Certainteed Cement Fiber Siding

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CERTAplank® | CertainTeed

If you're looking for a siding option that combines strength, durability, and versatility, then CertainTeed's CertaPlank® Single 7" Reinforced Siding might be the perfect choice for …

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Fiber Cement Siding Maintenance how to protect fiber cement siding …

Fiber cement siding maintenance recommendations from Certainteed™, James HardiePlank™ & other sources. This article describes steps to protect building siding from water damage, plant damage, weather damage in general, giving clearances as well as sealing & caulking advice.

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Impact Resistance: Certainteed siding has been proven to be less likely to fracture upon impact than James Hardie siding. Primer Finish: Certainteed uses FiberTect sealant …

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CertainTeed FiberCement Siding

CertainTeed's Exclusive FiberTectTM Sealing System is Far More than a Primer: FiberTect penetrates into and bonds with FiberCement. Seals against unwanted …

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7 Best Brands of Fiber-Cement Siding for Your Home

Fiber-cement siding, while not inexpensive, is a high-resale valuesiding choice that offers equally high aesthetic appeal. Fiber-cement siding is one of the …

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Fiber Cement

CertainTeed WeatherBoards™ Fiber Cement siding is so strong and durable with ColorMax finish that resists fading, everyday bumps and harmful impacts. We offer a stocking program of prefinished fiber cement in a variety of lap siding, decorative shapes and soffit to match virtually any design style.* 16 Designer Colors

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Fiber Cement Siding: Everything You Need to Know

Fiber cement siding has become an increasingly popular option for homeowners who want siding that's both durable and attractive. We'll explain fiber cement siding's …

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Fiber Cement Siding Defects: How to troubleshoot fiber cement siding

Fiber cement siding defects, failures, problem troubleshooting: This article describes the types of problems that occur in fiber cement siding installations in North America, including siding shrinkage gaps at butt joints, cracks, breaks, and loose or buckling siding boards or shakes.

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Fiber Cement Siding: Pros, Cons, and Best Brands

What is Fiber Cement Siding Made of? Pros of Fiber Cement Siding Cons Fiber Cement vs. Other Siding Options 5 Best Fiber Cement Siding Brands to Consider How Much Siding Do I Need? Installation Types and Styles When it is time to choose new siding for your house, there are…

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Carolina Beaded™ | CertainTeed

CertainTeed's Carolina Beaded siding is a classic and elegant choice for homeowners who want to add character and charm to their homes. Made from high-quality vinyl, the Carolina Beaded siding is strong, durable, and resistant to harsh weather conditions, making it an excellent choice for homeowners who want a siding that will last for years to come.

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CertainTeed WeatherBoard Fiber Cement Siding Class …

According to the CertainTeed fiber cement siding class action lawsuit, CertainTeed markets its WeathBoards Fiber Cement exterior siding as durable, long-lasting and appropriate for use on the home and other structures.

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Long Notice

The Siding that is the subject of this lawsuit (called "Siding" throughout this Notice) is CertainTeed Weatherboards™ Fiber Cement Siding, Lap Siding, Vertical Siding, Shapes, Soffit,Porch Ceiling, and 7/16" Trim installed on or before September 30, 2013.

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Cedar Impressions® Rough-Split | CertainTeed

CertainTeed offers a versatile range of siding options, including the Cedar Impressions Rough-Split Shakes line, providing homeowners with even more choices to achieve the classic cedar shingle look without the associated maintenance hassles. Cedar Impressions Rough-Split Shakes polymer construction ensure strength, durability, and resistance ...

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6 Common Fiber Cement Siding Problems

There are quite a few fiber cement siding problems to consider when weighing your siding options. Explore the six biggest concerns in this article.

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House Siding & Backer Board | James Hardie

Discover the world leader in fiber cement products and enhance your home's beauty with trusted durability. Visit us now!

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Vertical Siding

The CertainTeed family of vertical siding products offers numerous style and design options for complementing a home exterior and maximizing curb appeal.

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CertainTeed COLORMAX®

CertainTeed WeatherBoards™ Fiber Cement Siding is so strong and durable with ColorMax finish that resists fading, everyday bumps and harmful impacts. ... CertainTeed WeatherBoards Fiber Cement Siding enhances your home with great looks, long-lasting durability, and an authentic wood grain that is the finest in the industry.

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Contact Us – CertainTeed Fiber Cement Siding Settlement

CertainTeed Fiber Cement Siding Settlement Home; Contact Us; Questions About the Litigation? If you have questions about the settlement please contact us directly: By Mail: CertainTeed Fiber Cement Siding Litigation c/o Analytics Consulting LLC, Settlement Administrator P.O. Box 2007

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Warranty Information

*This information pertains to those products listed with an asterisk ("*") (Siding, Trim, Fence Railing Decking, and Fiber Cement Backerboard): CertainTeed's Consumer Services department processes warranty claims involving CertainTeed Siding, Trim, Fence, Railing and Decking products.

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#1 Fiber Cement Siding Manufacturer | Best Fiber Cement …

Fiber Cement Siding Products You Need And Service You Deserve. The allure of Allura goes far beyond eye-catching curb appeal. On top of products worthy of the industry's strongest warranty, we bring you the important qualities of responsiveness and reliability.

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Exh 4 Press Release 130926

The fiber cement siding in question (called "Siding" throughout this Notice) is CertainTeed Weatherboards™ Fiber Cement Siding, Lap Siding, Vertical Siding, Shapes, Soffit, Porch Ceiling, and 7/16" Trim installed …

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CertainTeed vs James Hardie siding: comparing your options

James Hardie. James Hardie siding products are constructed exclusively from fiber cement. If you want to do an "apples to apples" comparison when comparing James Hardie and CertainTeed siding, you should probably limit your focus James hardie siding products for your home on the CertainTeed side to its fiber cement line of …

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Everything You Want to Know About Fiber Cement Siding

If you're curious about using fiber cement siding on your home, here are the pros, considerations, costs, colors, and styles of fiber cement siding.

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Well, Certainteed Weatherboard and James Hardie fiber cement siding have some things in common. Both are very durable, rot proof, fire rated and impervious to wood boring insects. They are priced about the same and both come in an array of shapes, pre-finished colors and textures.

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James Hardie vs. Allura Fiber Cement Siding Cost

James Hardie brought HardiePlank fiber cement siding to the world in the 1980s and was unchallenged as the market leader for nearly a decade. Deep Ocean, HardiePlank lap siding, HardieShingle staggered edge panel siding. ... Allura bought the patent rights to Certainteed siding product. This product uses Fiber cement and ash.

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CertainTeed WeatherBoard Fiber Cement Siding

We have replaced many homes with failing CertainTeed Weatherboard with brand new James Hardie Plank Fiber Cement Siding. James Hardie is the leading brand in Fiber Cement exterior systems. There are other companies to compete with James HardiePlank Siding like Allura Fiber Cement Siding and Nichiha Fiber Cement Siding …

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7 Best Brands of Fiber-Cement Siding for Your …

Fiber-cement siding is one of the better options for siding your home. Find the best fiber-cement siding brands you may want to choose.

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What causes vertical cracks in fiber cement siding planks?

What causes vertical cracks in fiber cement siding planks? Wednesday, June 13, 2018. ... (James Hardie and CertainTeed) regularly respond to any claims for damages due to failure of their building products by stating that the problem was caused by incorrect installation, both have been entangled in class action lawsuits over the …

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Fiber Cement Siding 101: What to Know About Cost

Fiber cement siding is durable, low-maintenance, and eco-friendly. Heres how it stacks up to vinyl, wood aluminum, and other exterior options...

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