Tailing In South African Mines

Heavy Metal Pollution from Gold Mines: Environmental …

In gold mine tailings, concentration ranging between 8.9 and 65.7 mg/kg have been reported in South Africa by Mitileni et al. while a higher concentration of 177.56 mg/kg was reported by Bempah et al. in Ghana.

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Mogale Tailings Retreatment Project: Kickoff set for 2024

Re-mining of the Mogale Gold TSFs, a crucial component of the mogale tailings retreatment project and one of the two tailings facilities comprising Pan African Resources' recently acquired Mintails SA assets, will increase the Group's annual gold production profile by 25%.

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Monitoring Tailings Dams

As the time approaches rapidly for mining companies to start reporting on the safety and monitoring of their tailing storage facilities (TSF), several proof-of-concept studies are being undertaken that range from physical site monitoring to a range of remote sensing methods. Satellite monitoring is one of the more time- and cost-effective options …

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Jagersfontein Covered in Mining Waste

On September 11, 2022, a dam collapsed at a diamond mine in Jagersfontein, South Africa, and released a watery mixture of mining waste known as tailings.The sludge poured across the landscape, destroying homes, inundating rivers and grazing land, and injuring dozens.

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Catalogue of South African mine tailings for …

This approach may offer an additional route towards emissions offsets and reduction targets for South Africa. Here, a catalogue of tailings has been developed to …

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An underexploited invisible gold resource in the Archean …

The tailings dumps originating from gold mining in South Africa's Witwatersrand still contain notable gold endowments. Most tailings reprocessing operations target a native gold fraction using ...

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Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi colonising roots …

The sites sampled were revegetated gold and uranium mine tailings (also commonly referred to as slimes dams) in the Welkom area of the Free State goldfields and the host roots sampled were from acacia species, an important group of remedial plants used in South Africa for rehabilitation of mine wastes.

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Re-Processing Gold Tailings in South Africa

The South African gold and uranium producer, Gold Fields Mining SA (Pty) Limited, is developing a flowsheet to treat historic tailings as well as current arisings from their gold operations, to recover uranium, acid and additional gold (the Driefontein project).

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Tailings Storage Facilities | Tailings Management

Mr Danie Brink: Danie is an independent specialist tailings consultant. He has 37 years' experience in the field of mining and industrial waste management, with a particular focus on the design and surveillance of tailings storage facilities and the closure design of waste and tailings facilities. Danie resides in South Africa.

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South Africa has most environmentally dangerous tailing dams

South Africa has the highest number of dangerous tailing dams—structures constructed, often by mining companies, to store waste in liquid form.

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The environmental impact of gold mine tailings footprints …

Gold mining in South Africa resulted in vast volumes of tailings, which have been deposited in impoundments. Poor management of most of the tailings dams resulted in the escape of seepage, adversely affecting soils and water quality. Some tailings dams have been partially or completely reclaimed leaving contaminated footprints. These zones …

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From Tailings to Treasure? A New Mother Lode

One example reported in Rapaport Magazine describes the efforts of De Beers Consolidated Mines (DBCM) to extract overlooked diamonds from 360 million tons of old tailings surrounding the Kimberley mines in South Africa. According to the company, thanks to advances in separating, sorting, and crushing equipment, very small diamonds …

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Burst mining dam in South Africa: what must be done to …

Jagersfontien, a small town in the middle of South Africa with over a century of mining history, ... Consequently, there are over 200 active tailings facilities in South Africa. While initial ...

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Troubled South African tailings dam had history of high …

South African authorities shut down the Jagersfontein diamond tailings dam in 2020 due to high water levels before allowing it to reopen last year, a company official said on Monday, a day after ...

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Tailings storage facilities, failures and disaster risk

Mine tailings are voluminous and often toxic wastes, whose management is a global safety and sustainability challenge. This Review summarizes the major tailings …

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Retreatability analysis of the Musina copper mine tailings in …

The main aim of this study was to investigate the contents of copper and potentially harmful elements in the tailings of the Musina mine, an abandoned Cu mine …

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South Africa Tailings Failure Shows Need for Stronger …

On the morning of September 11, a tailings dam collapsed at the closed Jagersfontein diamond mine in Free State, South Africa. Local news reports the flood …

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Tailings Retreatment

Tailings retreatment represents the greatest contribution to recycling by Pan African. By reprocessing waste rock and tailings to extract gold left behind during the initial mining …

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Physicochemical properties, heavy metals, and metal …

This observation agrees with several studies conducted on gold mine tailings dams as potential source of HM contamination in adjoining soils and sediments in South Africa (Bempah et al. 2013; Olobatoke and Mathuthu 2016).

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Mining Weekly

Following the growing interest in tailings retreatment, a key future advancement to the South African tailings retreatment industry would be a single, large, profitable tailings treatment mining ...

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Environmental exposure to uranium in a population living in …

Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study to assess i) uranium (U) concentrations in individual hair samples of children and adults living in close proximity to mine tailings in Northeast- Soweto in Johannesburg, South Africa, and ii) the association between U concentrations in hair and various factors, including zone of residence, socio …

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Public remotely sensed data raise concerns about history of …

A mine waste deposit known as a tailings dam recently failed in the town of Jagersfontein, South Africa. The failure occurred amidst global concern about the safety record of these structures.

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Proximal sensor analysis of mine tailings in South Africa: …

Proximal sensor analysis of mine tailings was investigated at four different mining sites across South Africa. Data obtained from PXRF spectrometry strongly supported the mineralogy obtained through XRD and EDAX analysis, and was used to model VisNIR spectra.

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Retreatability analysis of the Musina copper mine tailings in South

In recent times, the potential beneficial uses of abandoned mine sites have been recognised and acted upon through the retreatment of tailings in order to win minerals of interest still available in economically viable concentrations. The most notable benefit (although not usually factored in financially) is that, once the tailings have been …

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Pan African Mine Tailings – Sustainable Mine Management

An even more serious incident occurred four years later, with the failure of the Brumadinho tailings dam at the Corrego do Feijao mine, also in Brazil, where almost 300 people died. In 2022, in South Africa, the Jagersfontein tailings dam on a diamond mine in the Free State collapsed, killing two people.

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Petra Diamonds opens tailings to artisanal miners in South Africa

Petra believes there is space for artisanal small-scale miners to co-exist with formalized, large-scale operators.

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Issues at Operating Uranium Mines and Mills

The company currently produces uranium as a byproduct of gold mining at its Great Noligwa mine in South Africa and expects to boost output when its Moab Khotsong mine opens. ... Buffelsfontein Mine Waste Solutions tailings reprocessing project sold to Anglogold: On July 20, ...

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Radon exposure risks among residents proximal to gold mine tailings …

1 Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Doornfontein Campus, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa; 2 National Health Laboratory Service, Toxicology and Biochemistry Department, National Institute for Occupational Health, Johannesburg, South Africa; Gold mine tailings, a …

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South Africa: Jagersfontein tragedy highlights complicated …

The recent and tragic Jagersfontein tailings dam failure has brought into focus the complicated regulatory environment that exists for mine residue or 'tailings' …

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Evaluation of a 20–40 year old gold mine tailings …

The conventional vegetation for gold tailings in South Africa involves grass planting into ameliorated tailings, and is primarily used for dust control and stabilization. ... E., Govender, K. and Viljoen, M. (2004) Ion mobility based on sequential column leaching of South African gold mine tailings dump and chemometric evaluation, Environmental ...

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Mogale Gold tailings storage facilities, South Africa – update

Name of the Project Mogale Gold tailings storage facilities (TSFs). Location Near Krugersdorp, to the west of Johannesburg, in Gauteng, South Africa. Project Owner/s Pan African Resources. Project ...

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Mine waste leaves toxic legacies in South Africa

The first part of the seminar and online session will focus on South African Tailings facilities – highlighting the legal situation and the impacts on mining affected communities. The environmental, social and health effects of mine waste facilities, called tailings dams, are extreme and some speakers from affected communities will present ...

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Progresses in restoration of post-mining landscape in Africa

We found that: (1) there has been substantial progress in identifying species suitable for phytoremediation; (2) few studies evaluated the feasibility of organic amendments to promote autochthonous colonization of mine wastelands or growth of planted species; and (3) restoration of limestone quarries in Kenya, sand mining …

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