World Bank S Gold Mining Policies

World Bank Document

reviews, resulting in the update of the regulatory framework (revised Mining Act of 2010 and the associated Mining Regulations). It also successfully implemented a ... requirements of World Bank Policy 4.10 in the 7 sites selected under the SMMRP II. ... complaints directly to the World Bank's attention though its Grievance Redress Service ...

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World Bank Supports Governance of Mali's Mining Sector

The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved on June 21, a $40 million credit from the International Development Association (IDA)* to strengthen the capacity and governance of the mining sector in Mali.

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Mining royalties : a global study of their impact on investors

Eight leading authorities from around the world have collaborated to produce this volume which provides a thorough treatment of mineral royalties. Mineral sector .

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Burkina Faso: The World Bank Provides Support to …

The World Bank today approved $150 million from the International Development Association (IDA)* for Burkina Faso's Support to Land and Mining Management Strengthening Project, which is aimed at improving land and mining services, strengthening land tenure security in selected municipalities, and fostering inclusive …

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Ghana: Balancing economic growth and depletion of resources

The recent World Bank Ghana Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) responds by providing the scale, scope, and economic effects of environmental degradation on society. Air, plastics, and water pollution affect health and hygiene; gold mines, unmanaged solid waste, and contaminated sites release hazardous chemicals; land …

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Changing mining practices and greening value chains

At the Annual General Meeting of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development, the Netherlands' Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced their support of the World Bank's Climate-Smart Mining Facility, a first of its kind fund, designed to make mining for low-carbon minerals and metals climate-smart …

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Mining reform and the World Bank: providing a policy …

Mining reform and the World Bank: providing a policy framework for development. Document Details. DETAILS. See More. SUBSCRIBE TO EMAIL ALERTS. Daily …

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Climate-Smart Mining Initiative Overview

The Climate-Smart Mining Initiative will help resource-rich developing countries benefit from the increasing demand for minerals and metals, while ensuring the mining sector …

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Political Economy of the Mining Sector in Ghana

The paper is part of the World Bank's flagship research on political economy of natural resource ... generated by oil discovery to review the challenges in the mining sector and draw policy lessons to ... Despite being Africa's second-largest gold producer,

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World Bank Document

Bank Contribution. From 1988 to 2011, there have been 39 World Bank-supported projects in mining sector reform, with at least one project almost every year. About 60 …

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Tanzania Overview: Development news, research, data | World Bank

The World Bank supports Tanzania's growth through policy analysis, grants and credits with focus on private sector and infrastructure.

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The World Bank in DRC

The World Bank is helping to fight poverty and improve living standards for the people of the DRC, through education, energy, health and other social services.

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Responsible Gold Mining Principles | World Gold Council

The Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs) TM are a new framework that set out clear expectations for consumers, investors and the downstream gold supply chain as to …

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The Growing Role of Minerals and Metals for a Low …

This report was developed as a collaboration between the World Bank's Oil, Gas, and Mining team of the Energy and Extractives Global Practice (GEEDR) and the Climate …

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World Bank Group Approves $20 Million Grant to Support Sierra Leone's

Today, the World Bank approved a $20 million IDA Grant for the second phase of the Extractive Industries Technical Assistance Project (EITAP 2) to help strengthen governance, increase geological knowledge, and support the artisanal mining sector in the country.

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2020 State of the Artisanal and Small- Scale Mining Sector

The 2020 State of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector report is a collaboration between the World Bank's Extractives Global Programmatic Support Multi …

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Let's support women in artisanal and small-scale mining

Our new State of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector Report, launched at the 2024 Mining Indaba Conference, advocates for gender-focused legislation to improve mining codes to enhance women's participation.

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Botswana Mining Investment and Governance Review …

stages of mining exposed a few weaknesses, mostly around transparency, clarity of rules, and accounta-bility of decisions. • The mining policy and legal framework are largely sound. Some "bottleneck" gaps in the regulatory regime have been identified including the need for greater detail and clarity around licensing;

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Mining reform and the World Bank: providing a policy …

In the last 25 years, the world's minerals industry has undergone a major transformation as it has increasingly come to operate in a new, more open economy. Initially, .

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World Bank Document

We explore the effects of mining activity on employment, earnings, expenditure, and children's health outcomes in local communities and in districts with gold mining.

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The Guinean subsoil holds the world's largest bauxite and iron ore deposits, along with tremendous potential for the mining of gold, uranium, and diamonds. ... World Bank's norms and standards of sector environmental assessment. III. Organization of the work ... c. Evaluation of the mining policy and the legal, regulatory and institutional ...

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World Bank tribunal rules against Canadian miner in legal

The World Bank's International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) ruled in favour of Colombia in a feud with Canada's Montauk Metals (TSX-V: MTK) – previously Galway Gold ...

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Sharing Mining Benefits in Developing Countries

Sharing Mining Benefi ts in Developing Countries—The Ex-perience of Foundations, Trusts, and Funds, is a product of the World Bank's Oil, Gas, and Mining Policy Division (SEGOM). The task team comprised Remi Pelon (Task Team Leader), Gary McMahon (Senior Mining Special-ist), and Gotthard Walser (Lead Mining Specialist).

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Challenges and opportunities of environmental policy implementation

From our study, there is stakeholder dissonance in the implementation of environmental policies in Ghana's gold mining sector, and whenever there is stakeholder dissonance, it means the chances of environmental policy implementation is low leading to high persistent environmental degradation.

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Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining - World Bank Data

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Climate-Smart Mining: Minerals for Climate Action

The Climate-Smart Mining Initiative will help resource-rich developing countries benefit from the increasing demand for minerals and metals, while ensuring the mining sector is managed in a way that minimizes the environmental and climate footprint.

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Better Working Conditions Can Improve Safety and …

A new World Bank and Pact report finds that better working conditions can improve productivity, health, and safety for the over 44 million artisanal miners across 80 countries. The report outlines solutions to improve occupational health and safety, social protection, and fair labor standards for the artisanal and small-scale (ASM) sector and at …

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gold. Initiatives such as the LBMA's Responsible Sourcing Program (RSP) and the World Gold Council's Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMP) aim to promote sustainable and ethical practices in the gold mining industry. The role of gold in the global financial system has evolved over time, with changes in monetary policy, economic ...

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Ghana Overview: Development news, research, data | World Bank

The World Bank Group aims to help Ghana sustain economic growth, surpass the goal of halving poverty by 2015, and maintain its middle income status.

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Strategy for African mining

This report examines the reasons for the demise of Africa's mining performance, and proposes a strategy for accelerating mining sector growth so that the sector can make .

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World Bank Document

Initiatives such as the LBMA's Responsible Sourcing Program (RSP) and the World Gold Council's Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMP) aim to promote sustainable and …

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Guinea: World Bank Provides Support to Improve the Management of Mining

The World Bank Board of Directors approved today $65 million from the International Development Association (IDA) for the Natural Resources, Mining and Environmental Management Project in Guinea. This project will support Guinea to protect and invest in its natural capital. Activities will focus on environmental management and …

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