Hamersley Iton Ore Quality

Iron | Geoscience Australia

Although iron ore resources occur in all the Australian States and Territories, almost 90% of identified resources occur in Western Australia, including almost 80% in the Hamersley Province, one of the world's major iron ore producing regions.

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Equinox Resources Limited (ASX:EQN)

Equinox Resources Limited (ASX:EQN) is a development-focussed company strategically located in the infrastructure-rich Pilbara iron ore province of Western Australia. Equinox Resources was formed to acquire the Hamersley Iron Ore Project from joint owners Cazaly Resources Limited (ASX:CAZ) and Pathfinder Resources Ltd (ASX:PF1).

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Phanerozoic history of the Pilbara region: implications for …

Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank BHP Western Australian Iron Ore for supporting this study and permitting publication. Reviews by Brad Pillans and Erick Ramanidou have added to the quality of the final article, and they are thanked for taking time to provide constructive comments.

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Ore-some: New date for Earth's largest iron deposits offers …

Research led by Curtin University reveals that Earth's largest iron ore deposits -- in the Hamersley Province of Western Australia -- are about one billion …

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RTZ Iron Ore Mine, Hamersley Basin, Western Australia

Hamersley iron ore conveyor between Hamersley's Channar and Paraburdoo mines. Location of the Hamersley Basin. Hamersley Iron in Western …

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Giant iron-ore deposits of the Hamersley province related …

Banded iron formations of the ca. 2770–2405 Ma Hamersley province of Western Australia were locally upgraded to high-grade hematite ores during the Early Paleoproterozoic by a combination of hypogene and supergene processes …

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Phosphorus distribution in BIF-derived iron ores of Hamersley …

Download Citation | Phosphorus distribution in BIF-derived iron ores of Hamersley Province, Western Australia | The Brockman Iron Formation is one of the most important sources of iron ore in ...

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Major Mines & Projects | Hamersley Iron Operation

Hamersley Iron Operation Open Pit Operation is located 55 km NW from Tom Price, Western Australia, Australia

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Hamersley Freight Line

Hamersley Freight Line. Iron ore railways in the Pilbara region of north-west Western Australia are the most productive railways in the world and are set to improve over the next few years now that Hamersley Iron has finalised an agreement with Robe River Iron Associates to form a joint rail operation.

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Channel iron deposits of the Hamersley Province, Western Australia

The fluvial goethite–hematite channel iron deposits (CID) of the Pilbara region of Western Australia, formerly known as the 'Robe Pisolite', represent a major source of iron ore mined in the Hamersley Province.

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The Application of Geophysics to Iron Ore Mining in the Hamersley …

Hamersley Iron Pty. Limited operates five iron ore mines and has a number of advanced evaluation projects in the Hamersley Basin, Western Australia. These deposits range in style from bedded iron in banded iron formation host, to detrital iron accumulations. Numerous problems are encountered during mining in these varied geological …

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Equinox defines 'significant' DSO resource

Equinox Resources has put some initial numbers around the direct shipping ore potential at its Hamersley iron ore project in Western Australia's Pilbara. ...

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World's Largest Iron Ore Deposits Formed Over 1 Billion …

A new study shows that the world's largest iron ore deposits were formed when the ancient supercontinent, Columbia, split up about 1.4 billion years ago. These …

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Iron Ore Operations | Fortescue

The Solomon Hub in the Hamersley Ranges is located 60km north of Tom Price and 120km to the west of our Chichester Hub. Solomon represents a valuable source of production, …

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Mining iron ore seems to be such a straightforward business that it is hard to imagine a revolution in the way it is done. That was before Hamersley Iron went back to the drawing board with its ...

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Banded Iron Formation-Related Iron Ore Deposits of the …

The high-grade iron ore deposits are mostly hosted within banded iron formation (BIF) sequences of the Brockman and Marra Mamba Iron Formations of the …

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The origin of the iron-formation-rich Hamersley Group of …

Ash emissions from the latter, combined with chemical precipitates, were largely responsible for the "shales" in the suc- cession. INTRODUCTION The Hamersley Iron Province of Western Australia (Fig. 1) (MacLeod, 1966) contains extensive banded iron-formations (BIF) and large supergene iron ore bodies derived from them.

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Hamersley Iron's Long Term Planning Technique

The Hamersley Iron ore resources are geologically complex with fluctuations in mineral chemistry. From this resource Hamersley Iron must produce consistently high quality direct shipping products and have the ability to evaluate the effects of changes in demand. In order to achieve these objectives an incremental long term planning technique has been …

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The Cenozoic Detrital Iron Deposits of the Hamersley Province …

Two major types of economic secondary iron ores occur in the banded iron formation (BIF)-rich Hamersley Province of the Pilbara, Western Australia:dominant BIF-hosted bedded iron deposits (BID)detrital ore deposits (DID sensu lato), which are mainly hosted in the three province-wide Cenozoic sequences that include coeval non-ore sediments and …

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Banded Iron Formation-Related Iron Ore Deposits of the Hamersley …

The Hamersley province of northwest Western Australia is one of the world's premier iron ore regions. The high-grade iron ore deposits are mostly hosted within banded iron formation (BIF) sequences of the Brockman and Marra Mamba Iron Formations of the Hamersley Group and consist of two types: martite-microplaty hematite containing …

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Empower strategic decision-making in global natural resources with quality data, analysis and advice. Discover the latest insights and reports online.

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New date for Earth's largest iron deposits offers clues for …

Research led by Curtin University reveals that Earth's largest iron ore deposits—in the Hamersley Province of Western Australia—are about one billion years …

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Iron Ore –Delivering value from flexibility and optionality …

Ore Reserve estimates, together with the ownership percentages for each joint venture were set out in the Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve statements in the 2013 to 2017 Rio Tinto annual reports to ... Quality people and partners driving innovation. Capex. Price impact of incremental tonnes. Protecting quality. ... HAMERSLEY IRON ( ...

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Iron Ore – Hamersley Province, WA

The Hamersley Province is being mined at a rate of >850Mt of iron ore per year so understanding the mineralisation and its relationships with the weathered landscape of the Province to target new deposits and to …

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BIF-hosted iron mineral system: A review

The BIF-hosted iron ore system represents the world's largest and highest grade iron ore districts and deposits. BIF, the precursor to low- and high-grade BIF hosted iron ore, consists of Archean and Paleoproterozoic Algoma-type BIF (e.g., Serra Norte iron ore district in the Carajás Mineral Province), Proterozoic Lake Superior-type BIF (e.g., …

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Paraburdoo Iron Ore Mine, Pilbara

Paraburdoo iron ore mine is situated 80km south of Tom Price in Pilbara, Western Australia. The mine is owned…

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Equinox Resources announces updated DSO estimate for Hamersley iron ore …

Equinox Resources (ASX: EQN) has updated the inferred mineral resource estimate for direct shipping ore (DSO) from its wholly-owned Hamersley iron ore project in Western Australia. The large-scale, high-grade estimate totals 108.5 million tonnes at 58% iron and is believed to be very similar in grade to the Pilbara fines product sold into …

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Equinox Resources has just stacked up a 108Mt iron ore …

Equinox Resources' Hamersley iron ore project now contains 108.5Mt @ 58% Fe DSO resource Hamersley is just 30km away from FMG's world-class Solomon Mining Hub A Phase 1 drill campaign to ...

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From banded iron-formation to iron ore: geochemical and …

Several major iron ore deposits occur in deformed regions of the Hamersley Province, Western Australia, where banded iron-formation (BIF) of the Dales Gorge Member has been converted to martite and microplaty hematite. The genesis of these high-grade hematite ores remains controversial, in part because no study has systematically …

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Chapter 3 The Hamersley Basin

Iron ore is overwhelmingly the most important exploitable mineral of the Hamersley Basin. The chapter uses a modified nomenclature for banding in the banded iron-formations (BIFs), which has been proposed by Trendall et al.; and includes a detailed analysis of the published geochronological evidence, as a basis for a new interpretation …

Phone: 0086-21-58386256

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