A Recycle Flow Flotation Machine Model Sciencedirect

A recycle flow flotation machine model: Response of model …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "A recycle flow flotation machine model: Response of model to parameter changes" by C. Harris

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An improved model for simulation of flotation circuits

Search ScienceDirect. Minerals Engineering. Volume 13, Issues 14–15, ... i.e. this is a critical part of the overall flotation model. Particle recycle between the froth phase and the pulp phase has been modeled by introducing a froth recovery factor (Ry). ... Figure 5 shows the flow in the recycle stream (cleaner tailings) as a function of k ...

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A recycle flow flotation machine model

This paper presents the results of both conventional and more-sophisticated residence-time distribution techniques for industrial copper-flotation-circuit data and demonstrates that …

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Aeration characteristics of laboratory flotation machine impellers

The aeration characteristics of several laboratory flotation machine impellers have been studied paying special attention to the pressure generated by impeller rotation.

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Dissolved air flotation in drinking water treatment

A brief flocculation period is necessary to obtain high collision rates between flocs and bubbles. Air is dissolved in a recycle flow by adding air under pressure in a saturator. Recycle rates (defined as the recycle flow (Q r) divided by the plant through-put flow (Q o)) are about 8 to 12%. Saturator pressures are between 400 and 600 kPa.

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a recycle flow flotation machine model sciencedirect

CFD and PIV are the common methods to analyze the inner flow field of flotation machines or column. CFD-based researches are usually counted on to find the proper fluid pattern …

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Principles and applications of dissolved air flotation

Principles of dissolved air flotation (DAF) discussed include: bubble formation and size, bubble-particle interactions, measures of supplied air, and modeling of the reaction and clarification zones of the flotation tank.

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A review of water re-use in flotation

The use of recycle water in flotation has significant effects on flotation and selectivity since the recycle water contains many dissolved compounds, both inorganic …

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Flotation technique: Its mechanisms and design parameters

Different components of flotation columns, flotation mechanism and design parameters like flow regime, gas holdup, bubble size and its distribution, mixing characteristics and carrying capacity are critically discussed. The measuring techniques of design parameters for flotation process are also described.

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Flotation technique: Its mechanisms and design parameters

Different components of flotation columns, flotation mechanism and design parameters like flow regime, gas holdup, bubble size and its distribution, mixing characteristics and carrying capacity are critically discussed.

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Performance optimization of Jameson flotation

Flocculation-flotation (Floc-flotation) methods were applied together to increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment. Some of the critical variables (Feed flow rate, flotation duration, and conditioning time) that directly impact flotation performance were examined.

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The effect of cell hydrodynamics on flotation performance

Alternatively, in the larger flotation machines multiple impellers (possibly with different designs) at different heights would potentially result in a greater proportion of the cell being highly turbulent, resulting in higher flotation recoveries.

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A study of a plug-flow model for flotation froth behaviour

A recycle flow flotation machine model: response of model to parameter changes Int. J. Min. Process., 3 ( 1976 ), pp. 9 - 25 View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar

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Analysis of the residence time distribution in large flotation machines

Conclusions are drawn based on the multi-parameter flow model, showing existence of stagnant volume of 45% in Outokumpu, 35% in Dorr-Oliver, and 7% in WEMCO ® flotation cell volumes. Introduction Flotation is a dynamic process and the efficiency is directly related to the time material spends in the machine.

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Flotation Froth

The bubbles and particles are made to interact with each other inside a flotation machine. The flotation machine, depending on its operating conditions, provides an environment for the bubble–particle attachment and permits levitation of bubble–particle aggregates to …

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Dimensionless number and approximate calculation of the

Dimensionless number and approximate calculation of the upper particle size of floatability in flotation machines ... CFD investigation of chalcopyrite flotation prediction coupled with flotation kinetic model. 2024, Separation and Purification Technology ... a custom-designed channel flow system was utilized to generate a …

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The air flow number in flotation machine scale-up

The effect of increasing impeller speed is to increase the air flow rate and gas holdup in the cell. Simulations with flotation kinetics showed that the gravitational force acting on the attached particles is significant. The effect is a decrease in the bubble rise velocity which in turn affects the flotation rate as predicted by the model.

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Fluid Flow and Kinetic Modelling in Flotation Related

In this paper, fluid flow and kinetic models related to minerals flotation process are presented and the advantages and limitations of using this type of models are discussed. The modelling of such processes was firstly developed assuming perfect mixing for the whole system as a black box.Then, a more realistic approach was developed …

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Flotation Machine

The external manifold system used to recycle slurry through the in-line contactor can be ... In the 1970s most flotation machines were of the "open-flow" type, as they were better suited to high throughputs and easier to maintain than cell-to-cell types. ... Similarly, Coward et al. (2013) combines dispersed air flotation with ...

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CFD investigation of chalcopyrite flotation prediction

1. Introduction. Flotation is an efficient method for mineral separation [1].The complex gas–liquid-solid three-phase flow in a flotation device directly affects the flotation efficiency, with the help of CFD (computational fluid dynamics), it is possible to predict the flotation rate constant of a flotation device and thus have the potential to identify …

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Development of a turbulent flotation model from first

A first principle flotation model has been derived from the basic mechanisms involved in flotation. It consists of a set of analytical equations for various sub-processes such as bubble generation, bubble-particle collision, attachment, detachment, bubble coarsening, and froth phase recovery.

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A recycle flow flotation machine model

The proposed recirculation model of a flotation machine is illustrated in Fig. 5. It consists of two perfectly mixed regions: the intensely stirred impeller region of volume v containing mass of tracer m, and the remainder of the cell of volume V containing mass …

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CDF simulation of bubble-particle collisions in mineral flotation …

A laboratory flotation cell designed by CSIRO Minerals and a cylindrical tank fitted with a Rushton turbine used as a flotation machine have been modelled. The impeller and cell geometries have been set up using multi-blocking and sliding mesh techniques. Complex two-phase flow fields within the cells are predicted.

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Flotation: Recent innovations in an interesting and

In an investigation of electroflotation hydrodynamics, a theoretical multiparameter model (by Levenspiel) was applied, consisting of interconnected dead water, back mix and plug flow regions, with bypass, recycle, and cross flow through and around these regions.

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Flotation is widely used to separate valuable minerals from the rock and fine coal particles from clay, silt, shale, and other ash-producing matter. It is usually preceded by crushing and finely grinding the ore to liberate valuable particles in a host rock, and may be followed by metallurgical processes.

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A recycle flow flotation machine model

A model in which the flow pattern in the tank includes a large component of pulp recirculation through the impeller region is developed. This model can account for …

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Recovery of apatite from flotation tailings

Combinations of two different types of collectors, reagent dosages, air flow rate, recycle flow rate and conditioning times are analyzed from experiments carried out in a flotation column to evaluate their effects on the grade and recovery of …

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On the microprocesses air dispersion and particle

On the microprocesses air dispersion and particle-bubble attachment in flotation machines as well as consequences for the scale-up of macroprocesses. ... The flow field produced by a pitched blade turbine: characterization of the turbulence and estimation of the dissipation rate ... (BBO) theoretical model, and the experimental and …

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The effect of air flow rate on the kinetics of flotation. Part …

The positive effect of an increasing bubble surface area was possible with increasing gas flow rate, recycle flow rate and saturation pressure. Decreasing bubble sizes were measured for increasing recycle flow rate and saturation pressure, meanwhile the contrary was the case with an increasing gas flow rate. Evaluation of the flotation …

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A recycle flow flotation machine model: Response of

A recycle flow flotation machine model: response of model to param- eter changes. Int. J. Miner. Process., 3: 9--25. The fraction of solid tracer retained in a …

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Flotation Machine

Industrial flotation machines can be divided into four classes: (1) mechanical, (2) pneumatic, (3) froth separation, and (4) column. The mechanical machine is clearly the …

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