This paper aims to redress these lacunae by analysing trends and the prin- cipal causes of fatal occupational accidents and disasters in the South African mining industry. 2. South African mine accident statistics The largest proportion of miners in South Africa are employed in deep level gold mines.
At least 11 people died at a mine owned by Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd. when an elevator transporting workers to the surface failed, the worst accident in the South African company's history.
Cyril Ramaphosa, the president of South Africa, called the floods a "catastrophe of enormous proportions" and "the biggest tragedy we have ever seen," and declared a national state of disaster on April 18, 2022.
The South African economy depends heavily on the mining industry. Deep level mining--which is a very common occurrence in the South African Mining Industry, is fraught with dangers.
As of 2023, the number of fatalities in the South African mining industry reached its lowest level, with 54 recorded fatalities.
While global mining disasters have decreased in the 21 st century, ... Contributing over 8% of South Africa's GDP, the mining industry cannot be discounted as one of the major contributors to the national economic output. On 5 August 2010, 5 years prior to the Lily Mine collapse, the San Jose mine-collapse in Chile captured the …
The Minerals Council South Africa has commemorated the country's worst mining disaster, when 435 men died at the Clydesdale Coalbrook North Colliery in January 1960.
Disasters impact negatively on production input and infrastructure (Felbermayr & Groschl 2013; Kliesen 1994; Noy 2009). This is also supported by recent events of climate-related disasters that are intensifying in Southern Africa, with significant impacts on mining populaces, CI, environments and ecosystems.
Waste from a diamond mine in South Africa grew ever higher as the ownership changed from De Beers to a billionaire to a Dubai-based retailer. The mining town paid the price.
This study will serve as a model that can be implemented in other areas impacted by illegal mining in South Africa. ... Republic of South Africa, 2003, Disaster Management Act of 2002, Republic of ...
The South African economy depends heavily on the mining industry. Deep level mining--which is a very common occurrence in the South African Mining Industry, is fraught with dangers. It is therefore inevitable that these dangers will be a constant source of medico-legal involvement. At the end of Nov …
SovTech Blog - Explore advanced technologies poised to transform South Africa's mining sector. Discover how innovations enhance sustainability, efficiency, and profitability.
In the worst mine disaster in South Africa, a large section of the Clydesdale Colliery, at the Coalbrook mine near burg, Orange Free State, caved in.About 1,000 miners were in the mine at the time and 435 died after being …
South Africa 's mining industry suffered 49 fatalities in 2022 – a 34% improvement on the 74 fatalities of 2021 and a record low, thereby continuing the …
QUICK FACTS 2022. 6. fall of ground fatalities, 73% reduction from the 22 fatalities in 2021. 4% reduction in number of serious injuries. SAFETY IN SOUTH AFRICA SINCE …
Mining in developing countries continues to pose serious environmental problems. The location of mines, unaccountable extraction processes, and the lack of enforcement of mining codes are all factors that make mining an …
The development of many Southern African countries is inextricably linked to the mining sector. Yet the history of mining in Southern Africa, a region marked with high levels of inequality, is beset with controversy.
A diamond mine co-owned by a Russian mining giant is accused of causing an "unprecedented environmental and human disaster" in Angola and the DRC. ... An environmental 'catastrophe' in ...
The mining industry continues to make an important contribution to the lives of employees, communities and the country through its contribution to the fiscus, taxes and royalties, by providing jobs and benefits, education and training and by investing in social projects and infrastructure.
South African mining companies are facing increased pressure to address their environmental impact. If a more strategic and holistic approach is taken, they can leverage the uncertainty of climate change to their advantage and improve their global competitiveness.
2023 brought immense challenges to South African mining. CEO Warren Beech shares insights on the year ahead and the industry's future.
Jagersfontien, a small town in the middle of South Africa with over a century of mining history, awoke to a tragic failure of responsibility on 11 September 2022 when torrents of muddy water ...
The number of fatalities in the South African mining industry regressed by 23% in 2021 compared to 2020 – increasing from 60 in 2020 to 74 in 2021. QUICK FACTS 2021. 20. …
Mining and mining-related activities remain the world's most intensive, primary industrial activity undertaken with severe environmental impact. Coal mining falls within these primary undertakings, while coal burning for energy use further adds to environmental degradation. Coal burning is by far the least expensive and thus the most …
Impala Platinum on Tuesday temporarily halted operations at its Rustenburg mining complex in South Africa after 11 workers died and 75 were injured in what the CEO said was "the darkest day" in ...
Uncover the rich mining heritage and modern industry of South Africa, where gold, platinum, and other resources have shaped the nation's history and economy.Our exclusive articles offer insights into South Africa's mining landscape, regulatory reforms, and efforts towards sustainable development.
What natural disasters happen in South Africa? South Africa has recorded more natural disasters than any other African country since 2012. what natural disasters occur in South Africa? Some of …
December 2021 marked the second consecutive year of regression in safety on South African mines with falls of ground (FOG) and transport-related accidents …
Deforestation in Africa happens at almost double the speed of the world's average, with 4 million hectares of forests cut down each year.
Human trafficking, labor brokering, and mining in southern Africa: responding to a decentralized and hidden public health disaster
The South African Chamber of Mines notes that fall of ground related safety incidents have been a significant area that joint industry efforts have focused on most intensively over the past several years.
Meteorological agencies are warning of increasing risks of an El Niño storm event in 2019, we map the natural mining disasters that have hit South American miners.