Small Scale Gold Mining In Sierra Leone

Republic of Sierra Leone

Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) is an important source for job creation, poverty allevi- ation and broad-based socio-economic development in Sierra Leone and in other parts of the world. However, the sector, which is largely informal, is associated with various environmental and health is-

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Governing the artisanal gold mining sector in the Mano …

The Sierra Leone Mines and Minerals Act 2009 requires holders of small or large scale mining licenses to assist in developing mining host communities and promote the general welfare and quality of life of the inhabitants (Section 138).

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Follo oney Financial Flows linked to Artisanal and …

6 Follo oney Financial Flows linked to Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Sierra Leone Estelle Levin Ltd Estelle Levin Ltd. helps minerals transform society for good by providing specialist consultancy services in responsible mining and sourcing.

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It is argued that small-scale agriculture and artisanal mining are not livelihood alternatives but are instead livelihood complements. The potentially catalysing role of gold income in reinvigorating non-mining …

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Financial Flows linked to Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining …

Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) has largely been dismissed as an economically insigni cant, subsis- tence based activity in Sierra Leone. However, an investigation into the sector reveals that Sierra Leone's ASGM sector is active, vibrant, and generating significant economic value.

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Formalizing artisanal and small-scale gold mining: A …

Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is the world's largest source of anthropogenic mercury emis-sions and releases. These have devastating consequences for miners' health and the environment. ... Republic of Congo,51 Senegal,52 Sierra Leone,53 Uganda,54 and Zimbabwe55 (Figure 1). This perspective seeks to inform researchers …

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This article explores a number of the productivity and marketing difficulties that are hindering the establishment of sustainable livelihoods in small-scale agriculture in Sierra Leone. The emergence of the artisanal gold mining and trading sector in the central part of the country and synergies between farming and mining cycles are discussed.

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The Challenges of the Artisanal and Small-Scale …

Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) received official recognition in 1930, in which Diamonds were first discovered and mined in Kono District, Eastern Sierra Leone.

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3 Foreword Worldwide, the artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector constitutes 37 per cent of the global anthropogenic atmospheric mercury emissions to the environment.

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Mercury Free Mining Eco-Prosperity Initiative Mayata, Sierra Leone

Merging Sustainable Gold Mining and Community Empowerment Mercury Free Mining (MFM) has been working toward the eradication of mercury pollution in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM ...

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Assessment (MIA) and the National Action Plan (NAP) for artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) in Sierra Leone. The project is co-executed by the United Nations …

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(PDF) Overview of child labour in the artisanal …

This rapid review synthesises the literature from academic, policy, and NGO sources on child labour in the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector in Asia and Africa.

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Republic of Sierra Leone

Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) is an important source for job creation, poverty allevi-ation and broad-based socio-economic development in Sierra Leone and …

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Coated in hope and penury: The story of Sierra Leone's …

Coated in hope and penury: The story of Sierra Leone's artisan miners. Artisanal miners in the West African state are struggling for crumbs in the $250m annual diamond industry.

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Establishing Sierra Leone's first formal gold mining …

Sierra Leone's burgeoning artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector provides critical livelihoods for women and young men in a place where viable …

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Country Reports

Rapid Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Sector in Sierra Leone. In 2021, the AGC undertook a study on the impacts of …

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Licenses | National Revenue Authority

Non-Residents Coming to Sierra Leone; Small and Micro Taxpayer Regime; Paying Taxes; Self - Assessment; ... Small-scale Mining Licence: $600 per hectare: Large-scale Mining Licence (flat fee) ... $20,000.00: Radioactive minerals permit: $20,000.00: Gold . Category: Amount: Exporters Licence (Full year) USD 35,000: Exporters Licence (Half year ...

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Mining-induced displacement and resettlement: The case of rutile mining

This study examines mining-induced displacement and resettlement (MIDR) in rutile mining communities in Sierra Leone, drawing from mining and resettlement literature and utilizing political ecology and the impoverishment risk and reconstruction (IRR) model.

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Estimation of Mercury Losses and Gold Production by Artisanal and Small

Abstract Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) utilizes mercury (Hg) for the extraction of gold (Au) and is responsible for the largest anthropogenic source of emissions and releases of Hg to the environment. Previous estimates of Hg use in ASGM have varied widely. In this effort, Hg losses in ASGM were derived from the difference …

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West Africa's artisanal gold mining sector: An …

The artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector – informal, low tech, labour intensive extraction and processing, which is carried out predominantly by local people – has, for many years, been …

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The Challenges of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining …

The Challenges of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector in Sierra Leone Ibrahim Ahmed kanu1*, Ibrahim Abdulai Sawaneh2 ... country, but artisanal gold mining commenced much

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Artisanal Gold Mining: A New Frontier in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone …

Abstract This paper argues that a formalised small-scale gold mining sector could ameliorate Sierra Leone's emerging 'crisis of youth'. Burgeoning pockets of unemployed young men now found scattered throughout the country, the mobilisation of whom proved instrumental in prolonging civil war in the 1990s, have fuelled fresh …

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hindering the establishment of sustainable livelihoods in small-scale agriculture in Sierra Leone. The emergence of the artisanal gold mining and trading sector in the central part of the country

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Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) received official recognition in 1930, in which Diamonds were first discovered and mined in Kono District, Eastern Sierra Leone. Artisanal mining arose as the primary source of living for inhabitants of rural populations in 1950.

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Framing illegal artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the …

Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) plays a significant socio-economic role in the alleviation of poverty. In Ghana, the increase in and persistence of illegal ASM (galamsey) can be explained by unemployment, cumbersome and costly registration, lack of land, corruption and Chinese engagement.Traditionally, Ghanaian governments have …

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A systematic review of artisanal and small-scale mining: …

In Sierra Leone, gold panning is a -dominated activity as it provides a steady and reliable income enough to financially 'start-up' their agricultural 'businesses ... Persaud AW, Telmer KH, Costa M, Moore ML (2017) Artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Senegal: livelihoods, customary authority, and formalization. Soc Nat Resour ...

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Business Plan for Small Scale Mining in Sierra Leone

Business Plan for Small Scale Mining in Sierra Leone. DIAMOND AND GOLD MINING PROJECT IN SIERRA LEONE [pic] 9. 25 CT DIAMOND FROM SIERRA LEONE CONTENTS 1. GENERAL 2. INITIAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL For the last 2 years our company has been closely following the Sierra Leanean diamond "Industry" if we can …

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Gold Mining | Pact

Artisanal and small-scale gold mining, or ASGM, produces about 15 percent of the world's newly mined gold. At least 16 million people make a living through ASGM, including more than 4.5 million women. ... strengthened supply chains and business incentives for mercury-free gold production. In Sierra Leone, the government has developed a National ...

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The Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of …

The Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Mining on Local Livelihoods In Sierra Leone: A Case Study of Tonkolili ... 1997) Operations, whether small or large-scale, are inherently disruptive to the environment (Chernor Momodu Bah, 2016), ... and interrelated socio-economic improvements can be achieved within regional artisanal diamond and ...

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Enabling and Growing Artisanal Gold Enterprises (EnGAGE) (2020-2022) In Sierra Leone, the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASGM) sector has been recognized by the government as a major source for social and economic development.

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Artisanal mining, mechanization and human (in) security in Sierra Leone

In the case of Sierra Leone, traditional artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) employing rudimentary hand tools has gradually become more mechanized, with the illicit use of heavy machines outpacing the development of laws and policies aimed at regulating them.

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Sierra Leone: mining licence process map

A Small-Scale Mining license is issued for three years and renewable for another three-year period; A Large-Scale Mining license is awarded for an initial period of twenty five years and renewable for a further fifteen …

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Formalizing artisanal and small-scale gold mining: A grand …

The Minamata Convention mandates formalization of artisanal and small-scale gold mining to reduce mercury emissions and releases. In this article, we review the reasons why previous attempts to do this have largely failed, outline miner-centric approaches that are more likely to succeed, and estimate the likely costs of such approaches. We argue …

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Mines and Minerals Act, 2009 A

95. Eligibility for small-scale mining licences. 96. Application for small-scale mining licence. 97. Disposal of applications for small-scale mining licences. 98. Restriction on grant of small-scale mining licence. 99. Contents of small-scale mining licence. 100. Size of small-scale licence mining area. 101. Duration and renewal of small-scale ...

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Artisanal Gold Miners in Sierra Leone Get Their First …

Sierra Leone's nascent artisanal and small-scale gold mining industry is moving to reduce mercury across the sector with the formalization of its first association …

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