Solution Solution To Illegal Mining In Nigeria

Curtailing Illegal Mining Operation in Nigeria

In the absence of effective policy, illegal mining has continued unabated and no royalties are paid to the federal government. This paper presents the loopholes and the ways to …

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Ebonyi State is one of the States in Nigeria that is endowed with solid minerals including lead ores. Unregulated mining in Ebonyi State started with the mining of lead-zinc (Pb-Zn) ore in 1925 (2) and since then Pb mining has progressed tremendously because of …

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Oil theft, illegal mining plagued Nigeria's economy for years

For years, oil theft has been a persistent problem in Nigeria, negatively impacting crude oil production and Nigeria's revenue and prompting calls for a thorough investigation.

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Illegal mining is economic sabotage, perpetrators should be …

The President, Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society, Prof Akinade Olatunji, shares with AYOOLA OLASUPO some negative impacts of illegal mining in …

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Evolution Of Mining in Nigeria ... The presence of Illegal mining activities and insecurity, mainly in the country's north also discourage investment in the mining sector. ... This solution is further concentrated, refined, and converted …

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Illegal mining: the problem and possible solutions

It has been suggested that a solution to illegal mining would be to legalise and regulate artisanal mining, allowing illegal miners to obtain permits to carry out their activities. This is the approach taken to what is referred to as artisanal mining in many African countries, including South Africa's neighbour to the north, Zimbabwe.

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Diversification is an important element of economic growth. According to an estimate by the committee put together to develop a roadmap for the sustainable development of the mining and metals sector in Nigeria, the minerals and mining sector could generate more than US$25 billion by 2025 which makes up 3 percent of our GDP.

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Illegal mining

Illegal mining and trafficking in precious metals negatively impact peace, stability, security, development, governance, the rule of law, the environment and the economy. Furthermore, illegal mining of precious metals is often accompanied by serious human rights abuses and it can have severe environmental impacts, including through ...

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The Nigerian government may have lost about N4 billion in three years, owing to illegal practices and corrupt activities of companies operating in the mining sector in Nigeria. Illegal mining ...

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(PDF) Addressing the Socio-Economic and Community Issues in Mining

In the past two decades, the Federal Government of Nigeria has made concerted efforts to revitalise and grow Nigeria's mining sector to diversify its sources of revenue and foreign exchange earnings.

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Nigerian Mining Progress, but still a long way to go.

Nigeria's Mining regulatory framework: To further attract investment, generate revenues and develop the local mining industry, the Federal Government of ... and tackle illegal mining and trafficking of minerals across the states of the Federation. • Hosting of the Annual Nigerian Mining Week, an annual event, physical and online, for all ...

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Environmental Issues and the Prospects of Mining in …

Considering the fact that mining activities in Nigeria operate below capacity in the absence of proper regulations and standards, the cases of human fatalities from lead poisoning prompted by mining remain widespread as well.

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Frontiers | "Illegal" Gold Mining Operations in Ghana: …

Illegal mining is defined locally (Ghanaian context) as mining operations in which miners without a license have no concessions of their own operate uncontrollably within concessions of large-scale mining companies or in areas prohibited for mining (Aryee, 2003; Hilson et al., 2013).

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All you need to know about Nigeria's new mining law

One of the key changes is that the law will give local governments the impetus to crack down on illegal mining by devolving responsibility from the federal to the state level of government. "The 2007 act is very federal government-centric, so essentially the powers and ownership of mineral …

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Mining in Nigeria: Challenges, opportunities, and prospects

Security concerns: Many mining regions in Nigeria face security challenges, including illegal mining activities, community conflicts, and in some cases, armed banditry. This has deterred investments and …

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Banditry in Nigeria: Insights from Situational Action and

Situational Action Theory explains banditry in Nigeria, while Situational Crime Prevention offers practical solutions for the banditry problem.

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To further curb this disaster, Nigeria government should enforce the laws that ban any non-public persons or cluster of person from exploiting mineral without getting due license by …

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Nigeria government cracks down on illegal Lithium mining …

Nigeria's government is cracking down on illegal mining, making dozens of arrests of unlicensed miners since April for allegedly stealing the country's lithium, a critical mineral used in batteries for electric vehicles, smartphones and power systems.

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Nigeria government cracks down on illegal Lithium mining …

Nigeria's government is cracking down on illegal mining, making dozens of arrests of unlicensed miners since April for allegedly stealing the country's lithium, a …

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Strategies and regulatory measures for Combatting illicit mining …

The methodology, literature review, and theoretical framework combating illegal mining are included in section two. Section three examines the legal and regulatory frameworks governing mining operations in Nigeria, the challenge occasioned by illegal mining operations in Nigeria, the contribution of the mining sector to Nigeria's economy.

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How Nigeria aims to boost mining's share of GDP

Midstream processing has also been identified as a way to create more skilled jobs in mining communities – areas that could benefit from technology and knowledge transfer from established operators, with the added benefit of …

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How illegal miners wreak havoc on Nigeria

There are claims that the connivance between politically connected Nigerians and Chinese entities in illegal gold mining has driven rural banditry and …

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Nigeria cracking down on illegal mining

Nigeria's government is cracking down on illegal mining, making dozens of arrests of unlicensed miners since April for allegedly stealing the country's lithium, a critical mineral used in ...

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Reviving Nigeria's neglected $700bn mining sector

Nigeria's mining sector boasts 44 different types of commercially viable minerals worth an estimated $700bn, according to SMDF estimates; but limited capital injections, inadequate geo-mapping tools and widespread illegal mining have left the west African nation struggling to capitalise on its reserves.

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The Nigerian Mining Sector In 2023

Insecurity can be said to be the most prominent challenge encountered in the mining sector and this spans through illegal mining, rural banditry and smuggling. Illegal mining refers to mining activities that are undertaken without State permission, land rights, mining licences, and exploration or mineral transportation permits.

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Mining Resource Corridor development in Nigeria: critical

The low crude oil prices in 2019 add momentum to Nigeria's need for economic diversification as its foreign earnings come primarily from crude oil sales. As a result, Nigeria is seeking to explore other economic potentials, such as developing a Mining Resource Corridor (MRC) to reduce poverty and assist the country's sustained growth …

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Illegal mining drives Nigeria's rural banditry and local conflicts

The rise in illegal mining which leads to violent local conflicts in the region highlights numerous fundamental social, institutional and structural problems in Nigeria's governance system. First, it reveals the prevailing socio-economic problems in the region, especially the inadequate responses to poverty and poor service delivery by the state.

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This paper assesses the national security implications of illegal mining of the solid mineral endowments of Nigeria within a resurging governmental interest in planning economic development on exploitation of these mineral deposits. The paper finds that there is wide spread illegal mining in the

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Minister inaugurates marshals to combat illegal mining in Nigeria

The Federal Government of Nigeria is set to combat the menace of illegal mining in the country with the official inauguration of a group of Mining Marshals Corps. Dele Alake, the Minister of Solid ...

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Nigeria loses 91% revenue to illegal miners — ECOWAS …

The Speaker of the Economic Community of West African States Parliament, Mohamed Tunis, has disclosed that Nigeria loses 91 per cent of its revenue from the mining sector to illegal miners.

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