Discrete carbonyl nickel powders (T123 or UT3) are com-bined with carbonyl iron powders to produce MIM FeNi alloys ranging in nickel content from 2 to 50%. The carbonyl iron …
A nickel alloy is a metal that contains a percentage of nickel in its elemental makeup. Nickel is primarily alloyed with chromium, copper, iron, titanium, and molybdenum.
A new corrosion mechanism, i.e., "active sulfide-to-oxide corrosion mechanism," accounts for the rapid corrosion attack on low-alloy ferritic steels and …
Nickel and Nickel alloy wires We manufacture Nickel alloy wire products in diameters from 0.1 mm fine wire up to 20 mm dia. wire rod. These alloys are melted from raw materials and master alloys in accordance with our own chemical analysis specifications.
Low-grade saprolite nickel laterite, characterized by complicated minerals composition and fine-grained and complex dissemination, was commonly treated with a low recovery efficiency of Ni and Fe by conventional methods. Hence, an improved direct reduction and magnetic separation process was proposed. Meanwhile, the mechanisms …
This study is a process for the preparation of advanced nickel–iron alloys by selective reduction of nickel-poor laterite ores using a variety of reducing agents.
Inconel Alloy 825 is a nickel-iron-chromium alloy that contains small amounts of molybdenum, titanium and copper. Inconel 825 has great resistance to many corrosive environments, including pitting, crevice corrosion and stress-corrosion cracking. Inconel 825 also has good mechanical properties from moderate to high temperatures.
Nickel is supplied to the producers of nickel alloys in powder, pellets, or anode forms. This has led to a whole series ofalloy modifications, with controlled compositions having nickel contents ranging from about 94% to virtually . ... where sulfur-containing feedstocks (naphtha and heavy oils) are cracked into component distillate parts ...
nickel-iron alloys strip & wire nickel-iron alloys for glass-to-metal sealing and controlled thermal expansion chemical composition - nominal 936 (invar®) alloy (uns k93600) 942 alloy ... (0.05 to 2.03 mm) and widths up to 14 inches (355.6 mm). technical datasheet nickel-iron alloys
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Grain boundary segregation and the grain size dependence of strength of nickel-sulfur alloys" by S. Floreen et al.
steel clad with nickel chromium-iron alloy, for surfacing steel with nickel-chromium iron weld metal, for dissimilar welding of nickel-base alloys, and for joining steel to stainless steel or nickel-base alloys using the GTAW, GMAW, SAW, and PAW processes.
The microstructure of nickel-based alloy was analyzed by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and the effect of GBE on the corrosion resistance in high sulfur-containing environments was studied by electrochemical method.
Manual removal and collection of the slag skin in sections of 20 mm ... sulphur from iron-and nickel-based alloys. ... caused by the eutectic melting of sulfur containing a laves cluster at the ...
The presence of sulphur in Ni-based superalloys is known to have detrimental effects on the oxidation resistance and the stress-rupture life of the final product. In most cases the sulphur...
Vale S-Pellets® are 99.96 % high purity, sulfur activated plating grade nickel. The spherical pellets are produced through carbonyl refining, which is well known for producing the highest purity form of surface finishing nickel anode available. Vale S-Pellets® are screened to remove over and under-sized anode sphere's.
Nickel-iron-chromium (for example, alloy 800) and nickel-chromium-iron (alloy 600) may become sensitized by precipitation of chromium carbides and subject to intergranular corrosion in a highly oxidizing environment.
malleable iron and ductile iron to itself or dissimilar metals such as mild steel, stainless steel, wrought alloys or high nickel alloys. A core wire chemistry of approximately 55% nickel and 45% iron produces weld deposits with much lower weld shrinkage stress which in turn reduces the possibility of weld or heat-affected zone cracking.
conductivity of 36 per cent nickel-iron alloy are shown respectively in Figures 6, 7 and 8. Corrosion General corrosion rates of 36 per cent nickel-iron alloy are below one mil per year (.025 mm/yr) for both industrial and marine atmospheric ex-posures. (Table V). The 36 per cent nickel-iron alloy has shown some susceptibility to stress-
Nickel-Copper alloy 400 has been utilized at ambient temperature in reducing unaerated systems about 20 percent hydrochloric acid content. Hastelloy B2 can prevent corrosion by complete range of acid magnitude and temperature. Most of nickel alloys are resistant to dry chlorine and hydrogen chloride, even at the very high temperatures.
The Cu2S pellets were melted in a graphite crucible under He, solidified, and analyzed for S. A master al- loy of nickel and sulfur or compacted Fe-S pellets were added to their respective melts. The master alloy of Ni-S was prepared by adding -~ in. diam Ni-S pellets to a quantity of liquid nickel.
Alloy 48 (Nilo 48) is a nickel-iron controlled-expansion alloy containing 48% nickel. Alloy 48 (Nilo 48 coefficient of thermal expansion matches that of soft lead and soda lime glasses therefore Alloy 48's main use is for glass to …
Nickel Iron 52: Glass Sealing. As we know, wire is used in almost every industry, yet the applications for the material always change. This week, we will discuss alloy 52, a nickel iron material that finds it's niche within the electrical applications. Nickel Iron 52 is a soft magnetic alloy that is perfect for use in electronics.
A rotating disk method is used to investigate the dissolution rate of metallic iron, nickel, and their alloys in nitric acid media. Discs 2 cm in diameter made of nickel grade N1 and Armco iron, as well as two samples with an Ni:Fe ratio of 15:85 and 50:50 are used. The effect of temperature, initial nitric acid concentration, disk rotation rate, …
In mining applications, nickel alloys are used in tools, drilling equipment and conveyor systems due to their wear resistance. Nuclear: Nickel alloys are deployed in nuclear reactors and spent fuel storage due to their resistance to …
The oxidation of sulfide-bearing mine tailings catalyzed by acidophilic iron and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria releases toxic metals and other contaminants into soil and groundwater as acid mine drainage.
Does stainless steel wire contain nickel? This is a common question among those who are looking for durable and corrosion-resistant materials for their projects. ... nickel alloys are made up of high amounts of nickel and other elements like copper and iron for added strength. Nickel alloy is also known for its excellent resistance to heat and ...
Nickel alloys have excellent corrosion resistance or high-temperature properties, so it's important to maintain this across the weld zone.
These properties coupled with good weldability and desirable physical properties make this alloy attractive for many cryogenic applications. A modified form of 36 per cent nickel …
1) Toconfirm that elemental sulfur from a gaseous environment may enter nickel and nickel-base alloys via the grain boundaries and degrade their fracture resistance.
A Nickel-Iron, low expansion alloy containing 36% Nickel. It maintains near constant dimensions over the range of normal atmospheric temperatures and has a low coefficient of expansion from cryogenic temperatures to about 500°C (930°F). Nilo 36 also retains good strength and toughness at cryogenic temperatures. This makes it useful for applications …
Since the early 1900s, engineers and scientists have recognized that sulfur impurities cause nickel and other ductile metals, such as iron and steel, to fail at low stress levels.
Author Manuscript Title: Nickel-iron alloy nanoparticle-decorated K2NiF4-type oxide as an efficient and sulfur-tolerant anode for solid oxide fuel cells Authors: Nuo Wu; Wei Wang; Yijun Zhong; Guangming Yang; Jifa Qu; Zongping Shao, Ph.D This is the author manuscript accepted for publication and has undergone full peer
The corrosion mechanism of iron/nickel-based alloys in reductive supercritical water systems containing sulfides was proposed, especially the related …