Maharashtra is the birthplace of a rich heritage and great warriors. It has an equally rich culture and it shows. Maharashtrian culture has a magnificent ancestry with hardworking simple people. This reflects in their exuberant traditional jewellery. Their jewellery is an extension of their royalty. Gold jewellery has always been a prominent …
गोल्ड लोन मिळवण्यासाठी जेव्हा तुम्ही बँकेकडे जाता तेव्हा तिथे तुमच्या सोन्याची शुद्धता तपासली जाते आणि त्याचे …
The BJP-Shiv Sena government in Maharashtra is set to enact a law to make it mandatory for multiplexes in the State to screen Marathi movies during prime time slots.
A gradual process of change and modification in the spoken language has led to the present day Marathi. The origin and growth of Marathi literature is indebted to two important events. The first was the rise of the Jadhava dynasty, whose capital was Devgiri. The Jadhava s adopted Marathi as the court language and patronized Marathi learned …
Marathi, widely spoken not only in Maharashtra but also in Goa, boundaries of adjacent states like Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Telangana, Karnataka, Diu, Daman and in some parts of Indian cities where Marathi population has settled long ago.A fair sizeable Marathi population also can be noticed overseas which use Marathi for intracommunication.
Traditional Games. विटी-दांडू: "गिल्ली-दांडा" या नावानेही ओळखल्या जाणार्या या खेळात दोन काठ्या असतात, एक लहान आणि एक लांब. खेळाडू लांबलचक काठी वापरून लहान काठी ...
Gold Price Today: महिन्याच्या पहिल्याच दिवशी सोन्याच्या दरात उसळी, ग्राहकांच्या डोळ्यात काळजी
This article outlines the extracurricular work of education and language revitalization by two non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Pune, a city in the western Indian state of Maharashtra.
A Maharashtrian bride wears the most colourful silk sarees with exquisite gold borders. The saree is usually draped in a typical Marathi dhoti style. Some of the most popular color combinations are yellow, orange, purple, and green. Generally, two kinds of sarees are worn in a Marathi wedding: six yards of Paithani or nine yards of Navari.
State minister Subhash Desai said the introduction of the bill was necessitated as the Maharashtra Official Language Act, 1964 did not make it mandatory for the local authorities to use Marathi in their official works. He also cited examples of the authorities taking "advantage" of the lack of the provision in the Act. "It is our effort to do …
the process of knowledge production in the targeted language. But knowledge sourced from translations, however pro ... knowledge production in Maharashtra, as in most other states, exhibit improvement ... ing of Marathi is not of much concern in Maharashtra. The political class is hardly
MUMBAI: The Maharashtra Assembly on Thursday unanimously passed a bill that aims to make use of Marathi language mandatory in official works of local authorities, including civic bodies and ...
Latest Marathi news in Maharashtra, Get all news happening in Maharashtra, checkout live Maharashtra news in Marathi on Maharashtra Times. ... Stock Market Holiday in August Hindenburg 2.0 Hindenburg vs SEBI Gold-Silver Rate Today Stock Market Updates Today. Taxonomy. Weight Gain Ratan Tata Virat Kohli Rohit Sharma Maharashtra …
For the past 84 years, Mumbai Marathi Sahitya Sangh (MMSS) has endeavored to promote the Marathi language and literature through a variety of initiatives. As art is an important vehicle to promote language and literature, they built an association with the Drama School Mumbai (DSM) in 2013, to help forge a new generation of theatre-makers.
सोने तारण कर्ज घेण्याची प्रक्रिया (Gold Loan Process) काय आहे, ते जाणून घेऊ या मित्रांनो, गोल्ड लोन घेण्याची प्रक्रिया ही इतर लोन पेक्षा अगदी सोपी आणि सोयीस्कर आहे. यात तुम्ही तुमचे सोने व कर्ज घेण्यासाठी लागणारी आवश्यक कागदपत्रे घेऊन बँकेला कर्जासाठी मागणी करू …
Agriculture Information in Marathi शेती विषयी माहिती आपला भारत देश हा शेती प्रधान देश म्हणून ओळखला जातो, कारण भारतामध्ये बहुतेक भागामध्ये मोठ्या प्रमाणात लोक
information about gold in marathi. अनुक्रमणिका hide. 1 सोन्याची माहिती – Information about Gold in Marathi. 1.1 सोने या धातूचा शोध आणि इतिहास – …
Maharashtra Information in Marathi or Maharashtrachi Mahiti and More Details Information About Maharashtra State in Marathi Language ...
नवीन नियमावली बरीचशी सोसायट्यांच्या बाजूची आहे. कायदेशीर बाजू हा एक भाग झाला तरी, ज्या व्यावसायिक मागण्या …
Gold and Silver Rate Today 27 June 2024: गुरुवारी सकाळपासूनच सोन्याच्या किंमतीत घसरण होताना दिसत आहे. सोने आणि चांदीच्या किंमतीत सातत्याने चढ-उतार होत असताना मौल्यवान ...
Information About Gold in Marathi | सोन्याबद्दल महत्वाची माहिती मराठी मध्ये. एक काळ असा होता जेव्हा भारताला "सोने की चिड़िया" …
In conclusion, Marathi is an essential requirement for the MPSC exam. Candidates who wish to appear for the exam must be fluent in Marathi and pass the competency test to be eligible for the recruitment process. Furthermore, knowledge of the Marathi language and culture is crucial to serve the people of Maharashtra efficiently.
MARATHI LANGUAGE, PERSIAN ELEMENTS IN. Marathi (Marāti, earlier form: Marhāti), the southernmost Indo-Aryan language, is spoken by more than 40 million speakers, including inhabitants of Bombay and the state of Maharashtra (Mahāraštrā) in west-central India.
Today's Gold Rate in Maharashtra: Compare today's gold price in Maharashtra for 22 Carat & 24 Carat. Check the historical gold prices per gram or 10 grams and more at IIFL Finance.
Yet these upper-class and upper-caste individuals are best positioned and expected to take advantage of the opportunities that globalization brings to the region. Marathi language promotion in Pune: Abhivyakti and Aapanach The two Marathi language promotion NGOs I focus on are products of an urban middleand upper-class domestic linguistic ...
Gold Silver Price: सोनं खरेदी करणाऱ्यांसाठी महत्त्वाची बातमी आहे. आज सोन्याच्या दरात बदल झालेला पाहायला मिळतोय.
सोन्याचे भाव झाले स्वस्त. सोन्याच्या फ्युचर्स किंमतीत घसरणीने सुरुवात झाली आहे. मल्टी कमोडिटी एक्सचेंज (MCX) वर …
Maharashtra is well-known for its artistic work that goes into the making of each and every traditional jewellery style. here is everything to need of maharashtrian traditional jewellery.
History Of Maharashtra In Marathi मराठ्यांची भूमी असलेला महाराष्ट्र आधुनिकतेच्या ...
It is based on the Persian technique of inlaying gold and silver on steel or copper. Casting, engraving, inlaying, and finishing are the four separate operations involved. Sand Casting is an important part of the bidriware production process.