Uses Of Fluoride In Flotation Of Chromite


1964 W. Schlechten, Head Department of Metallurgical Engineering 994 ABSTRACT Micro-flotation studies with chromite were undertaken to determine first the response …

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Fluoride activation in the flotation of chromite

It seems that hydrofluoric acid could be adsorbed strongly and preferentially on the chromite surface to give the extremely insoluble CrF 2− ion that exhibits great affinity for …

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Mine chromite or in general concentration of similar low grade chrom­ ite deposits. An attempt was also made to increase the efficiency of chromite concentration by eliminating some of the loss of the finer sizes. Before the flotation tests the problem of Iron Determination in Chromite was presented to the writer by Mister M. D. O'Shaugh-nessy.

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Chromite: The only mineral ore of chromium metal

Chromite is the only ore of chromium, a metal essential for making stainless steel, nichrome, chrome plating, pigments, refractories, chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

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Chromite is a spinel group mineral with the general chemical formula (Fe, Mg, Al) Cr2O4. It is the main source for the extraction of chromium metal mainly used for the manufacturing of stainless steel, chemicals and has wide industrial usage. Chromite is mostly associated with ultramafic rocks and ophiolite sequences.

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Fluoride activation in the flotation of chromite | Semantic …

The responses of chromite and the gangue minerals olivine and serpentine commonly associated with it to fluoride activation in soap and anine flotation were studied. Hydrofluoric acid was shown to have good selective properties in amine flotation of chromite that qualify it as a possible flotation reagent.

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Fluoride activation in the flotation of chromite

Abstract The responses of chromite and the gangue minerals olivine and serpentine commonly associated with it to fluoride activation in soap and anine flotation were …

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A study on the recovery of fine chromite from UG2 tailings

The recovery of chromite from the tailings streams of South African UG2 platinum concentrators adds significant financial returns to these operations.

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Chromite- mineralogy and processing

Selective flotation is usually achieved in the acid pH range 1.5-6, selectivity sometimes being improved by the use of depressants, such as sodium fluoride and sodium fluosilicate. Several studies have also shown that the flotation behaviour of chromite can be modified by heat treatment, although the mechanism is complex.

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New perspectives in iron ore flotation: Use of collector …

A two-stage iron ore flotation process was developed. • Amidoamine proved an effective collector for silicate. • Selective flotation of quartz and hematite was achieved with no use of depressant.

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Flotation behavior of chromium and manganese minerals

Flotation behavior of chromite and manganese-bearing minerals has been reviewed. Flota tion of these minerals and ores with fat ty acids., amines, sulfates, sulfona tes and hydroxamates has been presented and is discussed in terms of surface charge and ... counts the notion that fluoride is an activator for soap flotation. In fact, it is

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It is because chromite sources such as the chromite-containing LG-6 reef are typically not mined for PGMs, which are discarded along with tailings. ... This is followed by flotation banks comprising 10 cleaner and five recleaner cells that take the concentrate recovery level of about 44% of the contained PGMs. Collector reagents are used to ...

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Chrome ore beneficiation challenges & opportunities – A …

Recovery of ultrafine particles below 75 μm size from process tailings by flotation technique is the subject of recent investigations. Since most chromite ores are easily beneficiated with gravity concentration methods, flotation of chromite has not been widely applied or got commercial acceptance (Atalay and Ozbayoglu, 1992). This is the …

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Recover Chromite by Flotation

A flotation scheme, which introduced the use of a fluoride ion with a fatty-acid collector for selective recovery of chromite, was used in the initial studies. This …

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A study on the recovery of fine chromite from UG2 tailings

Selective flotation of chromite from serpentine was possible with sodium oleate and FSA or EDTA as modifiers under conditions of neutral pH. Other flotation studies have focused on a variety of technologies that are suitable for the selective recovery of fine chromite, including mechanical, column, and free jet flotation.

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Froth Flotation Handbook

What is Flotation. Flotation, as the term is applied to ore concentration, means the separation of one of the constituents of an ore from the remainder by causing it to float at or above the surface of a pulp consisting of the finely pulverized ore and water.

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Selective flotation of chromite ores

A selective froth flotation process for the treatment of chromite ores having low grade chrome spinels, Zircon, staurolite, ilmenite, magnetite, garnet, quartz, epidote, olivine and alteration products as inclusions, which comprises subjecting a pulp of such an ore to an initial blunging treatment in the presence of a soluble fluosilicate ...

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Flotation of Chromite Ore

Identical flotation tests were done on samples of Benbow-3 ore containing 30.2 percent Cr2O3 using H2SO4 or HCl as pH modifier. The samples were ground to 100 percent minus 100 mesh, deslimed at a 30-micrometer particle size, and floated with 0.6 pound Armac C per ton of ore. …

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Fluoride activation in the flotation of chromite

The responses of chromite and the gangue minerals olivine and serpentine commonly associated with it to fluoride activation in soap and anine flotation were …

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PCSIR Laboratories Key words: Description of sample.

Flotation of chromite was activated with HF at a pH of 5 for 5 min. Small incre-ments of oleic acid, totalling 70 glton of fines were used to collect the chromite. The rougher concentrate was cleaned in one stage using HF to pH 3.5-4. The cleaner concentrate contained 46% Crp3' representing 50% recovery. The flotation parameters and the ...

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PCSIR Laboratories Key words: Description of sample.

Hydrofluoric acid has been shown to exhibit good se- lcctivity in activation of chromite mineral, resulting in bet- ter flotation. It seems that HF could be adsorbed strongly and …

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Acidic medium flotation separation of chromite from …

The physico-chemical interactions among minerals such as olivine, chromite and serpentine; the most commonly present ions in solution such as Ca and Mg; and flotation reagents such as EDTA and oleic acid were investigated. The study was conducted via release tests, electro-phoretic measurements and microflotation of …

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Application of multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis …

Gravity, magnetic and flotation methods are generally used to concentrate for low-grade chromite minerals from gangue minerals such as olivine and serpentine. It is very important to know the ...

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Flotation of chromite and serpentine

Chromite is an important strategic mineral usually associated with other gangue minerals, mainly silicates. A good knowledge of the flotation behaviour of chromite and the establishment of conditions for its selective separation from the gangue minerals might help the future exploitation of chromite deposits. In this paper, the …

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Beneficiation of South African chromite tailings using

The gravity separation process is the main beneficiation process used to recover chromite mineral. However, these conventional chromite processing techniques become inefficient and complex when treating fine and ultrafine size particles (less than 75µm) leading to losses [1, 2]. Apart from that, separation of chromite from other associated ...

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Beneficiation Studies on the Low-Grade Chromite of …

was used as the cationic collector for chromite flotation. The other reagents included hydrofluoric acid (Merck), which acted as an activator. In order to stabilize the froth, small quan-tity of polypropylene glycol was used. In addition, tannic acid and sulfuric acid were used to act as depressant and pH regu-lator, respectively. Results and ...

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Amine flotation of chromite from acidic pulps

Chromium values are recovered from pulverized chromite ore by agitating and aerating an aqueous pulp of said pulverized chromite ore containing an amine collector at a pulp acidity less than 2.5; and recovering a chromite containing froth as a concentrate.

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Fluoride activation in the flotation of chromite

The responses of chromite and the gangue minerals olivine and serpentine commonly associated with it to fluoride activation in soap and anine flotation were studied. Hydrofluoric acid was shown to have good selective properties in amine flotation of chromite that qualify it as a possible flotation reagent.

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This study is concerned with the processing of low grade chromite ores,Ingassena Hills, Sudan, by froth flotation techniques. For this purpose,representative samples were taken from four different mines.Mineralogical examinations indicated that, the major minerals arechromite and serpentine. Olivine, iron oxides and talc have beenidentified as minor …

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Fluoride activation in the flotation of chromite

The responses of chromite and the gangue minerals olivine and serpentine commonly associated with it to fluoride activation in soap and anine flotation were studied. Hydrofluoric acid was shown to ha...

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Chromite | Chromium Ore, Properties, Uses and Occurrence

Learn about chromite, the most important ore of chromium, its properties, uses and occurrence in the spinel group of minerals.

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Flotation of Chromite

This paper reviews the literature relating to the flotation of chrome spinel and presents a considered approach to the development of a robust flotation method to separate …

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Amine flotation of chromite from acidic pulps

However, the use of fluoride ion containing compounds is unacceptable environmentally. Fatty acid chromite ore flotation techniques are also characterized by a very high reagent consumption which gives rise to unfavorable process economics.

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Flotation of chromite and serpentine

The application of fluoride in the process was patented a long time now [12]. The effects of pretreatment and aging on chromite flotation were studied with sodium dodecyl sulphate and dodecyl ammonium chloride as collectors [13]. The main interest in the flotation properties of serpentine ...

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