Muzzleloading Lead Ball Weights

Wheel weight lead question | The Muzzleloading Forum

Yes. Another one but I haven't been able to find an answer to my question. From what I have read, wheel weights lead is harder than pure lead and might be a couple thouhs oversized (instead of being .440, it might be .443) my question is, what does a harder lead do to the bore that makes...

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54 Cal .530 Lead Balls

54 Cal .530 Lead Balls 0gr Item #6100 | 100/Box . Completely uniform in size, weight, and roundness, Hornady® Round Balls deliver consistent and accurate performance.

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How to Cast Roundballs for your muzzleloader | Lead Round Ball …

You can purchase roundballs online, or from any local muzzleloading shop or sporting goods chain, but it can be a lot of fun to learn how to make them yourself.

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Non lead round ball question | The Muzzleloading Forum

Do any of you guys have experience with non-lead round balls, esp. hunting experience? How do they perform on game?

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Where to get .69 Cal round ball? | The Muzzleloading Forum

Help Support Muzzleloading Forum: ... my .72 eats up lead an alarming rate so wheel weights are probably the ticket. ... I wanted to add that I've also got some of the hand-cast .69 caliber lead round balls (in two sizes) from Track of the Wolf, and I thought that many of the balls had rather prominent sprues, not the "flat where the sprue was ...

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weight of roundballs?

Does anyone have a chart showing the average weight of the different calibers of lead roundballs? I would especially like to know how much a .50, a .54 and a …

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Lead ball casting | Page 4 | The Muzzleloading Forum

Help Support Muzzleloading Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. ... but the ones I did, I don't remember there being that much of a difference in ball weights.. Hopefully someone can post a pic showing exactly what to look for .. ... cause zinc is NOT shiny like a lead ball ...

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Completely uniform in size, weight, and roundness, Hornady® Round Balls deliver consistent and accurate performance. They're cold swaged from pure lead which eliminates air pockets and voids common to cast balls. And the smoother, rounder surface assures better rotation and consistency.

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Wheel Weight balls | The Muzzleloading Forum

I saw in an old thread where someone mentioned using "Wheel Weight Balls". I can only assume this means balls cast from wheel weights. My question is what is the advantage. Is this material that much more heavy than regular lead to make an appreciable difference or is it ????????

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Wheel weight vs. pure lead | The Muzzleloading Forum

Several years ago a pair of guy's who wrote a monthly column for "Muzzle Blasts", the monthly magazine the members of the National Muzzleloading Rifle Association receives, tested balls cast from pure lead against wheel weights.

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Weight sorting cast lead balls. | The Muzzleloading Forum

Weight sorting cast lead balls. Thread starter JDBraddy; Start date Sunday at 1:17 AM; Help Support Muzzleloading Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. JDBraddy 40 Cal MLF Supporter. Joined Oct 3, 2023 Messages 175

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Lead Ball weights and lead & lead alloy temps

Lead Ball weights and lead & lead alloy temps. Thread starter Brokenbear; Start date Sep 10, 2021; Help Support Muzzleloading Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. Brokenbear 40 Cal MLF Supporter. Joined Mar 21, 2021

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Balls cast from wheel weights ? | The Muzzleloading Forum

All of the distractors that I have read about shooting round balls out of muzzleloaders, at large deer or elk, state that the main problem is a lack of penetration because of rapid expansion, because the balls are cast, or swaged out of pure lead. Has anyone tried casting balls out of a harder...

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Thinking of casting my own round balls | The Muzzleloading …

Unlike a patched ball, that uses the patch to grip the rifling, a handgun/pistol ball actually goes through the forcing cone and into the rifling - so soft lead is a must. Plus you might find that the antimony content in wheel weights makes getting the ball into the chamber VERY hard in the first place.

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Balls & shot for muzzle loading guns

Each ball is perfect, no shrinkage, no sprue, no wrinkles. Hornady round balls are made in the most popular calibers. Hand cast round balls are cast from pure soft lead. Each ball has a tiny flat, where the sprue was …

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Identifying lead vs zinc wheel weights | The Muzzleloading …

for years I would get wheel weights for casting balls— no worry till not all WW are lead. Any tips on telling the lead from other? I find the world got off track when the changed the formula for WW— somebody did not have anything better to.

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.410" Lead ball weight? | The Muzzleloading Forum

Trying to find info on round balls. Need to know the weight of a typical, soft lead round ball in .410 diameter. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Weighing round balls | The Muzzleloading Forum

How many weigh their lead balls and what is the variance which is acceptable? I sat down today and started weighing some for my .58 Colonial. What an eye opening experience that was. Weights all over the place. I culled anything outside of 1 grain from an average. Hornady was hands down the...

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Clip on Wheel weights | The Muzzleloading Forum

Any idea what the lead content of clip on wheel weights is? Anyone use these for casting round balls?

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50 Cal .490 Lead Balls 0gr

50 Cal .490 Lead Balls 0gr. Item #6090 | 100/Box. Completely uniform in size, weight, and roundness, Hornady® Round Balls deliver consistent and accurate performance. …

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Round Balls

Completely uniform in size, weight, and roundness, Hornady® Round Balls deliver consistent and accurate performance. They're cold swaged from pure lead which …

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Wheel weights | The Muzzleloading Forum

Wheel weights will not hurt your gun. They may not shoot as well as pure lead, but since the patch is between the ball and bore there is no direct contact. Even if there were there would be no damage to the bore. I have shot about a gazillion rifle and pistol bullets cast from wheel weights through high and low quality guns with no ill results.

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roundball need to be pure lead? | The Muzzleloading Forum

The ball does upset and expand to push the patch against the wall of a smoothbore when its cast from pure lead. On the other hand, the ball will cast lighter than pure lead, but slightly Larger in a diameter than a …

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Round Balls per Pound | The Muzzleloading Forum

Do you know how many round balls you can cast per pound of lead at any given caliber? I have taken the weights of some popular round ball sizes and figured it out. There is 7000 grains per pound, divided by the round balls weight (in grains) to get an approximate number. 32 caliber: (.310)...

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Lead for casting balls | The Muzzleloading Forum

In addition to using pure lead for casting Minnies (to ensure proper skirt expansion into the groves), pure lead should be used for balls or conicals to be shot from a cap & ball revolver.

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Casting Round Balls | The Muzzleloading Forum

Would it be ok to use lead from wheel weights to melt down and cast with. I don't think that "hardness" will matter, due to the lead not touching the barrel...

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PureLead verses Wheel weights | The Muzzleloading Forum

I have read about lead from wheel weight is to hard and we should use pure lead for best results My question is, can you add pure lead to wheel weights to...

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  • Cast Boolitshttps://castboolits.gunloads/showthread.php?...

    Weight of Round Balls according to the diameter?

    WEBlead round ball weights are and have been pre-determined. where the weight varies either way.......... depends on alloy purity. 54 cal. is 230 gr. (.530 dia.) …

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    cast balls from wheel weights? | Page 2 | The Muzzleloading …

    Ok, here's a question I haven't seen yet. If the alloys in wheel weights and other lead prducts make the round balls not as soft as pure lead, will they have an effect on the barrel rifling after prolonged use? Will they wear the …

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    Balls per Pound Worksheet | The Muzzleloading Forum

    I am attaching a worksheet to figure out the balls per pound. The sheet is setup for PURE LEAD. If you are using other types lead, the number will be different. The density of the lead must know accurately for the calculation. The input cells are GREEN and the output cells are YELLOW. To start...

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    HORNADY Round Balls 45 Cal (.457") Lead Round Ball …

    Check out the HORNADY Round Balls 45 Cal (.457") Lead Round Ball 100/Box SKU: 100203130 available Online at Brownells Today and many more Blackpowder Supplies products are available in our Reloading Department.

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    HORNADY Round Balls 45 Cal (.457") Lead Round Ball …

    Completely uniform in size, weight, and roundness, Hornady® Round Balls deliver consistent and accurate performance. They're cold swaged from pure lead which …

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    Best lead for casting ball? | The Muzzleloading Forum

    Wondering what type of recycled lead is best for casting round balls. My brother picked up 47 lbs of lead from scuba diving weight belt for $2. Curious if it would be good. Also wondering about car/truck battery lead. Got a 120 lbs battery at work I could grab. Hope to cast my own someday.

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    Round ball casting question. | The Muzzleloading Forum

    I'm just getting into casting my own round balls. Using a Lee 530 mold. I've got a Lee melting pot and have been ladle pouring. I've been using wheel...

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    Shooting Hard Lead Balls | The Muzzleloading Forum

    My brother has 1500 pounds of lead from a rifle range. He said that it was half as hard as a wheel weight. Wheel weights checked 10 on his scale, this stuff checked 5, so it is half as hard as a wheel weight. They poured them into a bread pan about half full, 60 pound ingots. I remember a...

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