Environmental Effect Of Marble

Mining of Marble and Its Environmental Impact

The Effects of Marble Mining on the Quality of the Air and Water. The world's booming marble mining business has a big influence on the quality of the air and water. The air pollution caused by the dust and emissions from marble mining machinery and equipment can cause respiratory disorders as well as other health concerns.

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Potential Environmental Impacts of Quarrying Stone in …

Potential Environmental Impacts of Quarrying Stone in Karst-— A Literature Review U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF-01-0484 ... Summary of effects and impacts of various human activities on karst terrains. Effects and impacts from quarrying are highli ghted in yellow.

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Acid Rain and Water | U.S. Geological Survey

Effects of acid rain. The environment can generally adapt to a certain amount of acid rain. ... Eventually the black crusts blister and spall off, revealing crumbling stone. More information: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Students Site - Acid Rain. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Acid Rain. Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View …

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Effects of Waste Powder, Fine and Coarse Marble …

The use of marble wastes in concrete mixtures, causing air and water pollution, has been promoted in the academic and practical spheres of the construction industry. Although the effects of various forms (powder, fine, coarse and mixed) of this waste on the concrete compressive strength has been subject to a decent number of …

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Environmental Assessment of Admixtures and Stone …

The stone industry is also expanding with the construction industry's rise, generating tonnes of debris every year. Stone wastes in various forms, such as slurry, dust/powder, broken slabs, and aggregates, have been dumped on valuable land and watersheds. It creates a nuisance to the ecosystem, thereby becoming a potential …

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An integrated approach towards marble waste …

Marble-indulged waste, resulting from cutting and polishing of marble stone, is an environmental burden worldwide. An economically viable, socially acceptable, and environmentally friendly solution to this problem is direly needed. Different experimental tests should be carried out to assess the potential for reuse in marble waste.

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Marble And Its Impact On The Environment

If you are considering marble for a new material in your home, you might wonder if it's friendly to the environment. Find out why it is!

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Environmental pollution and its effect on water sources from …

The quarrying and processing of marble raises important issues regarding process efficiency and environmental impact. There are three aspects of the marble …

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Environmental Impact Assessment of a typical Stone …

Marble is a natural dimension stone that is commonly used in buildings. Several questions have been raised due of the enormous energy demands and negative environmental effects of quarrying and ...

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"The Blue Marble"

The famous photograph of the whole Earth, taken in 1972 by the crew of the final Apollo mission and dubbed "The Blue Marble," is one of the most iconic images of our time. It has been used to express Earth's isolation and fragility and was adopted by the growing environmental movement and the annual Earth Day celebration started two …

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The Impact of Natural Stone Building Materials On …

This sturdy and reliable material has significant environmental benefits when compared to other building materials. Natural stone requires less energy for production and provides greater levels of thermal mass, meaning the interior climate of buildings can be better regulated, decreasing operating costs and maintaining structural integrity for ...

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Sustainable Recycling of Marble Dust as Cement …

Various efforts were intended to understand the influence of using marble dust in concrete due to its availability and a relatively high volume of the generation that causes serious environmental problems. Previous studies have utilized marble dust as a replacement of cement, fine aggregate, or total paste in the concrete and mortar mixtures.

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Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Managing Marble Quarry …

Marble has been a prominent natural stone exploited since ancient times, commonly employed as a building material and ornamental stone. However, the disposal of waste generated from marble extraction, particularly fine sludge, poses significant environmental challenges for the dimensional stone industry. The difficulty in …

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Energy efficiency and environmental assessment of a typical …

The work assesses the energy flows and the environmental impact related to the production stages (quarrying and processing) of typical marble products by …

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PDF | Mining and quarrying activities is one of the devolved units of the County Government. This means the future and benefits of dimension stone... | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

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Utilisation of waste marble dust in concrete production: A

Despite the environmental concerns raised by marble extraction, it is recognised as a viable raw material used in concrete production. The following section briefly discusses the applicability of marble dust in concrete production. ... For the best stabilising effect, 20% marble dust and 25% quarry dusts are the optimal proportions of …

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The sustainable life cycle of natural stones: Marble, …

Sustainable life cycle. The first step in the life cycle of natural stones is responsible extraction. Quarries that extract marble, quartzite, and granite are …

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Making marble production more sustainable: environmental …

Are there ways to make marble production more sustainable? Publications published by the Chamber of Geological Engineers and authorized institutions guide …

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Marble And Its Impact On The Environment

Marble is extracted and not created. It can be cut in any way and installed in a number of places within the home. But there are limited chemicals and energy needed to prep and prepare marble for a home. There are some materials that are completely manufactured, making a larger impact on the environment. But mar…

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Global-Scale Environmental Effects of Hydrological …

To advance knowledge about the global-scale environmental effects of hydrological alterations, the authors in this series identify ways to improve the measurement of those effects or to improve the potential for making these measurements.

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Major environmental effects are destruction of vegetation, disruption of animal habitats, diversion and blockage of natural drainage systems, soil erosions, river siltation, noise, vibration, dust pollution and health problem (Maponga and Munyanduri, 2001).

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Strategies for the Environmental Improvement …

The paper deals with the theme of environmental issues connected to marble quarries, focusing the attention on extraction processes, on waste disposal of this activity and on transports and ...

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Effects of Acid Rain | US EPA

Overview of the effects of acid rain on ecosystems, plant life, wildlife and man-made structures.

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Marble Dust Effect on the Air Quality: An

The environmental effects of waste marble and possibilities of utilization and waste minimization by using in the road layers. Proceedings of the Fourth National Marble Symposium ; Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 18–19 December 2003; pp. 371-378.

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Applied Sciences | Free Full-Text | Effect of …

The quarrying of marble and its processing to produce building materials often generates a negative impact on the environment. In the Apuan Alps marble district, a renowned quarrying area in Italy since …

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Yamuna pollution main reason behind Taj Mahal decay: study …

New study says hydrogen sulphide from Yamuna pollution is more corrosive to Taj Mahal compared to sulphur dioxide from industrial pollution.

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Making marble production more sustainable: environmental …

Known for its beauty and durability, marble is a natural stone with great appeal. However, the environmental impacts of its mining and processing cannot be ignored. As sustainable practices gain importance, it becomes imperative for the marble industry to prioritize environmentally friendly approaches., We talked with Dr. Gamze …

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An Analysis of Environmental Effect on VIIRS Nighttime …

Here, this article focused on the environmental effect on NTL time series in China, using the visible infrared imaging radiometer suite (VIIRS) monthly products, Earth Observations Group (EOG) product, and Black Marble product, from January 2014 to December 2020.

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The Environmental Impact Of Marble Mining And Extraction

Marble mining and extraction poses significant environmental risks and can have negative impacts on the surrounding ecosystem. The extraction process often …

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Influence of recycled concrete, marble, glass, and limestone …

Concrete, an indispensable cornerstone of the construction industry, presents a formidable environmental challenge owing to the substantial carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions incurred during the production of cement. However, in light of the construction sector's vital economic and social contributions, it becomes imperative to harmonize it …

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Investigation of environmental effect of stone quarrying …

Download Citation | Investigation of environmental effect of stone quarrying activities on soil and water in Akpoha and Ishiagu communities of Ebonyi state, Nigeria | The research investigated the ...

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