The binding quality of portland cement paste is due to the chemical reaction between the cement and water, called hydration. Portland cement is not a simple chemical compound, it is a mixture of many compounds.
The paper investigates the heat formation and absorption processes in the cement-water system. The temperature gradient in a cement composition is one of the mainsprings of cement hydration and curing and the formation of final properties of the cement-water system....
The current state of knowledge of cement hydration mechanisms is reviewed, including the origin of the period of slow reaction in alite and cement, the nature of the acceleration period, the role ...
The aggregate is an integral part of cement-based materials; however, there are few studies on AS effects of concrete or cement mortar water distribution, bleeding, and pore characteristics during early hydration, which are crucial in terms of improving quality, preventing common quality flaws, and enhancing building structure durability.
Hydration is the central process which transforms a fluid suspension of a cement powder and water into a strong solid material, which binds aggregates together in concrete. As such, understanding the hydration of cement is fundamental to understand the properties and performance of concrete.
Ordinary Portland cement is a commonly used construction material but contributes to high carbon emissions. Here, a hydration control additive can modify the kinetics of ordinary Portland cement ...
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Cement hydration is a key factor affecting the hydro-mechanical coupling behaviour of cement-treated materials. As a hydraulic cementing medium, during hydration, cement …
Therefore, the most significant effect of increasing w/c ratio on cement hydration kinetics is that it slows down the reduction of hydration rate after the main peak, leading to higher total reaction in the long term. The findings presented here are consistent with previous studies of w/c ratio effect on cement hydration kinetics [36, 51].
The role of supplementary cementitious materials in hydration, durability and shrinkage of cement-based materials, their environmental and economic benefits: A review
Hydration is the chemical reaction between cement and water that forms bonds and results in a solid mass. The main compounds in cement - C3S, C2S, C3A, and C4AF - hydrate to form calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H gel), calcium hydroxide, and calcium aluminate hydrates.
Precipitation of during cement hydration can cause false or even flash setting. Calcium sulfates. Gypsum is added to the cement primarily to retard the hydration of the aluminate and ferrite phases. The effectiveness of the gypsum depends on the rate at which the relevant ionic species dissolve and come in contact with each other.
This paper aims to develop empirical equations predicting one-day, three-day, and seven-day heat of hydration of portland cement at 23°C and water to cement ratio of 0.5.
Efforts to model and simulate the highly complex cement hydration process over the past 40 years are reviewed, covering different modeling approaches such as single particle models, mathematical nucleation and growth models, and vector and lattice-based approaches to simulating microstructure development.Particular attention is given to …
The hydration of cement is often modeled as a nucleation and growth process. In this paper, we examine the applicability of the boundary nucleation an…
Progress in understanding hydration mechanisms of alite and Portland cement is reviewed. Up to the end of the induction period, dissolution rates determined …
Concrete curing and cement hydration: Follow the concrete curing process and how hydration influences the hardening and drying process.
Cement hydration is crucial for the strength development of cement-based materials; however, the mechanism that underlies this complex reaction remains poorly …
The addition of IGO, especially IGO-33, accelerated cement hydration which can be supported by increased cumulative heat release and CH generation. Microstructural analysis indicated a dense stacking of hydration products, enhancing compactness and reducing porosity. The 72-h cumulative heat of hydration of IGOC-33 …
Hydration of Portland Cement. Introduction Portland cement is a hydraulic cement, hence it derives its strength from chemical reactions between the cement and water.
Hydration of a greater amount of cement leads to a higher concrete temperature and a larger temperature difference between the middle and the outer surface [1, 2]. Consequently, the tensile stress due to the thermal gradient will develop higher, which increase the potential of cracking [ 1 ].
Cement hydration is a complex process, as cements normally consist of several anhydrous phases that react at different rates, forming different hydrates [1, 2]. Together the hydrates make up the cement paste, a porous material that grows into the water-filled spaces between the solids (cement and aggregate grains) as hydration …
Chemistry of Hydration - It is assumed that each compound hydrates independently of others in Portland cement. This is not completely true because interaction between hydrating compounds will affect the mix.
In this work, the authors use near-field ptychographic nanotomography to visualize cement hydration in situ. They report hydration features with submicrometer detail including calcium silicate ...
After adding water to cement, a chemical reaction happens between cement and water, this reaction is called hydration of cement. Stages of Cement Hydration Process With the mixing of water, hydraulic cement …
The hydration degree of cement clinker calculated based on the residue cement clinker phases is shown in Fig. 12. All of the samples containing calcium carbonate polymorphs had higher degrees of hydration compared to OPC, which is in agreement with the calorimetry data ( Fig. 10 ).
Properties of concrete depend on the cement degree of hydration. Standard test methods proposed for quantifying cement degree of hydration employ thermogravimetric (TG) analysis which can be problematic when aggregates are added. This study aims to quantify the variances in the cement degree of hydration in mortar …
The initial stages of cement hydration at the molecular level Xinhang Xu 1, Chongchong Qi 1,2,3, Xabier M. Aretxabaleta 4, Chundi Ma1, Dino Spagnoli 2 & Hegoi Manzano 4
Even if cement is a well-consolidated material, the chemistry of cement (and the chemistry inside cement) remains very complex and still non-obvious. What is sure is that the hydration mechanism plays a pivotal role in the development of cements with specific final chemical compositions, mechanical properties, and porosities. This …
MIT researchers developed an in-situ underwater Raman characterization method to monitor the cement hydration process in real-world condition. The concrete world that surrounds us owes its shape …