Uncharted Drakeampamp2339s Fortune Crushing New Game Chapter

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Chapter 5 (Crushing)

Ok, so I just beat chapter 4 on crushing. This is my first platinum attempt in a game, and I only need this last gold. I have always had trouble with the room full of water, in chapter 5, but I hear there's a glitch that lets you get past this room easily. Can anyone help me with this? What do I ...

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Crushing difficulty trophy and chapter select

All PS4 Games ; U (PS4) Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered ; ... I've got every single trophy on Drake's Fortune Remastered apart from Charted!Crushing. I'm new to Uncharted having switched from X Box 360 to PS4 and completed the game on Hard. All I want to know is: ... If I cannot do Crushing via Chapter select will I be able to …

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Crushing Mode

For Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Crushing Mode - Final Church fight TIPS".

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Warning: Make sure you actually use the "New Game" option when attempting this trophy. Chapter Selecting and changing the difficulty to Crushing won't work. Whilst attempting a Crushing playthrough, please refrain from starting additional New Games or using Chapter Selecting on an easier difficulty in order to clean up other trophies.

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Reducing difficulty level mid playthrough?

All PS4 Games ; U (PS4) Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered ; ... rather than complete the game four times so decided to start a new play through on Crushing. ... So once you beat a chapter on crushing, the lower difficulties are saved as completed as well, no need to start over. ...

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Chapter 17 on crushing is the hardest part of this series

For Uncharted 4: A Thief's End on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Chapter 17 on crushing is the hardest part of this series".

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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

This is a written/visual guide on how to complete Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on the game's hardest difficulty i.e Crushing. It is impossible to 'become lost' in this game, purely because it has a linear …

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[US 5.50] Uncharted Drakes Fortune

Save with the game completed on Crushing difficulty. You only need to hit continue and complete the final chapter to unlock all difficulty trophies besides Brutal.

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Uncharted Drakes Fortune Guide A thief with a golden heart The Uncharted Drake s Fortune game guide contains a detailed illustrated walkthrough of the entire adventure …

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Crushing Trophy issues...

Put in the game, redownloaded the patch, created a new game... and STILL no trophy icon next to what would be the Crushing Medal (since I had deleted all the info and started a new game, it was simply listed as 'Hidden Medal'). All of the other Medals were greyed out where they needed to be re-earned, but also had trophy icons next to …

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How hard is 'Crushing?'

I just finished the game on Crushing (and got my platinum ) but it seems like the Crushing difficulty is getting easier with every Uncharted game. It still has some challenging parts, but it's not nearly as hard as Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. I'd say Uncharted 2: Among Thieves was a bit easier, and this one is easier again.

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I am about to start Crushing mode but am unsure which is the best approach. I read up that the first Uncharted had issues when attempting to play Crushing in Chapter select and a New game was advised. The U2 guide says you can do Chapter select, my only worry about Chapter select is in regards to...

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Charted! - Crushing is a Gold trophy in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered . It can be received for: Finish the Game on Crushing Without Changing the Difficulty

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chapter 22- crushing help

For Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "chapter 22- crushing help".

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How to use tweaks on Crushing/Brutal Mode

This is a tutorial video to be able to use tweaks on Brutal or Crushing mode, You will need to complete the game on Hard first. I noticed there are various ways to do this on all 3 games, but if you follow the video correctly you will be able to play with tweaks. I previously started a new game a...

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Easy Chapter 4

Not a member of PS3T? Click here to join ----- Ok, so I heard about this 'near-impossible' chapter 4 'Plane-Wrecked' scene and was NOT looking forward to it. After dying 10 or 11 hundred times I just started screwing around, and found not so much a glitch more of an exploit. As far as I know, nob...

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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune treasure guide | Polygon

One guide to help you find every collectible treasure in every chapter of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, which is part of The Nathan Drake Collection on PS4.

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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Stranger Things executive producer and director Shawn Levy is on board for Uncharted. This new game from Naughty Dog features jungle adventures in a Pitfall …

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What chapter for you was hardest on Crushing?

For Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What chapter for you was hardest on Crushing?".

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Most difficult chapter on crushing...

Well, I'm working in Uncharted's Platinum and the last trophy to get is the Crushing one... But the difficulty is insane, I just reach chapter 6 but chapter 4 & 5 was a hell, I hate the damn water room in chapter 5 and I don't know if the rest of the game will get even harder =(... What is the most difficult part in crushing mode for you?

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Where To Play: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

The only way to access Drake's Fortune on a modern platform is to check it out on PlayStation 4 via Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, which includes …

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Crushing Trophy issues...

Put in the game, redownloaded the patch, created a new game... and STILL no trophy icon next to what would be the Crushing Medal (since I had deleted all the info …

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Charted! - Crushing is a Gold trophy in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. It can be received for: Finish the game in Crushing Mode

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Showdown-Crushing strategy

For Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Showdown-Crushing strategy".

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~My Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Review~

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune Reviewer: ConorBuckley Developer: Naughty Dog Publisher: Sony Format: PS3 Genre: Action-Adventure Age Rating: 16+ …

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[US 5.50] Uncharted Drakes Fortune

Save with the game completed on Crushing difficulty. You only need to hit continue and complete the final chapter to unlock all difficulty trophies besides Brutal. This is for those who would like to unlock the Crushing trophy prior to using one of ... Uncharted Drakes Fortune - Crushing Difficulty [CUSA02320]" :: Login/Create an …

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Chapter Select or New Game?

For Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Chapter Select or New Game?".

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This page is part of IGNs Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Wiki Guide and details every chapter that is needed for players to complete the game. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Walkthrough Uncharted: Drake's ...

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Charted: Ranking All The Uncharted Games | VG247

Charted: Ranking All The Uncharted Games. Drake's done and Chloe's climbing, but which of the Uncharted games takes the treasure?

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Is There a cheat for Crushing Mode?

i heard theres a cheat in crushing mode for Uncharted 2 . is there one for Uncharted 1?

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