Environmental Impact Of Gold Mining In South Afr

Gold mining and the abuse of environmental and human rights in South

Its newly released report is entitled "The Cost of Gold: Environmental, Health, and Human Rights Consequences of Gold Mining in South Africa's West and Central Rand". Or at least it gives us something to organise around to hold the mines and the government accountable. South Africa: Protect Residents' Rights from Effects of …

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Acid Mine Drainage from Gold Mining in South Africa

This review article summarizes the current condition of AMD flowing from South African gold mines and its environmental and economic consequences. This …

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Environmental impacts of gold mining in Essakane site of …

In this study, environmental impacts on air, water, and soil pollution caused by the exploit of Essakane gold mine, which is located in North Eastern part of Burkina Faso were investigated. Analyses on drinking water were made in the laboratory to determine the concentration of essential chemicals used in gold mining.

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Environmental Impacts of Gold Mining With Special …

Studies on the environmental impacts of gold mining in South Africa often concentrate on areas close to TSFs, while impacts have been found over large areas and at significant …

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Coal Mining in South Africa: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the comprehensive overview of coal mining in South Africa. Discover its historical significance, distribution of reserves, mining techniques, economic impact, environmental considerations, and future prospects.

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Health and environmental impacts of gold and …

Health and environmental impacts of platinum mining: Report from South Africa Eugene Cairncross, on behalf of PHM March 2014

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Mining impact on communities' livelihoods: A case study …

Mining has been blamed globally for harmful and impoverishing effects. Most countries are rich sources of gemstone, yet there is very little development, since miners, and those around mining sites, still live in abject poverty. This study sought answers on: "how mining activities have affected communities' livelihoods?". Data was …

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Environmental crime caused by illegal mining in Central …

This brief explores how national and regional responses can address the environmental impact of illegal mining in the region.

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(PDF) Gold mining's toxic legacy: Pollutant transport and …

Waste from gold mines is considered to constitute the largest single source of waste pollution in South Africa and contributes significantly to acid mine drainage, which …

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Gold mining's environmental footprints, drivers, and future …

The severe environmental repercussions of small-scale gold mining in riverbeds and forest reserves, which employ advanced machinery, prompted a two-year ban on small-scale activities in 2019. The government also prohibited the issuance of mining permits for gold exploration/mining in forest reserve zones and imposed a ban on …

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Environmental Impacts of Gold Mining With Special …

Mining 2023, 3 206 pollution [8]. In South Africa these two are by far the largest sources of soil and water pollution, particularly PTE pollution, in the country.

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Effects of Gold Mining on the Environment | Sciencing

How does gold mining affect the environment? Unfortunately, mining for gold has profound negative effects, producing tons of solid waste and contaminating the air, water and land. Some of the chemical compounds used in gold mining are toxic, and they can become airborne or poison water.

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How mine dumps in South Africa affect the health of …

In South Africa, mining of gold, coal and other natural resources has played a significant role in the country's economy, with both positive and negative consequences.

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Environmental Impacts of Gold Mining: A Study of …

Impacts of Gold Mining: A Study of Mining Communities in Gorom Village, Rejaf County, Central Equatoria State, Republic of South Sudan." Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences

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Potential implications of gold-mining activities on some environmental …

Hence, this study aims to investigate the potential impact of gold mining activities on environmental components by using scientometric methods to identify keywords in relation to two main factors, most productive authors and most collaborating countries, then determine the association strength between them during the study period.

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Regulation and remediation of the impacts of mine wastes …

Abstract. A concerning phenomenon in South Africa's mines is the huge quantities of waste generated by the mines. The problem is historical in that there was …

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(PDF) Gold mining's toxic legacy: Pollutant …

The impact of acid mine drainage in South Africa. S Afr J . ... impact that gold mining has on the environment [1,2,10,12]. In South Africa ... impact of gold mining has not been previously ...

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Remote sensing in management of mining land and …

Synopsis Although remote sensing technology has been available for many years, it has rarely been used for monitoring mining activity. Recent studies indicate that remote sensing is also a valuable tool for managing and planning certain aspects of the mining operation. In this paper, we examine areal expansion of marble quarries and the …

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Artisanal mining is an activity associated with several environmental impacts, which are deforestation and land degradation, open pits which pose animal traps and health hazards, and mercury ...

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Assessing the effects of gold mining on environment: A …

Environmental sustainability has become a serious problem in the world. Similarly, mining and its environmental impacts in the Shekiso district have become a severe issue at present.

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Harmful mining activities, environmental impacts and effects …

In South Africa, the right to a clean environment is constitutionally guaranteed. However, this right is being violated on a daily basis by the mining companies who degrade and harm the ...

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Environmental Impacts of Gold Mining With Special …

Studies on the environmental impacts of gold mining in South Africa often concentrate on areas close to TSFs, while impacts have been found over large areas and at significant distances from ...

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Gold mining's toxic legacy: Pollutant transport and

The impact of gold mining on the Witwatersrand on the rivers and karst system of Gauteng and North West Province, South Africa. Afr J Earth Sci. 2012;68:24-43. ... Coetzee H, Horstmann U, Ntsume G, Croukamp L. The potential environmental impact of the decant of water from Witwatersrand. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress …

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Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa

Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa. The effect of mining on the environment includes the release of many chemical contaminants into water resources, which can cause environmental damage and threaten the health and safety of nearby communities long after mine closure.

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South African Mine Effluents: Heavy Metal Pollution and Impact …

South Africa embarks on extensive mining activities, which consequently produce enormous quantities of toxic HMs1 that pollute the surroundings; subjecting the ecosystem to dangers of infections ...

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The state of mine closure in South Africa

The environmental and social impacts of mining depend largely on the commodity mined, its location, and the type of mining practiced. Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a major concern in the gold and coal mining sectors in South Africa.

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Environmental Impact of the Gold Mining Industry in Ghana

In the Obuasi mining district, evidence of local contamination in association with gold mining activities has been noted and indications of trace metal contamination in streams, sediments, and ...

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Environmental Impacts of Gold Mining—With Special …

Gold mining has serious negative environmental impacts, especially due to pollution emanating from tailings storage facilities (TSFs, tailings dams, slimes dams). …

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Platinum and Gold Mining in South Africa:

The impact of gold mining on the Witwatersrand on the rivers and karst system of Gauteng and North West Province South Africa. J Afr Earth Sci 2012; 68: 24–43. Crossref

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Arsenic contamination and rare earth element

This study investigated the chemical composition and geochemical evidence of AMD impact in four top soils from gold and coal mining regions near Johannesburg, …

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