China Industrial Sources

China industrial environmental database 1998–2015

The CIESD is a newly released database available to researchers which covers all major industrial emission sources in China. This database has already been used and explained in details in several ...

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Chinese industrial air pollution emissions based on the

As the world's largest industrial producer, China has generated large amount of industrial atmospheric pollution, particularly for particulate matter (PM), SO2 …

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Urgent abatement of industrial sources of nitrous oxide

The industrial emissions of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas and stratospheric ozone-depleting substance, have increased since 2010. However, untapped abatement potential for industrial ...

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Decarbonization potential collaborated with source industries for China

Towards the target of carbon neutrality, the need for deep decarbonization in iron and steel industry is increasingly recognized. Existing studies rarely mention the effects of collaboration with its source industries for carbon emission reduction in ISI.

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A review of whole-process control of industrial volatile …

Due to the public health threat, important impact on PM 2.5 and O 3 and notable contribution to anthropogenic sources, industrial emission is considered to be one of the most important sources of VOCs in China. Currently, China has successively issued a series of policies and regulations to strengthen the governance of industrial VOCs.

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Industrial source identification and emission estimation of

In the present study, industrial sources of PFOS in China were identified and emissions from major related industries, including PFOS manufacture, textile treatment, metal plating, fire-fighting and semiconductor industries, were evaluated. Contribution by various industrial sources and spatial distribution of the PFOS emission were discussed.

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Natural resources in China

China's natural resources With a total surface area of approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, China has abundant land resources and possesses strategic shares in various mineral resources.

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China's wastewater treatment: Status quo and sustainability

After decades of rapid development, China has accomplished the transition of wastewater treatment from underdevelopment to an industrial powerhouse, and China's wastewater treatment has also developed rapidly and achieved some progress in pollution reduction, infrastructure construction, technological innovation, and model management.

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China: electricity generation by source 2022 | Statista

Although China's energy comes from fossil fuels, renewable energy energy sources play a bigger role in electricity generation.

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China Industrial Production

China's industrial production expanded by 6.7% year-on-year in April 2024, above market forecasts of 5.5%, faster than a 4.5% gain in the prior month. Activities in manufacturing …

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Tracking industry pollution sources and health risks in China

Industrial pollution mitigations in China's Eastern and Central regions have been neglected for decades since 2021, when driving economic growth took priority.

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Your Best Sourcing Agent and Strategic Partner in China

Help you find the best price factory with 15000 direct resources in China, offering one-stop product sourcing agent services, making global sourcing easier - Union Source.

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An improved hourly-resolved atmospheric NOx emission …

The diversity of industrial sources, variety of pollutant emission characteristics, and large number of industrial enterprises make it extremely difficult to compile an inventory of industrial sources. Industrial source emission inventories are being developed in China to quantify industrial source pollution emissions more …

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9 Industrialization in China

China's leading industrial regions, the Shanghai area and the northeast, reflected divergent sources of growth. In the Lower Yangzi region centred on Shanghai, private …

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Quantifying the uncertainties of China's emission …

A comprehensive uncertainty analysis was conducted on emission inventories for industrial sources at national (China), provincial (Jiangsu), and city …

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China industrial environmental database 1998–2015

In this study, we constructed the time-series industrial environmental database for China (CIED) at both regional and sectoral level. The database includes totally 31 regions and four types of...

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How Does Water Security Affect China's Development?

China's ongoing modernization has expanded access to safe drinking water for millions of people, yet water security remains a challenge for China.

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Ecology of industrial pollution in China

Although China accelerated industrial development in inland regions to coordinate regional economic development in the middle 1990s, the eastern coastal regions still dominated. ... Uncontrolled discharge from industrial sources was suggested to be the major reason for watershed pollution and was the focus of monitoring activities from …

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The leading international multichannel B2B marketplace & sourcing platform connecting authentic buyers and verified wholesale suppliers & manufacturers worldwide. Global Sources serves more than 10 million registered buyers and users, including 97 of the world's top 100 retailers.

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Chinese industrial air pollution emissions based on the …

This dataset provides specific information on smokestack concentrations, emissions factors, activity data and absolute emissions for China's industrial emission sources, which can offer insights ...

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Advances in air pollution control for key industries in China …

China has always ranked first in the world in the production by industrial sources such as electricity, iron, steel, and building materials. Therefore, the output of …

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Ultimate Guide to China Sourcing 2024 | Global Sources

China sourcing is a process that companies use to find, contact, and partner with suppliers in China. This process can be helpful for any company that needs to improve its supply chain. There are many reasons why a company may choose to source in China.

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China-Gulf Free Trade Talks Stall on Saudi Industrial Agenda, Sources …

China is a massive buyer of Gulf energy and in 2023 bilateral trade between China and the Gulf stood at $286.9 billion, according to Chinese customs data, with Saudi Arabia accounting for nearly ...

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China Country Analysis Brief

Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Statistics, ... restrictions have been lifted, weaker retail sales, industrial output, and investments combined ... • China was the second-highest consumer of …

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READ: The Industrial Revolution (article) | Khan Academy

Everything changed during the Industrial Revolution, which began around 1750. People found an extra source of energy with an incredible capacity for work. That source was fossil fuels — coal, oil, and natural gas, though coal led the way — formed underground from the remains of plants and animals from much earlier geologic times.

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Satellite-Based Detection and Characterization of Industrial …

Despite their important contribution to the economic domain, active heat-releasing industrial plants have significant implications for human health and climate change. However, a spatially detailed dataset of various heat-releasing industrial sectors and large-scale characterization of heat emissions from industrial sources have not …

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Emission trends of industrial VOCs in China since the clean …

China's industrial VOCs emissions were decreased to 15.72 Tg in 2019, of which chemical industry, industrial painting, petroleum industry, coal-coking industry, …

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Satellite-Based Detection and Characterization of Industrial …

Request PDF | Satellite-Based Detection and Characterization of Industrial Heat Sources in China | Despite their important contribution in the economic domain, active heat-releasing industrial ...

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China's Industrial Policy

The participants first discussed the current state of China's industrial policy by (a) quantifying the size of China's industrial policy spending; (b) identifying the different phases of China's industrial policymaking; (c) analyzing the volume and effectiveness of China's government industrial guidance funds; and (d) conduct-

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Emission factors and source profiles of volatile

In this study, the VOC emission factors and source profiles in five industrial sectors were developed using large-scale field measurements conducted in Guangzhou, China (100 samples for the emission factors and 434 samples for the source profile measurements).

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China's water risk assessment and industrial source analysis …

According to the results analysis of water risk industrial source, industrial sectors of high concern in the ten large basins of China mainly include: manufacture of chemical raw materials and chemical products, ferrous metal smelting and rolling industries, petroleum processing and coking and nuclear fuel processing industries, and coal mining ...

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China's FDI Trends: Sources, Destinations, and Key Sectors

China's FDI landscape is undergoing significant shifts, with emerging new sources of FDI flow, key areas and sectors for investment.

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