing roast is carried out to prepare a totally or a partly oxide product. For example, dead roasting of sphalerite concentrate to an all-oxide product is the prerequisite for the pyrometallurgical smelting processes. For copper and nickel extraction, only partial roasting is practiced. In order to produce a mixed oxide–

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Synchronous extraction of nickel and copper from a

In this study, ammonium sulfate roasting technique was used to process a typical Chinese mixed oxide-sulfide nickel ore to extract copper and nickel directly in a …

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Application of Sulfide Copper Ores Oxidizing Roasting …

The products of oxidation roasting of sulfide copper ores can be considered as an effective sulfiding agent and collector of valuable metals during smelting of nickeliferrous saprolite ores. The technology of joint reduction and sulfiding smelting of roasted copper ores and calcined saprolite ores is a promising way to use poor and …

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The key process requirements for arsenic removal from metal concentrates (copper and nickel) and ores (gold) by roasting are summarized from open literature. A simple flow diagram is presented for ...

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Smelting of Nickel Sulfide Concentrates by Roasting and …

The direct hydrometallurgical processing of nickel sulfide concentrates and whole ores may be a remedy to these issues and hydrometallurgy offers several advantages over pyrometallurgy such as ...

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Roasting in Metallurgy

found that certain ores, consisting of simple pyrites, suffered great loss of gold in roasting with salt which had been added at the commencement of the operation; only a small part of this gold was condensed in the flue, in which was found a yellowish fluffy precipitate, consisting largely of chlorides of copper and iron, and …

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Extraction of Copper and Nickel from Low-Grade Nickel Sulfide Ore …

Sulfation roasting, a common activation technique, is a potential method for cleaner production of nickel from complex low-grade ores. In this study, nickel oxide–sulfide mixed ore concentrate ...

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Lecture 19: Roasting of zinc and lead concentrates

Lecture 19: Roasting of zinc and lead concentrates ... Coal equal to 20%of raw one is used: the ashes from the coal do not mix with the ore, but the products of combustion pass through the furnace and into the flue mixed with the gases from the ...

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Roasting Developments – Especially Oxygenated Roasting

For the recovery of gold from refractory ores and concentrates, roasting has been used extensively for decades. For severe refractory gold ores, it was the exclusive pretreatment process and accordingly, its development is presented in detail, finishing with the most recent technology, oxygenated roasting for whole ores.

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Sodium sulfate activation mechanism on co-sulfating …

The effect of roasting temperature in the range of 300–550 °C on the extractions of nickel, copper, cobalt, magnesium and iron was investigated using the …

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Extraction of Metals from Nickel Concentrate by Low

sulfide ore. This ore has the characteristics of low nickel content, complex production process and high gangue content,5 which has caused many obstacles to using the pyrometallurgical process.6 In recent years, many studies have been carried out on the direct and simultaneous extraction of valuable metals such as nickel, copper and cobalt ...

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Extraction of metals from complex sulfide nickel concentrates …

The roasting process with chloride salts, namely KCl, NaCl, CaCl 2, and NH 4 Cl, is one of the alternative pyrometallurgical techniques for extracting metals from sulphidic ores/concentrates ...

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Extraction of Metals from Nickel Concentrate by Low

Aiming at the problems of high energy consumption and low metal recovery in traditional smelting of nickel concentrate, a novel process, namely NH4HSO4 roasting followed by water leaching to simultaneously extract metals and then separate them step by step, was proposed. The effect of some key factors on the extraction of metals was …

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(PDF) Sulfation Roasting of Nickel Oxide–Sulfide Mixed Ore Concentrate

Sulfation roasting, a common activation technique, is a potential method for cleaner production of nickel from complex low-grade ores. In this study, nickel oxide–sulfide mixed ore concentrate ...

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Synchronous extraction of nickel and copper from a mixed …

A new extraction technology of chlorination roasting with a mixture of MgCl2·6H2O and NaCl was investigated to co-extract nickel and copper from low-grade nickel ores.

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Production of Nickel Concentrate from Ground Sulfide Ore

The valuable minerals in copper and nickel sulphide minerals can be easily oxidized and lead to the reduction of flotation recovery. To solve the problem, the reaction mechanism of the hydroximic ...

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Efficient Synchronous Extraction of Nickel, Copper, and …

Synchronous extraction of nickel and copper from a mixed oxide–sulfide nickel ore in a low–temperature roasting system. Journal of cleaner production 177, 371–377 (2018). Article CAS Google ...

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Copper–Nickel Ore Processing by Low-Temperature …

This paper aims at determining the change in phase composition of copper and nickel sulfides during low-temperature roasting, as well as the selection of effective …

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Roasting of Sulfide Minerals

However, roasting plays an important role in the extraction of nickel from pentlandite, zinc from sphalerite, and molybdenum from molybdenite. In roasting, air in large amounts, …

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Sodium sulfate activation mechanism on co-sulfating roasting to nickel

Therefore, pre-activation of nickel sulfide concentrate, such as sulfating roasting or chlorinating roasting, has extensive applicability to treatment of multi-metal ore, and is a potential way in which to process copper-nickel sulfide concentrate (Imideev et al., 2014, Xu et al., 2017, Yu et al., 2014).

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Sulfate roasting copper-cobalt sulfide concentrates

Sulfation roasting, a common activation technique, is a potential method for cleaner production of nickel from complex low-grade ores. In this study, nickel oxide–sulfide mixed ore concentrate was … Expand

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A Study of the Feasibility of Using Ammonium Sulfate in Copper—Nickel …

The possibility of applying a combined concentration and metallurgical method for processing low-grade and refractory copper–nickel ores was considered. The resulting rougher and scavenger flotation concentrate contained 2.07% nickel and 0.881% copper at a recovery of 85.44% and 89.91%, respectively. The concentrate was then …

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Copper-Nickel Ore Processing

A nickel-copper sulphide concentrate was treated in a pilot plant at Warren Spring Laboratory during 1961, by a hydrometallurgical roast-leach-solvent extraction process devised to cleanly separate the metal values, and produce acid sulphate liquors containing the metals.

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Direct Extraction of Nickel and Copper from Low-Grade Nickel …

A new extraction technology of chlorination roasting with a mixture of MgCl2·6H2O and NaCl was investigated to co-extract nickel and copper from low-grade nickel ores. The effects of some key factors on the extraction of nickel, copper, and iron were studied, and the results show that,when the roasting temperature is 850°C, the …

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Nickel processing

Nickel processing - Extraction, Refining, Alloying: The extraction of nickel from ore follows much the same route as copper, and indeed, in a number of cases, similar processes and equipment are used. The major differences in equipment are the use of higher-temperature refractories and the increased cooling required to accommodate the higher operating …

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Comprehensive Review on Metallurgical Upgradation Processes of Nickel

Mu et al. reported a process for synchronous extraction of nickel and copper from a mixed oxide-sulfide nickel ore in a low-temperature roasting system. In this process, sodium sulfate was used as an additive for improving the extraction of nickel by converting into Na-pyrosulfate, and more than 97% of nickel could be extracted after …

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The Direct Leaching of Nickel Sulfide Flotation Concentrates …

Flotation practice in Russia and Canada differs from Western Australia where the deposits tend to be massive copper-nickel sulfide ores. In these ores, pyrrhotite is the major gangue mineral and flotation is carried out to reject pyrrhotite and produce separate copper and nickel concentrates.

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Sulfation Roasting of Nickel Oxide–Sulfide Mixed Ore …

the reaction mechanism of ammonium sulfate activation roasting of nickel ore, and there is a bottleneck to higher sulfation of nickel. It is necessary to clarify the situation and gain insight ...

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Copper–Nickel Ore Processing by Low-Temperature Roasting …

Abstract The phase transitions of sulfide minerals—pentlandite and chalcopyrite—are tested in roasting with mixture with ammonium sulfate. The behavior of the mixture during roasting is assessed via the synchronous thermal and X-ray phase analyses, and by scanning electron microscopy. The basic optimal technology …

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DOI 10.1007/s11015-019-00901-z

Keywords: ore, sulfides, oxides, copper, nickel, cobalt, roasting, sulfiding agent, melting, matte, ex-traction, technology. Sulfide ores and concentrates are treated predominantly by autogenic melting methods to matte [1–4]. The achievements of this technology are: implementation of the energy potential of mineral raw material;

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Direct Extraction of Nickel and Copper from Low-Grade …

A new extraction technology of chlorination roasting with a mixture of MgCl 2 ·6H 2 O and NaCl was investigated to co-extract nickel and copper from low-grade …

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Copper–Nickel Ore Processing by Low-Temperature Roasting …

Roasting of copper converter slag containing 4.03% copper, 1.98% nickel and 0.48% cobalt with ammonium sulphate open to atmosphere has been carried out in order to achieve sulphation of copper ...

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