Slag Condirtoner Using Dolomite Magnesite

Extraction of magnesium from calcined dolomite ore using …

Magnesium is widely used in varieties industrial sector. Dolomite is one source of magnesium besides seawater. The extraction of magnesium from dolomite ores can be done by leaching process. In this work, the dolomite leaching to extract magnesium by hydrochloric acid was investigated. The leaching experiments were performed in a …

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Determination of carbon isotopes in carbonates (calcite, dolomite …

This study reports a method for in situ determination of stable carbon (δ13C ‰) isotope compositions for calcite, dolomite, magnesite and siderite by femtosecond laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma...

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SLAG CONDITIONERS – Pennekamp Middle East

The main reason for using magnesitic and dolomitic slag conditioners is the enrichment of slags with basic oxides. They are needed to perform metallurgical work and for the …

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Review on the elaboration and characterization of

Several research studies have investigated the use of magnesite and dolomite in building materials and ceramics. The behavior of minerals (quartz, potassium feldspar, sodium feldspar, kaolinite, illite, ... Influence of blast-furnace slag on behavior of dolomite used as a raw material of MgO-type expansive agent:

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Study on Extracting Aluminum Hydroxide from Reduction Slag of Magnesium

The reduction slag from magnesium smelting by vacuum aluminothermic reduction using dolomite and magnesite as raw materials consists mainly of Al 2 O 3 and CaO.

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A method of producing magnesium by vacuum thermal reduction using

The novel process producing magnesium metal using vacuum aluminothermic reduction, which utilizes dolomite and magnesite as raw materials and aluminum powder as reductant, produces reducing slag ...

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Full article: Review on the elaboration and characterization of

Review on the elaboration and characterization of ceramics refractories based on magnesite and dolomite Footnote. Peer review under responsibility of The Ceramic Society of Japan and the Korean Ceramic Society.

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Influence of dolomite on the properties and

In this work, dolomite or a combination of dolomite and pulverized fly ash is to substitute up to 40% of blast-furnace slag in sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate-activated slag systems. The influence of dolomite incorporation on the strength development, flowability, setting time, pore structure, hydrated phase assemblage, and …

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Accelerated carbonation of one-part sodium carbonate-activated slag

One-part or 'just add water' alkali-activated material is one promising option of the clinker-free cementitious material being actively researched as the alternative to traditional Portland cements for lowering the energy consumption and CO 2 emission involved in the clinker production. The one-part sodium carbonate (Na 2 CO 3)-calcined …

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Evaluation of Dissolution Rate and Behavior of MgO Carriers …

Burnt dolomite cylinders were immersed into the molten slag for 5 to 40 minutes and rotated at a speed of 100 to 400 rpm. They observed the (Fe, Mg)O solid …

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Activation of ground granulated blast furnace slag by using …

Both reactive MgO and CaO are alternative activators for ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). In this study natural dolomite, as a source of MgO and CaO, was calcined at 800 °C (D800) and 1000 °C (D1000) in air.The activation of GGBS with the calcined dolomites was investigated using compressive tests, pH …

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Effects of slag addition and sintering temperature on the …

To improve this, materials of silico-aluminous nature (mainly clay and pozzolan) or basic (Magnesite, dolomite, lizardite) reinforced by natural or synthetic additives of mineral nature, and sometimes using industrial waste (i.e., slag, glass waste, phosphogypsum) were proposed [8].

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Modern Magnesium Industry in China | SpringerLink

The dolomite resources are mostly found in Henan, Shandong, and Ningxia provinces. These provinces also have large reserves of coal, so they preferably use the silicothermic process for magnesium production. ... To develop the technologies for utilization of the magnesium-bearing secondary resources, e.g., thermal process for …

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Static dissolution evaluation of dolomite-based materials in …

Lime is partly substituted by dolomite materials for lowering the refractory wear due to MgO saturation in slag. Dolomite consists of calcium and magnesium …

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Process of producing magnesium by thermal vacuum reduction using

A new process of producing magnesium by thermal vacuum reduction using dolomite and magnesite as materials and silicocalcium as reductant was studied in this study. The reduction process of MgO by silicocalcium was analyzed by phases analysis of reduction slag through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the factors influencing the …

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Study on extracting aluminum hydroxide from reduction slag of magnesium

The reduction slag from magnesium smelting by vacuum aluminothermic reduction using dolomite and magnesite as raw materials consists mainly of Al2O3 and CaO. The alumina is more than 67% of the slag and is mainly in the form of CaO • 2Al2O3. The process of producing aluminum hydroxide from the slag by leaching with a mixture of sodium …

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Potential of dolomite industrial waste as construction …

This paper provides the effect of dolomite waste on various properties (fresh, mechanical, and durability) of concrete, analyzes the crucial findings of dolomite waste …

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Influence of dolomite on the properties and

The influence of dolomite incorporation on the strength development, flowability, setting time, pore structure, hydrated phase assemblage, and microstructure …

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Robotic Slag Offloading and Process Improvement of Magnesium …

Traditionally, the magnesium is smelted in the Pidgeon process through following steps: blend the magnesium-containing calcined dolomite evenly with the reducing agent (ferrosilicon powder) and the mineralizer (fluorite powder) at a certain mix ratio; press the mixture into pellets; load a fixed amount of the pellets into the test tube in the ...

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Study on extracting aluminum hydroxide from reduction slag of magnesium

The reduction slag from magnesium smelting by vacuum aluminothermic reduction using dolomite and magnesite as raw materials consists mainly of Al 2 O 3 and CaO. The alumina is more than 67% of the slag and is mainly in the form of CaO • 2Al 2 O 3.The process of producing aluminum hydroxide from the slag by leaching with a mixture of …

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Dolomite Lime: Balancing Soil pH and Enriching with Calcium and Magnesium

Dolomite Lime Introduction. Dolomite lime, derived from the natural mineral dolomite, is a soil amendment used to raise soil pH levels and provide plants with essential nutrients like calcium and magnesium.

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Structural Characteristics and Cementitious Behavior of Magnesium Slag …

Magnesium slag is a type of industrial solid waste produced during the production of magnesium metal. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the structure of magnesium slag, the composition and microstructure of magnesium slag were investigated by using characterization methods such as X-ray fluorescence, particle …

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Limestone (calcium carbonate) and dolomite (magnesium-cal- cium carbonate), or fluxstones as they are sometimes called (Boyn- ton, 1980), and their calcined forms, lime and dolomitic lime are ... The slag formed in one operation can also serve as a flux in another. Slags formed in refining operations are often recycled to

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Magnesium Smelting via the Pidgeon Process | SpringerLink

Magnesium smelting via the Pidgeon process is a process in which raw material (dolomite) is fed into a reduction tank that is externally heated by a reduction furnace, and then the calcined dolomite is thermally reduced to metallic magnesium using 75% ferrosilicon as a reducing agent in vacuum.

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Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Slag: Formation, Reaction, and …

Basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS) slag, a product of hot metal element (e.g., Si, Mn, Fe, P) oxidation and flux (e.g. lime, dolomite) dissolution, plays a critical role in the production of high-quality crude steel, although its behavior inside the BOS vessel (formation and reaction with metal droplets and gas) is still not clear and its recycling has always been challenging.

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Densification and resistance to hydration and slag attack of …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Densification and resistance to hydration and slag attack of ilmenite-doped MgO-dolomite refractories in relation to their thermal equilibrium and microfabric" by A. Soltan et al.

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It is possible, then to make dolomite brick with a storage life long enough to allow shipping and placing in furnaces. Stability, shrinkage and porosity of calcined magnesite; effect of flux and temperature of burning.—Unlike dolomite, magnesite showed less slacking effect the higher the temperature of burning. Roll scale gave greater ...

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Dolomite: Properties, characteristics and uses

Dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2], is a calcium and magnesium carbonate that constitutes approximately 2% of the earth's crust of sedimentary rocks that can be found in massive beds or strata several meters thick throughout the world; it …

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Assessment of the dissolution rate and behaviour of raw …

Early formation of CaO- and MgO-saturated slag is critical for process productivity. To achieve this, flux must be dissolved in the melt in a limited process time, …

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Mechanical properties and microstructural analysis of slag …

However, the hydration product of slag-dolomite paste were the C-S-H, portlandite, quartz, calcite, and magnesium calcite, together with the appearance of quartz in the specimen with the calcined dolomite more than 20 wt%, which is a major factor for the increased compressive strength.

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Slag Conditioners

The main reason for using magnesitic and dolomitic slag conditioners is the enrichment of slags with basic oxides. They are needed to perform metallurgical work and for the …

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