The Impact Of Mining On Livelihood Of Local Communities


environmental effects that impact the livelihoods of the communities, including polluting water resources and displacing people from their fertile lands to allow mining operations.

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The environmental and socio-economic impacts of mining on local

This paper reports the findings of a study undertaken to assess the socio-economic and environmental impacts of mining in Geita District, Tanzania. In addition to sampling community perceptions of mining activities, the study prescribes interventions that can assist in mitigating the negative impacts of mining.

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Mining impact on communities' livelihoods: A case

Request PDF | Mining impact on communities' livelihoods: A case study of Taita Taveta County, Kenya | Mining has been blamed globally for harmful and impoverishing effects. Most countries are ...

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Impacts of mining projects in Papua New Guinea on livelihoods …

In Papua New Guinea (PNG), mining has been surrounded by controversy related to its environmental and social impacts for several decades. In this context, the research reported herein is an investigation of the way in which mining has impacted on poverty in two large mining regions at Ok Tedi and Porgera. We surveyed 609 …

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Modeling the assessment of socio-economical and environmental impacts

The results indicate that sand mining in the study communities had negatively affected the livelihoods of most residents, while the positive effects accrued to the sand miners and truck drivers who were non-residents of the mining communities.

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How to Advance Sustainable Mining | International Institute …

Small-scale mining is a double-edged sword for these local communities, providing employment but negatively affecting human health and the environment. Large-scale mining also affects communities both positively and negatively, albeit through different dynamics and obligations.

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Understanding the impacts of mining on local environments and communities

The effects of mining for the clean energy transition ... "the protest highlights concern about the impacts of the operation on local livelihoods and environments within the much larger context of industrial pollution in the area." ... "Community members are also pursuing education in these topics so that there's not …

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Perceptions of local communities regarding the impacts of mining …

The results have shown that proximity to mining operations, for most part, have led to employment benefits and other positive impacts of economic activities including the negative impacts of mining. Members of the local communities have been employed directly and indirectly by the mining operations thereby earning salaries from direct ...

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Opencast coal mining and sustainable local livelihoods in Odisha…

The major inter-zonal differences are availability of employment opportunities in mines and environmental pollution. data from the mining villages can be compared with the data of control villages to infer if there are any possible effects of mining on traditional livelihood of local communities.

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Mining impact on communities' livelihoods: A case study of …

Mining pits, poor rehabilitation and large-scale mining have caused a loss of agricultural land resulting in reduced crop yields and poor living standards.

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In largest ever study, Indigenous and local communities …

Indigenous peoples and local communities are already feeling the impacts of climate change, according to firsthand accounts documented in a new study. The authors of the paper, published in the ...

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(PDF) Local communities' perceptions about the impact of …

One national park each was selected from the two countries and the perceptions of local communities on the impact of the national park on livelihoods and community development, assessed.

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The impact of diamond mining on local communities in …

The research team administered five sets of questionnaires to community stakeholders, mining company representatives, members of the community development fund management, chiefs and local politicians. Community representatives were engaged in focus group discussions.

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Is mining harmful or beneficial? A survey of local community

Mining activities often have significant impacts - both positive and negative - on local communities. This study shares experiences from China, surveying …

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Making mining work more for the local community and the …

Around the world local communities worry that mining projects will contaminate their environment and disrupt their social fabric and livelihood, without bringing lasting benefits.On 27 October 2015, UNCTAD and representatives from governments, the mining industry and civil society gathered in Geneva for the annual …

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Local communities can reap better benefits from mining if …

The local effects of mining show gains in nonfarm activity, but mixed outcomes for child health. A robust analytical approach (one going beyond descriptive statistics) is needed to evaluate the benefits—in terms of occupations, asset accumulation, access to infrastructure, child health, etc.—flowing to mining communities.

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Socioeconomic Impact of Mining on Local …

The proliferation of large-scale mining in sub-Saharan Africa and its impact on local communities living conditions has been a matter of considerable debate amongst stakeholders. Thus far, there has been …

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The Environmental Impact of Mining on Local …

The study discovered that the local communities where the mining activities are carried out suffer negative effects on the environment together with the society. Nevertheless, Koidu Holdings had tried to decrease the negative impacts of mining operations on the affected communities due to uncompromising concerns among the affected …

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Indigenous peoples' relationships to large-scale mining in …

1. Introduction. Large-scale mining projects inevitably have widespread impacts on local societies and ecologies. Because of their close relationships to the land, water, and resources therein, and their marginalized social and economic positions, Indigenous peoples living in current or former settler colonies are particularly vulnerable …

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The Socioeconomic Effects of Large Scale Gold Mining on Local Community …

The performance of the gold mining industry globally is in no doubt. However, the industry's susceptibility to the frequent rise and fall in the price of gold, coupled with the various negative impacts it generates in mining communities have made it reliability for economic growth and development questionable.

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Estimating the impact of large-scale mining on local …

The impact of large-scale mining in sub-Saharan Africa on local livelihoods is controversial. Little consensus exists about whether mining is a 'blessing' or a 'curse' …

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(PDF) Mining Impact on Livelihoods of Farmers of Asutifi

This study was undertaken to assess the impact of mining (both small and large scale) on the livelihoods of community members of Kenyasi, Asutifi North District in Ghana.

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Mining impact on communities' livelihoods: A case …

Mining impact on communities' livelihoods: A case study of Taita Taveta County, Kenya ... development and livelihood of local communities environmentally, socially, and economically [9]. Extraction processes rarely consider social and environmental sustainability for the benefit of future

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Impacts of illegal Artisanal and small-scale gold mining on livelihoods

'Lucky migrants' and 'unlucky locals' in mining communities experience varied impacts on their farms and livelihoods, shaping nuanced perspectives on the synergies between ASGM and agriculture (Ofosu et al., 2020). Significantly, the livelihood dynamics generated through ASGM and cocoa farming in Ghana unfold as a tale of …

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(PDF) The Ban on Illegal Mining in Ghana: Environmental …

This study examines the impacts of artisanal small-scale mining (ASM) on livelihood assets using a representative data from individuals in major mining communities as well as non-mining ...

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Navigating community transitions away from mining

Mining has a profound impact on local communities. It is an immensely disruptive activity that introduces movement into and out of the community 3, including …

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Sustainability assessment of mine-affected communities in …

However, there is very little effort to systematically assess the local impacts of mining in Ghana and Africa in general. Our study develops a composite sustainability index that can provide a holistic assessment of the local sustainability impacts of mining. ... The primary livelihood source for the local communities surrounding the mining ...

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Mining impact on communities' livelihoods: A case study …

Mining has been blamed globally for harmful and impoverishing effects. Most countries are rich sources of gemstone, yet there is very little development, since miners, and those around mining sites, still live in abject poverty. This study sought answers on: "how mining activities have affected communities' livelihoods?". Data was gathered …

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(PDF) Mining, Rural Livelihoods and Food …

PDF | The potential impacts of extractive industries on local food security are difficult to predict. On the one hand, resource extraction may generate... | Find, read and cite all the research ...

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Coal Mining and rural livelihoods: case of the Ib Valley …

This study analyses the diverse positive and negative impacts that coal mining has on the livelihoods of local communities of the Ib valley coalfield in Orissa.

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