Processing Methods Of Ferrochrome Slag

Ferrochrome slag: A critical review of its properties

Different methods of stabilizing chromium (VI), including the physical, chemical, and biological methods, are extensively discussed in this review. This article …

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Comprehensive Characterization of Ferrochrome Slag and …

In a nutshell, this study provides a thorough and critical examination of ferrochrome slag and ferrochrome ash's suitability for construction, as well as a list of …

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Formed ferrochrome slag is separated from the liquid ferrochrome and tapped into ladles for further processing. To recover chromium from the slag, the material is

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Smelting of High-Carbon Ferrochrome from Prereduced …

The power consumptions for smelting of ferrochrome using several process workflows ... In 2019, during the pilot tests (PT) on prereduction of chromite raw materials by the Höganäs method, the ERG Research ... the change of the content of slag-forming components in the charge containing the prereduced product from ore-drying …

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Influence of burning temperature and cooling methods on …

Download Citation | Influence of burning temperature and cooling methods on strength of high carbon ferrochrome slag lightweight aggregate | High carbon ferrochrome slags and clay were used to ...

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Use of waste ferrochromium slag as aggregate in concrete

As a result, information on the effects ferrochrome slag on different concrete types is limited. The effects of using ferrochrome slag as aggregate in concrete are needed for different concrete types and strength classes.

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Exploring beneficial uses of ferrochrome slag: A case …

ferrochrome slag: A case study of a South African Ferrochrome industry FF Mugivhi ... In-vitro extraction methods used to measure the degree to which a substance (e.g., metal or ... waste generated by a particular process from the definition of waste; or (iv) where the Minister has, in the prescribed manner, excluded any waste stream or a ...

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Review Ferrochrome slag: A critical review of its properties

The conventional process of ferrochrome making involves the carbothermic reduction of chromite ore where around 1.2–1.5 tons of slag containing approximately …

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A critical review of the material characteristics, utilizations

The utilization of ferrochrome slag as a solid waste resource holds significant potential for reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable …

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Fundamentals of Ferrochrome (FeCr) Alloy and Its Slag

In this chapter, the fundamentals of ferrochrome slag chemistry are discussed. Results obtained by different workers are cited and thermodynamics models …

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Mechanism of the Direct Reduction of Chromite Process as a …

This process can be defined as the production of a metallic ferrochrome from chromite ore using a carbon reductant in the presence of a molten salt without melting the whole feed. It differs from smelting in electric arc furnaces where the whole feed is melted and ferrochrome separated from the slag by tapping of density segregated molten ...

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Influence of burning temperature and cooling methods on …

Different burning temperature and cooling methods have been applied to the lightweight aggregates production by ferrochrome slag, and the particle strength and micro performance of the aggregates in two cooling methods have been tested aiming at finding out the major factor that caused the difference between rapid and slow cooling.

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Recovery of metal from slag/mixed metal generated in …

Furthermore, the slag from the smelting furnace often tends to be viscous and retains particles of the metal of the order of 1–2%. The dump at the ferrochrome plant, Bamnipal, containing valuable ferrochrome justified the construction of a "metal from slag recovery plant", if a suitable process could be developed.

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Understanding The Manufacturing Process Of Ferrochrome

Medium, low and micro-carbon ferrochrome alloy are generally made of silicon-chromium alloy, chromite and lime. Desiliconization is refined with a 1500-6000 kV electric furnace. It is operated with a high alkalinity slag (CaO/SiO2 is 1.6 to 1.8). Low-carbon, micro-carbon ferro chrominum is also produced on a large scale by the heat …

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Sustainable solidification of ferrochrome slag through

Ferrochrome (FeCr) slag was used as a precursor for the synthesis of a geopolymer. The effect of KOH concentration, liquid solid ratio (L/S), content of potassium metalisicate (KS) or potassium aluminate (KA), curing time on the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and metal leachability of the synthesised geopolymer was investigated.

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[PDF] Mineralogical characterisation and separation studies …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Mineralogical characterisation and separation studies on the recovery of Cr2O3 in the high carbon ferrochrome slag" by Jing Chang et al.

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Processing of Low-Grade Chromite Ore for Ferroalloy

However, mineralogy of ferrochrome slag is difficult to interpret, because of the presence of synthetic minerals and chromium in different oxidation states. EDAX analysis of ferrochrome slag (Table 9) at different spots (Fig. 6d) shows a clear difference between major slag phases with minor specks of metal. Fe and Cr are the major elements in ...

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An Overview of Currently Applied Ferrochrome Production …

In this review, the various processes currently used by the South African FeCr industry are summarized in detail, and the waste materials per process step are …

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Recovery of metal from slag/mixed metal generated in

A process using a series of furnaces to recover Mn, Ni, and P from steel slag was described by Rong (1994) and leaching methods to recover Mn from steel slag was presented by Berbecca, Iovi, and ...

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Ferrochrome slag: A critical review of its properties, …

Ferrochrome slag (FCS) is a by-product of ferrochrome industries and is produced during the extraction of ferrochrome from chromite ore. The chemical composition of FCS comprises of 27–33% SiO2 ...

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ferrochrome; all you need to know about it

Here is a simplified overview of the ferrochrome production process: 1. Mining and Beneficiation. Chromite ore is mined from deposits, and the ore undergoes beneficiation processes to remove impurities. The beneficiation process can include crushing, screening, and gravity separation to concentrate the chromite. ...

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A Short Review on Utilization of Ferrochromium Slag

ABSTRACT The ferrochromium slag is an important by-product of ferrochromium industries. Recycling and efficient utilization of the large volumes of slag generated by ferrochrome production process is a huge challenge for ferrochrome producers. This article reviews ferrochromium slag utilization with reference to refractory, ceramics and …

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(PDF) An Energy Efficient Advanced Comminution Process

The present research aims to analyze the comminution behavior of ferrochrome slag using high-pressure grinding rolls. The laboratory bench scale high-pressure grinding rolls were used to study the ...

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Ferroalloy Refining Process | SpringerLink

In this process, the premelted chromium-lime melt and silico-chromium alloy are charged into the ladle outside the furnace, to generate extra-low-carbon ferrochrome. This process was invented by R. Perrin in 1938, who is a French scientist, and later, this method was named as Perrin process.

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Metals | Free Full-Text | Valuable Recovery Technology and

As a type of metallurgical solid waste with a significant output, chromium-containing metallurgical dust and slag are gaining increasing attention. They mainly include stainless steel dust, stainless steel slag, ferrochrome dust, and ferrochrome slag, which contain significant amounts of valuable elements, such as chromium, iron, and zinc, as …

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A critical review of the material characteristics, utilizations

This production process of ferrochrome slag forms a denser structure inside the slag, thereby improving its physical properties. ... conducted an LCA comparing two production methods of ferrochrome slag. Results showed that carbon sources from smelting and electricity were the main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, …

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Implementation of industrial waste ferrochrome slag in …

Implementation of industrial waste ferrochrome slag in conventional and low cement castables: Effect of microsilica addition ... A careful quality control of raw materials ensures maximum output and uniform quality in the smelting process. The main components of the slag are SiO 2, MgO, and ... This test method reports the …

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The ferrochrome slag products are granulated slag as well as classified slag products made by crushing and ... The first stage of slag processing is crushing and sc reening the feed material to fractions ... the DWP-method. A magnet separator and spiral washing are used for fine-grained material. The recovered alloy of 0-4 and 4-22 mm are ...

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practices for the characterization offerrochrome smelter slag. The characterization ofthe slag is also essential for process control, and thus its implications to the performance of the smelting process are also discussed inthis thesis. Slag samples from a ferrochrome smelter were analyzed using an XRF powder pellet

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The preparation and formation mechanism of ferrochrome slag …

Ferrochrome slag (FCS) is a common by-product generated during the sintering process of chromite in a submerged arc furnace, where temperatures can reach as high as 1700 ℃. The residual slag, separated from the alloy, is typically disposed of using stacking or landfill methods as solid waste[1], [2], [3].

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An Energy Efficient Advanced Comminution Process to …

the present work is to study the ferrochrome material using an energy-efficient advanced comminution technique to prepare the feed material for downstream process to recover more valuable minerals therein. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Ferrochrome Slag Ferrochrome slag from a typical ferrochrome manufacturing unit …

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Ferrochrome slag: A critical review of its properties, …

The conventional process of ferrochrome making involves the carbothermic reduction of chromite ore where around 1.2–1.5 tons of slag containing approximately 8–12% of chromium oxide is generated per ton of hot metal ( Jena and Panigrahi, 2019; …

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Preliminary study of the technology of vacuum-thermal

In this study, existing and promising methods of processing fine fractions and dust of aspiration systems for the production of ferroalloys were analyzed. The technological properties of high-carbon ferrochrome screenings and dust of the ferrochrome crushing aspiration system of the Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant as raw materials …

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Chromium processing | Extraction, Uses & Applications

Chromium processing, preparation of the ore for use in various products. Chromium (Cr) is a brilliant, hard, refractory metal that melts at 1,857 °C (3,375 °F) and boils at 2,672 °C (4,842 °F). In the pure state it is resistant to ordinary corrosion, resulting in its application as an electroplated

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Feasibility study of Ferrochrome slag as an alternative to …

The ferrochromium slag is an important by-product of ferrochromium industries. Recycling and efficient utilisation of the large volumes of slag generated by ferrochrome production process is a ...

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Melting Ferrochrome Using Chrome-Ore Briquettes

Results are provided for experimental-industrial tests of high-carbon ferrochrome smelting with partial replacement of the basic chromium ore with chromium ore briquettes produced by OJSC Donskoi Ore Mining and Processing Plant in an amount of 20–40% of the chromium ore raw material supplied to TNC Kazchrome JSC Aksu …

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