Environmental Impact Assessment In Dredewa Cement Factory

Environmental Impact Analysis of Portland Cement (CEM1) …

Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been used in many studies to assess the environmental impact of cement production and investigate ways to improve …

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Our Guide to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

An Environmental Impact Assessment, or an EIA, refers to the European directive used to help determine the major impacts that a current or future project creates towards the environment.

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Dire Dawa Cement | PDF | Environmental Impact Assessment …

Dire Dawa Cement - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. The document is an environmental impact assessment report for a …

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Environmental Impact Assessment Training Manual

An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is commonly described as an assessment of the impact of planned activities on the environment, including impacts on biodiversity, vegetation and ecology, water, and air.

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plant at hiyari village, mayanga ward in a draft report on air quality, noise and vibrations for proposed taa-terminal iii project at julius nyerere international airport (jnia), dar es salaam submitted to baam limited environmental and social impact assessment report for proposed 50mw captive power plant within dangote cement

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A systematic review on the impact of cement industries on …

The negative health effects of cement plant exposure are well-known in industrial settings, but they are less well-known among the general public who live near plants. The broad objective of the review was to provide a detailed systematic analysis of the global situation of the cement industry, including generation, pollution, impact on …

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Environmental Impact Study of Cement Factory using a

Request PDF | Environmental Impact Study of Cement Factory using a Multi-Criteria Analysis: Evidence from Messebo Cement Factory, Ethiopia | Cement is a pillar to develop infrastructures in Ethiopia.

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Environmental Impact Assessment Of A Proposed …

Abstract: The research article is focused on the Environmental Impact Assessment of a proposed cement plant to be located in Sagamu, Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria. Environmental impact assessment studies are carried out to obtain environmental clearance for establishment of a production plant in accordance with the

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Environmental Impact Study of Cement Factory using …

Keywords: cement production, environmental impact analysis, impacts significant determination, environmental aspects, relative significance, Messebo cement factory and Ethiopia. 1. Introduction Ethiopia is one of the fastest growing economies in Africa. Major sectors of the economy are agriculture,

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Environmental Impact Assessment Of A Proposed Cement Plant …

The research article is focused on the Environmental Impact Assessment of a proposed cement plant to be located in Sagamu, Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria.

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Environmental Impact Analysis of Portland Cement (CEM1) …

The cement industry confronts significant challenges in raw materials, energy demands, and CO2 emissions reduction, which are global and local environmental concerns. Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been used in many studies to assess the environmental impact of cement production and investigate ways to improve …

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Al-Nawaser cement plant is processed to construct in Al-Mahweet, NW Yemen. The quarry area is composed of limestone of Amran Group as a main raw source for cement production, which is exposed in the high mountains beside the plant site. The chemical analysis of limestones shows 50.31% CaO content, with 0.71% MgO. No …

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The general objective of the study is to investigate the geographical survey of cement factory and determine the perception of the residents towards the effects of the cement …

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Life cycle assessment of a cement plant in Naypyitaw, Myanmar

This study aims to assess the environmental impacts of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) production in Myanmar using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for the Max Myanmar Cement Plant in Naypyitaw. The LCA examines the entire cement production chain, using two alternative scenarios for fuel substitution.

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Environmental impact assessment of cement industries using …

This study examined the environmental impacts of the Ghayen Cement Industry on environmental components and public health using a mathematical matrix.

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Assessing the environmental impact of conventional and 'green' cement

The second step towards reducing the environmental impact of cement is to improve cement plant efficiency. In this chapter, we have seen that it is possible, especially in developing countries where the majority of cement production is located and where there are still cement plants with wet rotary kilns.

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Vietnam Environmental Impact Assessment

The above group classification shall be basis for determining projects subject to the preliminary environmental impact assessment (PEIA), environmental impact assessment (EIA), and environmental license. These are regulated in Articles 28, 29, and 30 of LEP 2020.

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(PDF) Sustainable Environmental Management in Cement Industry …

PDF | On Nov 13, 2016, Noorhidayah Che Jamin and others published Sustainable Environmental Management in Cement Industry in View of Life Cycle Assessment | Find, read and cite all the research ...

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Modernizing cement manufacturing in China leads to …

The adoption of more efficient technologies has reduced the environmental impacts associated with cement manufacturing in China during the period 1996–2021, according to a life-cycle assessment ...

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(PDF) Life Cycle Assessment of Ethiopian Cement …

The use of imported fuel in the Ethiopian cement industry increased the cost of production and the environmental burden, necessitating intervention.

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Environmental impact assessment of the Egyptian …

Environmental impact assessment of the Egyptian cement industry based on a life-cycle assessment approach: a comparative study between Egyptian and Swiss plants ... cement plant (SCP) which depends mainly on electricity, natural gas, and coal; and an Egyptian hypothetical plant

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ASSESSMENT OF CEMENT FACTORY IMPACT S IN OBAJANA, KOGI . STATE, NIGERIA . 1 Umar Tauheed Ibrahim, ... This research reveals the various environmental impact of the Nigeria cement company. The ...

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Impacts of Cement Industry on Environment

PDF | it is review paper of impacts of Cement Industries on Environment | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

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Environmental Impact Assessment of Cement Industry

The current level of production in that nation, details of the environmental impact assessment of the cement industry, such as project description and need, pertinent institutional information, a description of the affected area, the process of making cement, impact prediction, impact assessment, and impact mitigation measures.

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Environmental impacts, life cycle assessment and potential …

This literature review aims to (i) present the environmental impacts related to the cement industry worldwide, (ii) summarize previous Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) …

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The Cement Industry in Ethiopia

According to an Ethiopian Ministry of Industry report, the country has a high expected cement consumption due to a rapid urbanization (4.3%), high rate of …

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Assessing Environmental Impacts of a Cement Industry …

The cement plant is supported by captive limestone mine i.e., Morak limestone mine spreading over an extent of 895.42 ha. The cement plant is in an area of 167 ha. ... Environmental impact assessments are generally carried out before the execution of a project to assess the possible impacts on the environment including water, air, noise ...

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In terms of cement production, it is the historical centre of the Ethiopian cement factory. The objective of this study was to investigate and conceptualize the geographical survey of cement factory and determine the residents' perception towards the effects of cement factory on Sabiyan urban community residents in Dire Dawa Administration.

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Environmental assessment in concrete industries

Among the tools that assist in the assessment of the environmental impact for decision making regarding their mitigation, there is the Life Cycle Assessment ... There is a cement factory 400 km away, which would reduce the distance by 750 km with this input displacement. The other materials are already purchased from the nearest …

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Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)

WHAT IS EIA? Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a critical examination of the effects of a project on the environment. An EIA identifies both negative and positive impacts of any development activity or project, how it …

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Environmental Impact Study of Cement Factory using a …

Such programs will improve the environmental quality of the surroundings and safeguard local inhabitants. Keywords : cement production, environmental impact analysis, impacts significant determination, environmental aspects, relative significance, Messebo cement factory and Ethiopia.

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Environmental impact assessment of cement industries …

Cement industries produce millions of tons of by-products each year, including dust, toxic gases, and heavy metals, which pose respiratory health hazards and environmental pollution. Although several literatures have investigated environmental impact in cement factories, the extent to which these as …

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Environmental impact of cement production and Solutions: …

This paper reviews the impact of cement industry towards the global environment and solutions to the problem. The increasing harvesting of raw materials …

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Environmental impacts and decarbonization strategies in the …

This Review provides medium-term and long-term solutions to address the environmental concerns surrounding concrete production.

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Environmental Impact Assessment of the Cement …

ABSTRACT Worldwide the cement factory is increased due to highly increasing the growth rates of the construction industry. The study climaxes the environmental impacts of …

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