Gold Mine Chamber Negotiations On


– Mining Negotiation Kayelekera Uranium 500 ppm U3O8 46.3 Mlb Mining Negotiation ... The entrance of gold production is noted due to formalization of the artisanal and small scale mining (ASM). ... At the Mining Indaba the Chamber attended Mining Ministers'

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Panama's Chamber of Commerce worried about government negotiations …

Panama's Chamber of Commerce expressed concern over the "erratic turn" the negotiations between the government and First Quantum Mineral have taken.

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S. I. 34 of 2024 CBA Mine Workers.indd

Collective Bargaining Agreement: Mine Workers IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare has, in terms of section 80(1) of the Labour …

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Gold sector wage negotiations deadlocked

Wage negotiations in SA's gold mining sector have reached a deadlock, but none of the parties involved would like to refer to it as such. And, reports Mineweb, it seems Harmony Gold is at the centre of it. ... Elize Strydom of the Chamber of Mines is reluctant to say that the talks have reached a deadlock because the negotiations will continue ...

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SA PGM wage negotiations | Sibanye-Stillwater

We reached a wage agreement resulting in competitive remuneration for employees while accounting for longer-term sustainability of our SA PGM operations.

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Unions create united front in wage battle against Sibanye

The unions AMCU, NUM, Solidarity and UASA are taking a joint stance regarding wage negotiations with Sibanye Stillwater in the gold mining sector. The …

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Chamber of Mines speaks positively about gold wage …

The Chamber of Mines (CoM) is approaching the gold wage negotiations with a positive and constructive attitude, senior executive of employment relations Dr …

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Miners' Strike: South Africa 1922 | Encyclopedia

Miners' Strike. South Africa 1922. Synopsis. In early 1922, white South African workers in the Witwatesrand gold mining region went on strike. The strike soon became a violent rebellion—sometimes known as the Rand Revolt—that pitted the white miners against the mine owners and the government.

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Gold mines table final wage offer of 6.5% – The Mail

Gold mining companies have tabled their final wage offer to all labour unions within the sector, offering a basic increase of 6.5%.

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The new normal in mining wage negotiations

The two mining sectors have sunset status due to aging gold mines and a decline in the demand for coal locally. This year, the …

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How a mega gold-mining merger tightened a company's …

Barrick and Newmont decided to combine nearly all their Nevada mines and water rights into a single newly formed company. Barrick walked away with a controlling …

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Gold sector wage negotiations deadlocked

The report says Dr Elize Strydom of the Chamber of Mines is reluctant to say that the talks have reached a deadlock because the negotiations will continue today (Wednesday) and tomorrow. However, notes the report, what the unions are asking for arguably falls into what the gold companies have already indicated are the non …

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Mine workers get over salary increments

Mine workers in the country are set to receive an over salary increment Following a successful negotiation with authorities through the Associated Mine Workers Union of Zimbabwe and the Chamber of Mines . The new pay structures according to information from the National Employment Council ( ...

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South African Chamber of Mines denies early negotiation …

South Africa's Chamber of Mines yesterday denied claims that it is launching wage negotiations with mining officials ahead of schedule.

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The African Mine workers strike of 1946

The chamber mounted what would today be called a public relations campaign, taking a travelling slide show – which lauded the gold mining industry – to various places in the country. The chamber also got the help of the government, with all its resources – the police being the most effective in this armoury.

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Parties in 2015 gold wage negotiations remain far apart

Despite the tabling of revised wages and demands by gold producers and unions, the parties remain far apart in the 2015 gold wage negotiations

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CCMA reserves gold wage negotiations consolidation decision

The CCMA last week heard the Chamber of Mines ' application on behalf of the gold producers for the consolidation of referrals of disputes between the Chamber of …

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Harmony reaches five-year wage agreement | Harmony Gold Mining …

Harmony is a global, sustainable gold mining and exploration company with a copper footprint in our Wafi-Golpu and Eva Copper projects. Read more. Corporate profile; History; Board; Executive; ... We are pleased that the wage negotiations were carried out in good faith and commend all parties for demonstrating good leadership by …

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sbm/sbm wage negotiations gold at master

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Wage negotiations in S. Africa's gold sector to end next week

South Africa's top gold producers believe it is highly likely that unions agree to take the latest pay offer presented to them, marking the end of almost 5 weeks of negotiations.

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Ecuador, SolGold seal deal to launch nearly $5 billion mining …

Ecuador's government concluded negotiations with Australian miner SolGold to develop a major mine seen requiring a $4.9 billion investment over the lifetime of the project, the energy and mines ...

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South African gold sector wage negotiations deadlock

Wage negotiations in the gold sector are at a deadlock and the South Africa's National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) has declared a dispute, a move that is one step short of a strike.

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AngloGold Ashanti Obuasi Mine redevelopment project …

Negotiations and discussions about the Obuasi mine started upon his assumption of office and the redevelopment project has been the direct outcome of that. President Akufo-Addo said in order to help Anglogold Ashanti to secure the needed investment for the project, government provided a number of fiscal incentives.

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SA Unions Declare a Dispute over Gold Mine Wage Negotiations

Wage talks in South Africa seem to call for constant muscle flexing. After a strike at De Beers' diamond mines was averted this week following last-minute talks that resolved a deadlock over wage negotiations, unions representing gold mine workers declared a dispute with the Chamber of Mines Wednesday.

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Malawi's mining sector is vibrant and growing, with the Ministry of Mining issuing numerous licenses for exploration, mining, retention, and reconnaissance across various minerals including uranium, rutile/titanium, platinum group …

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Linus Gwala

Human Resources Executive at QKR Namibia Navachab Gold Mine · Registered as Chartered HR Practitioner (Generalist) and Approved Mentor of the South African Board for People Practice. Extensive experience in HR and HR best practices across industries/sectors. HR positions held include HR Executive at QKR Namibia Navachab …

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SA gold wage negotiations to resume on Wednesday

South African trade unions representing gold miners would resume wage negotiations with the Chamber of Mines (CoM) on Wednesday.

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Harmony Gold agrees five-year wage deal with unions

South Africa's Harmony Gold has signed a five-year wage deal with a coalition of trade unions, the company said on Thursday.

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NUM, chamber to blind-side Amcu in wage …

The Chamber of Mines and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) are going to try to catch the militant Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) unawares on Wednesday …

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Association of Mineworkers and Construction …

The legal question was whether a collective agreement concluded between the Chamber of Mines (Chamber), on behalf of certain gold mining companies and the majority trade unions in the gold …

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Unions hail Harmony's three-year wage agreement, shift …

Harmony Gold has reached a three-year wage agreement with workers, a first for the company negotiated outside the Mineral Council's central bargaining forum.

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Time to deal: NUM demands pay hikes of more than 50% in gold …

The National Union of Mineworkers will push for salary increases that would take the entry-level wage to R15,000 over the next three years. This year's wage negotiations include gold mining and ...

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