Journals On Geopolymer Concrete With Copper Slag


STRENGTH AND DURABILITY STUDY OF GEOPOLYMER CONCRETE WITH REPLACEMENT OF SAND USING COPPER SLAG Sivaranjani.S., Sridhar. M. Abstract— One of the regularly used man made building material in the word is concrete.

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Ecofriendly geopolymer concrete: a comprehensive review

After ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete, geopolymer concrete (GPC) is the most advanced form of concrete. GPC has many advantages including improved strength and durability properties. High early age strength and ambient curing of GPC helps to reduce the construction time. Factors such as binder materials, alkali …

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Geopolymer concrete with copper slag as fine aggregate a …

Geopolymer concrete is made with the partial replacement of CS for fine aggregate with Fly-Ash used as a cementitious material. Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na 2 SiO 3) are the alkali activators taken for this present study.

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Utilization of alkali-activated copper slag as binder in concrete …

This study was focused on developing concrete using alkali-activated copper slag (AACS) as a binder. The properties of alkali-activated copper slag concrete (AACSC) were compared with portland cement concrete (PCC). Different AACSC mixes were prepared with varying Na2O dosage (6% and 8% of the binder by weight) and …

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Development of High-Strength Geopolymer Concrete …

Development of High-Strength Geopolymer Concrete Incorporating High-Volume Copper Slag and Micro Silica. by. Nagarajan Arunachelam. 1, Jeyaprakash Maheswaran. 2, Maheswaran Chellapandian. 1,*, Gunasekaran Murali. 3,* and. Nikolai …

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Effects of Copper Slag as Partial Replacement for Fine …

When the strength and cost for the different mixes are compared it can be concluded that geopolymer concrete with copper slag shows improved strength characteristics and helps in reducing the cost for production. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, ...

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A review on the influence of copper slag as a natural fine …

The current article critically reviews the available literature as reported in various reputed journals and conference proceedings on the use of CS as a NFA replacement in various types of concrete-like OPC based normal concrete, high-strength concrete, self-compacting concrete, and geopolymer concrete.

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Advances in geopolymer materials: A comprehensive review

Learn about the latest developments and applications of geopolymer materials, a sustainable and low-carbon alternative to conventional cement.

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Non-destructive prediction of strength of geopolymer concrete …

The use of nickel slag, copper slag, crumb rubber and blast furnace slag as sand aggregate replacement and incorporation of recycled coarse aggregates into conventional concrete has been done by various researchers with positive results (Haddad et al. 2017; Van Dao et al. 2019; Wongsa et al. 2019).

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(PDF) Effect of Copper Slag on Micro, Macro, and Flexural

The present investigation is mainly focused on the effect of copper slag (CS) on micro, macro, and flexural characteristics of geopolymer concrete (GPC).

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Preliminary Study on Geopolymer Concrete using Copper Slag …

Geopolymer concrete (GPC) is becoming a sustainable concrete when comparing to ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete. This investigation is mainly focused on the preliminary study on fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) based GPC using copper slag (CS) and vermiculite (VM)

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(PDF) A high-performance geopolymer concrete an

A high-performance geopolymer concrete an experimental study using fly ash, GGBS and copper slag. June 2021; Journal of Structural Engineering (Madras) 48(1):71-84; Authors: Imran Khan.

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Design and development of sustainable geopolymer using …

This research focuses on the identification and investigation of various design variables and their influence on the performance of Copper slag incorporated geopolymer mortar (CSGM) developed by using industrial copper byproduct.

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Properties of slag based geopolymer reactive powder concrete

Geopolymer concrete is a new technology that can totally replace the cement in concrete. The main objective of this study is to produce Geopolymer RPC and evaluate its mechanical and durability properties under different curing techniques.

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Mechanical and fracture properties of slag/steel slag-based geopolymer …

The experimental results indicate that substituting ordinary Portland cement with slag-based one-part geopolymer significantly enhanced the compressive and splitting tensile strength of geopolymer natural aggregate concrete (GNAC), although it leaded to a decrease in fracture properties.

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Geo-Engineering and Microstructural Properties of Geopolymer Concrete

Farhan NA, Sheikh MN, Hadi MN (2019) Investigation of engineering properties of normal and high strength fly ash based geopolymer and alkali-activated slag concrete compared to ordinary Portland cement concrete.

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Geopolymer concrete as sustainable material: A state of the …

Ground granulated blast furnace slag as supporting material for geopolymer concrete GGBFS is a side-product that is obtained during the manufacturing of iron and steel in the blast furnace where iron ore (Fe 2 O 3, Fe 3 O 4, etc), calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ), and coke are heated at a specific temperature of about 1500 °C.

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Effective Utilization of Copper Slag for the …

The microstructural analysis performed using SEM/EDS and FTIR showed that a cohesive and fully compact geopolymer matrix was achieved together with the use of low-calcium fly ash and copper slag...

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Microstructural and other properties of copper slag–coal …

Hence, the primary goal of this research was to evaluate their usage in concrete to replace sand with copper slag and coal bottom ash waste, as well as cement with fly ash. Concrete mixtures were made using varying amounts of waste copper slag (CS) and bottom ash (CBA) (0–60%) in equal proportions as a partial substitute for …

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One such is the geopolymer concrete and this paper presents an overview of recent advances in geopolymer concrete, a concrete formed by organic/inorganic materials using alkaline activation ...

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Effective Utilization of Copper Slag for the Production of …

This study investigates the physical and microstructure characterization of sustainable geopolymer concrete (GPC) developed with copper slag as a replacement for fine aggregate. In total, forty-four geopolymer concrete mixtures were prepared to …

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A review on the influence of copper slag as a natural fine …

It has been reported in the literature that geopolymer concrete incorporating copper slag cured at a higher temperature had better mechanical qualities than the ambient cured geopolymer concrete.

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geopolymer concrete with fly ash and other by-product material and various hardened properties but limited works found in the area of geopolymer concrete with copper slag as fine aggregate hence considering this research gap the work is carried out on fly ash based geopolymer concrete with copper slag as partial replacement.

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Mechanical Strength and Microstructure Properties of Concrete

3.2. Workability of the Copper Slag Concrete. Concrete workability refers to its capacity for easy placement, compaction, and finishing without facing issues such as separation or bleeding. Factors such as the water-to-cement ratio, the quantity and nature of the aggregate, and the incorporation of chemical admixtures influence this attribute.

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A Literature Review on Fiber Reinforced Geopolymer …

Geopolymer Concrete ... fiber and Copper Slag. Compressive strength test, split tensile test and water absorption test in heat curing at 60˚C for 24 hours in hot air oven are done. Glass fibers were . FIBER FIBER FIBER .

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Review of Geopolymer Composites Synthesized Using …

This study aims to provide a brief overview of multiple studies demonstrating the use of different industrial waste products in geopolymer synthesis and the utilization of industrial waste-based geopolymers as soil stabilizers.

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Preliminary Study on Geopolymer Concrete using …

Abstract: Geopolymer concrete (GPC) is becoming a sustainable concrete when comparing to ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete. This investigation is mainly focused on the preliminary study on fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) based GPC using copper slag (CS) and vermiculite (VM)

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Mechanical and Durability Properties of Geopolymer …

geopolymer concrete using Metakolin and Copper Slag along with activator solutions. Hamdy k prepared 18 concrete mixtures while varying the keywords: Geopolymer Concrete, Copper Slag, Metakaolin, Mechanical and durability properties. I. INTRODUCTION Concrete is most extensively used construction material in the world.

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Microstructure characteristics of geopolymer aggregate concrete …

The aggregate demand occurs due to increased growth rate of construction activities. The insufficiency of aggregates is result of demand which arise problem and it addressed by novel technique for creating non-traditional aggregates to replace traditional coarse aggregates. This work comprises a unique methodology to study the …

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Evaluation of Durability and Microstructural Properties of Geopolymer …

The present paper deals with the experimental investigations of durability properties as well as microstructural properties of geopolymer concrete with ferrochrome slag used as coarse aggregate. Geopolymeric binder was found out by activating fly ash with alkaline activators (NaOH and Na2SiO3). Geopolymer concrete …

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Conversion of local industrial wastes into greener cement …

The productions of other non-ferrous metals, such as alumina and copper, usually generate more slag and other solid wastes as their raw materials have low concentrations of aimed metals. For examples, ... To manufacture geopolymer concrete, aggregates (sand and gravels) are mixed with precursors at the dry mix stage. ...

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Performance of Fly Ash and Copper Slag based Geopolymer Concrete

Geopolymer is a new generation binder material which forms an eco-friendly alternative for the conventional Portland cement binders. Methods/Statistical analysis: This paper aims to analyse the performance of copper slag as an alternative for …

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Study on Utilization of Copper Slag as Fine Aggregate in Geopolymer …

In this research paper, an experimental investigation on Geopolymer Concrete with copper slag an industrial by-products as a replacement of fine aggregates was studied. The properties of six ...

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Effective Utilization of Copper Slag for the

Developing a high-volume copper slag-based geopolymer concrete mix to replace river sand. (b). Estimating the influence of different molarity levels of NaOH (10 M, 12 M, 14 M and 16 M) on the workability, strength and microstructural characteristics of ambient-cured geopolymer concrete.

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