The Future Of Al Industry In South Africa

The impact of industry 4.0 on South Africa's manufacturing …

The South African manufacturing sector, consisting of approximately 11,400 VAT-registered organizations, is explored in a novel approach. No prior study has …

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SA's Agriculture Sector – a Key Driver of Economic Growth

South Africa (SA), as one such economy, must therefore foster a healthy agricultural industry that contributes to the country's gross domestic product (GDP), food security, social welfare, job creation and ecotourism, while adding value to the country's wealth of raw materials.

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(PDF) Assessment of current and future critical skills in the South …

The skills attributes of Information Technology-Enabled Tools and Financial Analysis/Cost-Benefit Analysis were significantly different between Malaysia and South Africa.

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Future trends and outlook of South Africa's construction industry

The construction industry is critical to South Africa. It employs 8 per cent of the country's workforce. Together with mining, it is a large building block for future economic activity and interestingly these 2 were the worst affected sectors in the second quarter of 2020.

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South Africa's Aluminium Industry Shines as South32 …

South Africa's aluminum industry is showing signs of resilience and growth, as diversified mining company South32 reported record half-year aluminum productio ... The company, which produces commodities that are essential for the transition to a low-carbon future, said its Hillside Aluminium smelter achieved its highest-ever …

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The Future of South Africa's Private Security Industry

The private security industry in South Africa provides monitoring, guarding, armed reaction, rting, investigating and other security-related services to private individuals and companies across the country. All Private Security Mandates are driven by the Private Security Industry Regulation Act 56 of 2001.

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3 scenarios for South Africa – and where we're heading …

Momentum Investments has identified three scenarios that it believes will determine South Africa's future growth prospects.

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South Africa could produce a lot more renewable energy: …

Considering South Africa's climatic advantage, the fraction of electricity generated from renewable energy technologies is low.

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Microsoft Word

Strategic visioning for the South African aluminium industry was done by first doing mind-‐time travel into the future. By considering emergent influences based on technology, the …

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Urban Agriculture and the Sustainability Nexus in South Africa…

Urban agriculture remains a topical issue that needs to be better understood in striving for sustainable cities, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Through a literature review, this article examines urban agriculture studies in South Africa to identify trends, opportunities, and gaps in the literature. The article examines the discourses that have …

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Coal transitions in South Africa

The study examines three future pathways for South Africa's coal sector that allow us to assess key risks and opportunities in South Africa's coal transition. ... (with hydro 1.3%, and imports 1,5%). As in the NDC scenario, industrial use of coal increases, making industry the largest emitter of GHG emissions by 2050. The sector grows ...

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Adoption of innovative technologies in the South African …

The aim of this study is therefore to assess the adoption and implementation of innovative technologies in the South African construction industry with a view to improving the industry's performance.,A survey was undertaken using a questionnaire, administered to construction professionals primarily in project management, quantity …

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If South Africa is to gain from the combining and recombining of digital disruption within the automotive industry, a public/private institutional approach is clearly required: an approach where the public and private sector collaborate on the proactive positive positioning of South Africa within the automotive industry's rapidly evolving ...

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Africa Fashion Futures: Creative economies, global networks …

The Africa-sited global fashion industry's market ... to discussions on fashion as a context for industrial development using domestic primary products/raw materials in Africa (Raei et al., 2019), especially with the advent of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Our key locale of interest, the global South, is currently …

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Strategising the future of coal in South Africa

AUTHOR: Mining Review Africa's senior deputy editor, Chantelle Kotze. Relevance of the coal industry in South Africa . Coal has been instrumental in South Africa's development, not only for the mining sector, but also for the broader industrialisation of our country," says Chamber of Mines chief economist Henk …

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The future of African oil and gas: Positioning for the energy

With momentum for sustainability building, Africa's oil and gas producing nations have a unique opportunity to embark on an inclusive energy transition and chart a course toward a sustainable future.

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Opinion: Transforming South Africa's manufacturing sector …

Let's rise to the challenge and make carbon neutrality a reality for South Africa 's manufacturing sector. This is our moment to lead, innovate and secure a …

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Aluminium industry developed through guided strategy

The SAAIR aims to develop the aluminium industry through a guided strategy by facilitating job creation and social transformation and increasing local value addition through efficiency, unique ...

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South African Manufacturing: The challenge of growth with …

This paper has explored economic patterns for the South African manufacturing sector in respect of: employment; mark-ups; exports; domestic sales and …

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Key findings – Africa Energy Outlook 2022 – Analysis

As Africa's industry, commerce and agriculture expand, so too does the need for productive uses of energy. ... Electricity will underpin Africa's economic future, with solar leading the way. ... South Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Mozambique have a significant share of global production today, but many other countries may ...

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The South African banking sector and the future of the …

Due to the competitive market of the banking industry, the boundaries have become limitless and the financial services of South Africa is impeccable. Thanks to a more modern and digital way of doing business, solutions that are more cost effective and remote have taken over and this enables the future of banking law in South Africa.

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(PDF) The future of state-owned enterprises in South Africa…

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) in South Africa are crucial to industrial development. The future role of SOEs depends on their ability to form the bedrock of the economy while remaining efficient ...

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Confronting South Africa's water challenge | McKinsey

South Africa faces a growing gap between water supply and demand. The most effective solutions will cater to the specific agricultural, industrial, and domestic needs of the country's different basins.

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What is the future of work in Africa?

Work in Africa agriculture will make half of the entire employment in Africa by 2023, while the future of work is hinged on digital economy.

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South Africa in the era of Industry 4.0: An Insightful …

The present paper provides a significant contribution in the area of Industry 4.0 developments in South Africa. Being one of the fastest growing nations, South Africa has a promising future. Academic research extends good research outcomes for any particular topic, here it is Industry 4.0 developments in South Africa.

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The future of agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

The future of agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa Suwadu Sakho-Jimbira and Ibrahima Hathie Key messages Population growth, rapid urbanisation, and a young population are major trends shaping the future of African agriculture. They underlie profound changes in the evolution of food demand and contribute to the structuring of food markets.

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The Future of Logistics in Africa: Embracing Disruption and …

Digitalization driving Africa's logistics disruption. The adoption of digital technologies has also been critical in the resurgence of Africa's shipping industry. Many African countries are implementing digital platforms to streamline port operations, increase efficiency, and reduce costs.

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The future of mining in South Africa

South African mines have recently struggled with depleting reserves and civil unrest. Here are some predictions on the future of mining in South Africa.

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The Future of Africa: Challenges and …

South African scenarios 2024: politics, violence and growth in the rainbow nation South Africa may experience a political turning point in the aftermath of the December 2017 National Conference of ...

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South Africa in the era of Industry 4.0: An Insightful …

South Africa in the era of Industry 4.0: An Insightful Investigation Pavitra Dhamija1,2 ... 4.0 developments (past, present and future) in South Africa. The research focuses on the ... Bukova et al., 2018; Tupa et al., 2017). South Africa, originally known as the Republic of South Africa (RSA) is situated on the . Scientometrics (2022) ...

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Future Of Sustainability 2024 | CONFERENCE

By providing a platform for thought leaders, businesses, entrepreneurs, policy makers and industry experts with a common mission to connect we inspire business to take actionable steps towards implementing green, sustainable and ethically-sound strategies to mobilise Africa towards a zero-carbon emission, waste-free, fully sustainable, smart ...

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The impact of industry 4.0 on South Africa's manufacturing …

This study investigates the impacts of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) on the South African manufacturing sector in light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR…

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What's Down The Road For The EV Market In South Africa

In a statement to FORBES AFRICA, Naamsa CEO Mikel Mabasa says the global transition towards NEVs is a critical step to secure the future of the automotive industry in South Africa, and our rapid adoption to newer technologies is critical for the domestic automotive industry's long-term success and growth.

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Women and the Mine of the Future: A Gendered …

This report was produced as part of Women and the Mine of the Future, a project to increase understanding of the status quo for women in mining, so stakeholders can

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The future of payments in Africa | McKinsey

Africa's payments mix is evolving fast, with e-wallets continuing to grow the fastest. The future of electronic payments in Africa is one of tremendous growth and opportunity. There are several alternative ways to slice this growth and opportunity, including channels, parts of the value chain, segments, payment methods, and …

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