Literature Review On Sand Mining

Mining and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Systematic Literature

PDF | On Jan 1, 2017, Rafael Fernandes de Mesquita and others published Mining and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Systematic Literature Review | Find, read and cite all the research you need ...

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The environmental impacts of river sand mining

This paper brings together the effects of river sand mining on the physical, biological, chemical, and anthropogenic environment through a systematic literature …

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Environmental impact analysis of quarrying …

Crushed rocks (World) Literature review n/a Review of world literature on the rock raw material quarrying 11. [22] ... Extractive sand mining in this region has caused substantial land loss, soil ...

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Review article Assessing impacts of mining: Recent contributions from

We review the use of GIS and remote sensing to analyse the impacts of mining on water, land, society and economy. • Analyses have emphasised and delineated land use and related impacts far more than socio-economic impacts. • Strategies for effective mapping of mining impacts in future are outlined.

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Impacts of riverine sand mining on freshwater ecosystems: A review …

This paper summarizes the results of a literature review into the impacts of riverine sand mining on freshwater ecosystems. The aim of the review was to provide an understanding of the range of observed impacts related to sand mining activities and to guide future research directions.

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Sustainability | Free Full-Text | River Sand and Gravel Mining

This study highlights the usefulness of small UAVs in identifying illegal gravel and sand mining sites in river beds (Romania), but also in smaller torrents (Greece). ... Tickner, D.; Loftus, A.C.; Acreman, M.C. Impacts of riverine sand mining on freshwater ecosystems: A review of the scientific evidence and guidance for future research. River ...

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Uncovering the lack of awareness of sand mining impacts on …

Based on our systematic literature review, we found 17 related papers which assessed the perception and awareness of local communities towards sand …

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Impacts of riverine sand mining on freshwater …

This paper summarizes the results of a literature review into the Rivers are a major source of sand and gravel for numerous reasons: impacts of riverine sand mining on …

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Can smart policies solve the sand mining …

Economics literature on sand mining. Against the backdrop of the studies summarized in the following section, our article provides the first economic analysis of sand mining, sand trade and suitable policies …

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Sand and gravel mining impact on the surface water quality: …

The water resources in Turkey are under immense pressure due to various kinds of anthropogenic activities among which sand and gravel mining is the most disastrous one due to its adverse environmental impacts. In this study, impacts of the sand and gravel mining activities in the city of Tirebolu, Giresun Province, on the water quality of the …

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Sustainable transition of mining cities in China: Literature review …

First, the research interests in the English literature of mining cities evolve from the impacts of mining on local environment and then on human health, to the sustainability of mining cities and particularly sustainable transition of Chinese mining cities. Second, the Chinese literature of mining cities focuses constantly on sustainable ...

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Impacts related to sand dredging activity: Literature review

Impacts related to sand dredging activity: Literature review . ... subjected to sand mining activities in southern Beni n, no other work has really looked at the impa cts of this .

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Sand mining: Stopping the grind of unregulated supply chains

Methodologically, our study is based on a review of the literature, including academic studies and major policy scoping initiatives. 5. Following this introduction, we first briefly review the types of sand mining and extraction, factors increasing demand for sand, and costs to environmental and human socioeconomic livelihoods.

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A Comparative Analysis on Curbing Illegal Sand Mining in …

The problem of this research paper is to discuss on illegal sand mining in Sri Lanka. Sand has been commercialized and mining has expanded rapidly, which has resulted increments in the supply chain of sand throughout the time.

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Introduction to Sand Mining Activity | SpringerLink

Existing studies have shown that sand mining is a global economic activity that supports urbanization, community livelihood and housing, and construction sector thereby contributing immensely to the gross domestic products (GDP) of all countries.

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Modeling the assessment of socio-economical and

Modeling the assessment of socio-economical and environmental impacts of sand mining on local communities: A case study of Villages Tatao River Bank in North-western part of Iran ... economic dimension and were also extracted from previous studies with the investigation of the resources and literature review of the previous studies. The ...

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Impacts of Sand Mining on Environment – A Review

Impacts of Sand Mining on Environment – A Review Professor Podila Sankara Pitchaiah*1 Department of Geology, Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India Abstract ... Sand mining disturbs and completely remove the habitat from the mined zones.

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Review A review of sustainable mining and resource management

A systematic literature review was performed, the first step of which involved selecting databases of published peer-reviewed journals and searching for keywords such as "sustainable mining", "sustainable development AND mining", "sustainability and mining", as well as more generally "sustainab* AND mining".

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How is Sand Mining Affecting the Environment? An Overview

This paper seeks to overview the knowledge on the impacts of sand mining on the built and natural environment. Data was obtained through a literature review of academic journals, news media and blogs.

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Literature Review On Sand Mining | Top Writers

Literature Review On Sand Mining, Attributes Of A Critical Literature Review, Write Custom Academic Essay On Lincoln, Business Plan Worst Case Scenario, Research Papers Done On Pterophyllum Altum, First-generation Colleges Student Dissertation, Nora Ephron Boston Photographs Essay

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Impacts of riverine sand mining on freshwater …

This paper summarizes the results of a structured literature review addressing the question, "What evidence is there of impacts of sand mining on ecosystem structure, process, and...

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Drivers and effects of construction-sand mining in Sub …

A literature review was undertaken adapting the PRISMA approach to provide an overview of present-day literature on sand mining in Sub-Saharan Africa (Page et al., 2021). Web of Science and African Journal Online were searched between May 2-18, 2022 and a follow up search was conducted on December 16, 2022 where …

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Sustainability of alternative livelihood strategies in selected sand …

In Ghana, terrestrial sand mining in rural and peri-urban areas negatively affects the livelihoods of the majority of the residents employed in land-based livelihoods. We examine the sustainability...

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Effects of Sand Harvesting on Environment and …

Review of related literature According to many writers, the number of people who have been displaced by environmental degradation is immense. Jacobson (1988) notes that, "environmental refugees have become the single largest class of displaced ... Although sand mining contributes to the construction of buildings and development, its negative ...

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(PDF) Identification and categorization of hazards in the mining …

Identification and categorization of hazards in the mining industry: A systematic review of the literature

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Contributions of Sand Mining to Development | SpringerLink

This chapter of the book deals with the review of existing literature and theoretical foundations relevant to sand mining activities. The chapter discusses literatures on socio-environmental impacts, hydrological and geomorphic effects of sand mining and contributions of sand mining to development.

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The Unsustainable Use of Sand: Reporting on a …

As sea-level rise associated with climate change threatens coastal areas, sand in coastal areas will play an increasingly greater …

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Sustainability of alternative livelihood strategies in …

Sustainability of alternative livelihood strategies in selected sand mining communities in the Ga South Municipality and Gomoa East District of Ghana Kofi eboah y asare, John Victor Mensah, Joseph Boateng gyenim and a ... Literature review this section encompasses sustainable livelihood framework and the entitlement approach.

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How is Sand Mining Affecting the Environment? An Overview

This paper seeks to overview the knowledge on the impacts of sand mining on the built and natural environment, with special focus on Ghana. Data was obtained through a literature review of academic journals, news media and blogs. The results revealed that sand mining is taking place in environmentally unfriendly and unsustainable manner.

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Uncovering the lack of awareness of sand mining impacts …

In addition, we did a systematic literature review on Google Scholar and Web of Science to obtain relevant case studies on people's perceptions towards sand mining, as well as articles published ...

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River Sand Mining and its Management: A Global Challenge

Human disturbances in fluvial system in the form of inverse land use change, construction of dam or reservoir for hydroelectric power generation, flow diversion for flood mitigation and supply of irrigation water, gravel and …

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Sand mining in BRICS economies: Tragedy of the commons …

Sand mining is a prime example of this, as it is a finite resource essential for construction, glassmaking, and coastal ecosystems. Unregulated sand mining can lead to overexploitation, erosion, flooding, reduced water quality, marine ecosystem damage, and loss of biodiversity.

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Sand Extraction and Its Impact on the Livelihood of …

of the people of developing countries. The literature review section indicated that sand mining brought several negativeS impacts on the natural environment, including river ecosystem and economy. Most of the related studies are biased to explore the impact of sand mining on environment (for more details please refer to section 2).

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