Design Data For Thickener

Gravity clarification and thickening

As always, pilot or large-scale tests, if properly conducted and evaluated, yield the best test data for thickener design. 5.2.2 Applications, construction and types of …

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Beginners guide to thickeners

Thickening is a process where a slurry or solid-liquid mixture is separated to a dense slurry containing most of the solids and an overflow of essentially clear water (or liquor in …

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Sludge treatment − dissolved air flotation …

Dissolved air flotation (DAF) provides thickening of sludges (i.e. thickens the sludge) by encouraging the solids to float to the surface by their…

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Thickeners & Clarifiers – Visual Encyclopedia of Chemical …

Equipment Design. There are three main types of thickeners/clarifiers: bridge support, column support, and traction. In a bridge support thickener, such as the one shown below, the rakes and drive mechanism are suspended from a bridge that spans the diameter of the tank. They are usually only economical for diameters of fewer than 100 feet.

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Solids Thickening

Chapter 23 Solids Thickening 1.0 INTRODUCTION 23-4 2.0 GRAVITY THICKENER 23-4 2.1 Evaluation and Scale-Up Procedures 23-5 2.1.1 Determining Area Based on Existing Data 23-6

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Sludge Thickening

The design procedure presented below makes use of a "settling column" (for discrete and/or flocculant settling) and a two-liter graduated cylinder (for sludge thickening) to obtain laboratory data for use in design of an industrial wastewater clarifier-thickener.

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Design of Scalloped- Bottom Thickener Tanks

Design of Scalloped- Bottom Thickener Tanks Thickeners are simply large tanks, usually circular in shape, which are designed to allow settling of solids and to operate with continuous overflow of clear water and underflow of thick pulp. The tlimensions of the thickener are usually such that

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Outotec Introduces 2nd Generation Paste Thickener for …

Better by design. Our application-specific design of the thickener begins with the use of methods such as discrete element modeling (DEM) to understand solid particle movement within the thickener, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for feed system design and finite element analysis (FEA) for structural steel design.

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Thickening | SpringerLink

Old and new methods for thickening design are reviewed and software for the design and simulation of batch and continuous thickening are presented. Finally, …

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CFD simulation of tailings slurry thickening in a gravity thickener

On the whole, the numerical simulation prediction presents a good agreement with the experimental data, showing that the proposed model can simulate the liquid-solid flow with a wide particle size distribution in a gravity thickener and gives a reliable prediction of separation performance.

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In very simple words, a thickener is a machine that separates liquid from solids. It is defined as a method of continuous dewatering of a dilute pulp, wherein a regular discharge of a thick pulp takes place which is of uniform density, concurrently with an overflow of clarified solution.

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A Thickener by definition produces thick mud - but how thick is enough? This is often best considered with reference to a Yield Stress Curve with yield stress in pascals plotted against underflow density. The yield stress is a subset of the enormous topic of rheology and is commonly used in Thickener design to represent the force required to

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The innovative paste-thickener design facilitates highly clarified liquid recovery as well as maximum underflow densities. 3 Cost-effective solid-liquid separation with crystal clear overflow VARIETY AND AVAILABILITY Thanks to the thickener's innovative, modular design, ANDRITZ is able to offer a wide range of thickeners and ...

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Gravity clarification and thickening

As always, pilot or large-scale tests, if properly conducted and evaluated, yield the best test data for thickener design. 5.2.2 Applications, construction and types of gravity thickeners Most of the applications of gravity thickeners are in mineral and coal processing, and in waste water treatment.

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Lesson 11: Sludge Thickening Objective

A thickener operates pretty much like a settling tank. The feed enters from the middle, are distributed radially, the settled sludge is collected from the underflow, and the effluent exits over the s.

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Theory and application of thickener design

It is employed mainly in design calculations to determine the required thickener area, the most important design parameter, and ultimately the maximum …

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A thickener is an equipment structure used for the continuous gravity settling (sedimentation) of solids in suspensions. Suspension is fed into one or more basins or chambers and, whilst it is passing through, the solids settle out. ... and zone settling imposes an area demand on thickener design. When the feed flux of solids is below the ...

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Theory and application of thickener design

The understanding of hydrodynamic characteristics and particle size distribution (PSD) of solid–liquid disengagement is crucial to design a continuous thickener for the reconversion step of nuclear fuel reprocessing.

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Comprehensive Guide to Mining Thickeners | Mining Pedia

The design of mining thickeners is a critical aspect that directly impacts their performance, efficiency, and operational reliability. Considerations related to various design parameters must be taken into account to ensure optimal thickener operation.

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How a Thickener Works

The Dorr torq thickener is a new development in the unit thickener field. The raking mechanism is supported from a stationary central pier on which the driving motor and gear reduction are mounted. The feed may be introduced at the center through a launder suspended above the top of the liquid leavel or by means of a siphon feed through the ...

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Sizing and Operating Thickeners

Thickener Operation. Figure 13 shows a log-log relationship between underflow concentration and unit area at various interface heights for a desulfurization sludge. This graph was made from the data gathered in the continuous tests, considering the interface height recorded for each run instead of the inventory of solids in the …

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The thickener design based on the solids flux data obtained in the Iaboratory involves the selection of the solids flux that will limit the operation of the thickener in other words, the maximum solids loading.

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Laboratory Testing for Design of Thickener Circuit

In most cases a correction factor must be applied for the height of the mudline or sludge zone in the laboratory test compared to this height in the actual thickener. Another …

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Laboratory Testing for Design of Thickener Circuit

LABORATORY TESTING FOR DESIGN OF THICKENER CIRCUITS Joseph M. Keane K D Engineering Co., Inc. 1844 W. Grant Road, Suite 106 Tucson, Arizona 85745 ... and Naidel (1979) utilizes data from the graduated cylinder batch sedimenta- tion tests with the addition of rakes rotating at a very slow speed to attempt to achieve the maximum density ...

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Design of Thickeners

This chapter presents different theories of thickener design. These theories have been applied to the solution of the same problem, wherever applicable, to reveal …

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Thickener modelling – from laboratory experiments to …

Thickener modelling is demonstrated to be a science that is heavily reliant on a knowledge of the state of flocculation of aggregates leaving the feedwell of a thickener, as well as …

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Thickeners and clarifiers Complete range of reliable and …

design maximises pulp concentration, and produces uniform, non-segregating underflow slurry with a paste consistency. E-® ultra-high-rate clarifier and thickener With its rakeless design, the E- uses novel technology to accomplish both clarification and thickening in a single unit that takes up minimal area. High-density thickeners

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A Critical Review of Thickener Design Methods t

A Critical Review of Thickener Design Methods t F. Concha and A. Barrientos Department of Metallurgical Engineering University of Concepcion* Abstract In this work we analyze, in the light of their physical foundation, the different methods of thickener design that have been proposed in the literature.

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Raking in gravity thickeners

It is the first of these functions that is the focus of this paper. Although thickener rakes are essential in the transport of bed material to the underflow in conventional thickener designs, and effective rake design and operation can reduce the likelihood of rat-holing, little is known about transport due to rake action in thickeners.

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Thickener Sizing Calculator valid for settling thickeners, high rate thickeners, and clarrifiers

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CHAPTER 12 Sludge Processing and Disposal

These values shall be used for design unless other acceptable data is submitted. Table 12-1 Sludge Production Rates (lb sludge) ... Thickener design should provide means to prevent septicity during the thickening process. Odor consideration should be considered.

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Thickener design procedure and method

The process control systems need a very good understanding if the thickener operation as well. My advice is to get a basic understanding of the principles and then discuss your issues with the experts i.e. the thickener suppliers and rake suppliers and get them to look at a design which suits your application.

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(PDF) Modeling industrial thickener using computational …

The simulation results showed good agreement with the operational data. Computing mesh for the industrial thickener. Flow rate of the launder and bottom of the thickener verses the feed flow rate ...

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