California City Gold Mines


The California gold rush of the 1800s continues today with small miners mining for gold and silver in more than 5,000 mining claims and where rockhounders search for rocks, minerals, and gemstones on public lands.

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Gold Mining Lore

California gold is generally found in two kinds of deposits, lode and placer. The lode deposit is usually deeply buried quartz gold that is mined with hardrock techniques. Placer deposits originated in lodes but have been moved over the centuries by erosion and weathering. They are mined by panning, sluicing or dredging.

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Kennedy Gold Mine

Welcome to the Historic Kennedy Gold Mine! Discover how gold transformed California at this renowned mine, one of the world's deepest at 5912 feet. From the famous …

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Gold Mines for Sale

Gold Mines For Sale including alluvial placer gold mines, lode gold mines, patented gold mines, BLM gold mines, and other gold mines for sale worldwide.

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Where to Find Gold in California

However, California remains the premier state for the independent miner looking to find gold by placer mining methods or by metal detecting. Shaded rectangles are PLSS townships in California that contain historical gold …

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California Gold Mines: 2019 Actual And 2020 Forecast …

California, although historically known for its gold production, is not what it used to be and isn't anything close to Nevada.

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Map of California Historic Gold Mines, 1998

Title: Map of California Historic Gold Mines, 1998 Author: Les Youngs, California Geological Survey (California Department of Conservation) Created Date

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Kentucky Mine Historic Park and Museum

A visit to the Kentucky Mine and Museum located on Highway 49 near the town of Sierra City, CA, is a unique opportunity for you and your family to step into the world of the gold-seeking miners who worked the mines and built the …

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Nevada City California – Western Mining History

Nevada City History Miners began finding gold along Deer Creek, a tributary of the South Yuba River, in 1849. A cabin was built at the confluence of Gold Run and Deer Creek in September by a of gold miners – John Pennington, William …

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Holcomb Valley Gold Mine Near Big Bear City, California

The Holcomb Valley Gold Mine, located near Big Bear City, California, is situated in the Baldwin Lake-Bear Valley Mining District, which is currently encompassed by the San Bernardino National Forest. This mining operation primarily focuses on placer mining, a method of extracting gold from sediment deposits.

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Gold Rush: California, Date & Sutter's Mill | HISTORY

The Gold Rush in California started in 1848 after gold was found at Sutter's Mill. Within a year, hundreds of thousands of 49ers seeking fortune poured into the state.

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7 California Ghost Towns that Capture the Golden State's Rich Mining

Discover 7 of the best ghost towns in California and how these boom-or-bust mining towns all contributed to the Golden State's history.

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9 Places to Search for Gold in California

The Best Places to Look for California Gold. Try your luck at panning gold near the South Yuba River. You might find them in old mine tailings, at turns in the river, …

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Bodie | Gold Mine and Ghost Town | Museum and Tours

Come walk the deserted streets of a genuine California gold-mining ghost town that once had a population of nearly 10,000 people.

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12 Best Gold Rush Towns in California You Must Visit (+ Map …

Also located in Nevada County in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada, Grass Valley boasts a rich gold rush era history and a relaxed ambience that makes it a wonderful day outing or weekend getaway. The top thing to do in Grass Valley is a visit to Empire Mine State Historic Park. The …

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Placer County California Gold Production – Western Mining …

Circle markers locate the gold mines of the Dutch Flat district. Image is from the WMH Mine Discovery Tools for Google Earth Pro. Placer mining began in 1849, and by 1857 hydraulic and drift mines were producing on a fairly large scale.

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Five Historic Sierra Gold Mines Worth a Visit

The Sacramento area is rich with history, and a lot of it centers on the California Gold Rush. The city is chock-full of museums and other attractions that highlight that famed period in history. Within Sacramento you can find remnants of the Gold

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The Rich History & Gold Mines of Nevada City, California

The Sierra Nevada Mountains were abuzz with miners following the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill. The exceptionally rich gold deposits found in the creeks and rivers around Sutter's Mill and Coloma attracted thousands and thousands of men. It wasn't long until other exceptional gold strikes were made. One of the most important in …

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18 Gold Mining Towns on California's Highway 49

You should definitely check out the Gold Bug Mine, which dates back to 1888. You can go underground and see the old underground workings, a blacksmith shop and an old stamp mill. 8. Amador City . There was extensive gold mining activity around Amador City, which sits just off of Highway 49 to the east.

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California gold rush towns are booming again. Here's what …

California gold rush towns are booming again. Here's what to see and do. In the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, former mining hamlets appeal to hikers, historians, and foodies.

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Five Historic Sierra Gold Mines Worth a Visit

Below are five historic Sierra gold mines that will take visitors back in time to experience the Gold Rush for themselves. 1. Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park - the site where it all began. Gold was …

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13 Lively California Gold Rush Towns You Must Visit

Looking for the best Gold Rush or Old West towns to visit in California? Come get your fill of Gold Country history at these top 7 must-visit towns.

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About Amador City History

Amador City History and Walking Tour with Map. Amador Government and Tourism guide to shopping, lodging, restaurants, wineries and the Amador County Museum.

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Empire Mine State Historic Park: Exploring one of …

Empire Mine State Historic Park is home to one of the richest and longest running gold mines in California. The mine ran for over 100 years and was able to extract more than 5.5 million ounces of gold.

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California Gold Mines, Gold Prospecting, Gold Panning and …

California Gold Region 6 has gold mining and prospecting locations ranging eastward from Crescent City on the Pacific Ocean to Modoc National Forest northeast of Alturas. The gold sites range southward from the Oregon state line to latitude 40 degrees, north, which is five miles north of Quincy, California.

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Kennedy Mine Foundation

Kennedy Gold Mine Gift Shop. Visit the Kennedy Gold Mine Gift Shop for a wide selection of gold and mining-related items, including Kennedy T-shirts, memorabilia, rocks and minerals, jewelry, art, books about gold mining, and a souvenir self-guided tour book. Purchase our famous 7-minute video with rare footage of the mine in action seen on the ...

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Soledad Mountain

Golden Queen Mining is home to the historic Soledad Mountain Project, located just south of Mojave in Kern County California. Golden Queen produces both gold and silver metals from Soledad Mountain and is one of the last remaining gold mines in the state of …

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The Golden State: A Closer Look at Mining in …

California is known as the Golden State for its rich history of gold mining. Today, it remains one of the largest states for mining in the U.S.

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Gold Country Attractions

Grass Valley Gold Country Attractions North Star Mining Museum and Pelton Wheel Exhibit. Operated by the Nevada County Historical Society, this museum (California Historic Landmark No. 843) has been recognized as the most complete hardrock mining museum in California.

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History of Empire Mine

Empire Mine's history began in 1850 when George Roberts found hard-rock gold in a quartz vein – more than a year after James Marshall discovered placer gold at Sutter's Sawmill. Suddenly, Northern California was a magnet for those seeking wealth, new opportunities, and adventure.

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Sutter Creek Things to Do | California Gold Country …

Things to do in Sutter Creek, California. Sutter Creek activities and entertainment. Sutter Creek in Amador County features Gold Country hotels, bed and breakfasts, restaurants, shops and events. Sutter Creek is central to the Sierra Foothill Wine regions including Shenandoah Valley, El Dorado County's Fairplay region and …

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Lithium drilling is happening now at California's Salton Sea

The race is on to strike 'white gold' at California's Salton Sea Lithium is key to renewable energy, electric cars and cellphones. And there's loads of it in the Imperial Valley.

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California Gold mining, mines, mine owners and mine …

California Gold mining, Gold mine companies, mine owners and mine information. US-Mining provides information on mines, operators, and minerals mined in California

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Mining In California | The Diggings™

25,673 USGS records of mining mines in California. Gold, Silver, Copper, Chromium, and Lead mines located in California. See All; Top Counties by Active mining claims. ... City State Category Interest Relationship Total Claims Active Claims Closed Claims Active Acres.

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Abandoned Mine Lands Unit

In California, you have likely passed within a few miles of legacy abandoned mines. These mines are present in all 58 counties on federal lands (~64% statewide), privately owned lands (~32%), and lands owned or managed by …

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Mines Online

Skip to Main Content. Menu Contact Search. Home; Abandoned Mines; SMARA Mines; Laws & Regulations

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