Gold Narrow Reef Mining Methods

Doornkop South Reef Project, Gold Mine, South Africa

Doornkop South Reef Project, Gold Mine, South Africa. ... The design of the mine has been based around conventional mining methods, proven technology and established blasting techniques to result in a tramming width of 130cm and an average stoping width of 120cm.

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Narrow-reef mechanized mining layout at Anglo American Platinum

The mining method is based on the concept that on-reef development takes place on the strike, prior to stoping, thereby ensuring that all the necessary services and infrastructure are in place ...

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Major Mines & Projects | A1 Mine

The A1 deposit in general is characterised by narrow, very high-grade gold veins that are exploited using airleg stope mining within an extensive intrusive diorite. The Queens Lode is a large high-grade unmined part of the larger A1 gold mine system that is quite distinct from the typical ore mined historically, and still, at A1.

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Geological factors influencing the design of a narrow …

Slide 1. Geological factors influencing the design of a narrow-reef autonomous gold miner. Dr George Henry and Dr. Jan Kuijpers. Centre for Mining Innovation (CMI) 31 August …

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Explosives utilization at a Witwatersrand gold mine

Gold bearing deposits of the Witwatersrand basin are generally less than 2m thick and require conventional narrow-reef mining methods for extraction and employ explosives as a means of rock breaking.

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Stoping Mining Methods

In some narrow or moderately wide lodes, however, a regular arrangement of stub timbers is employed to support the immediate hanging wall and constitutes a rather distinct method of mining.

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Digging deeper: Mining methods explained

Find out how 3 types of mining techniques work to mine shallow or deep deposits: open-pit, underwater, & underground mining.

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Variations in ultra-deep, narrow reef stoping …

and out of the reef horizon. Generally this stoping approach has a moderate ventilation need per ton and a moderate in-stope heat load per ton. Dip pillar and underhand breast layout This method has recently been implemented successfully in the mining of narrow reefs at depth. Dip pillars are left behind in the reef horizon defining spans ...

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(PDF) Mining Methods: Part I-Surface mining

PDF | Surface mining; Classification of surface mining methods together with the desired parameters/ conditions suitable for their applications; Open... | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

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SAIMM Journal

This paper presents a methodology on how to implement change in narrow reef hard rock mining. It then explores a number of technologies that have been introduced into this …

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Quartz Reef Mining, Mining Techniques, Surface Mining, Gold Mining …

Primary gold typically happens in quartz veins. The removal of gold ore from these tough quartz veins was traditionally referred to as quartz reef mining.

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Materials Proceedings | Free Full-Text | Narrow Reef Mining …

The platinum mining industry is using a number of different mining methods, including variations of the same method, to extract the narrow reef tabular platinum . The choice of a particular mining 'method'—i.e., the specific mix of techniques for excavation, ground support, and materials handling—is greatly influenced by the …

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Gold Fields Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves …

Applying an optimal bulk extraction method here maximises the gold ounce extraction and reduces mining complexity. Owing to South Deep's depth, a destress cut is required to lower the in situ stress, such that mechanised bulk mining can be conducted. ... Strategic exclusion of the VCR narrow reef mining, pending completion of a suitable ...

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Narrow-reef mining solutions in the works

With the platinum mining industry in South Africa experiencing tough times, technology has become a major driver in reducing costs and facilitating improved productivity, and global engineering ...

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Optimization of blasting in narrow reef mines in South …

Anglogold Ashanti has interests in gold mining ac-tivities across the world as shown in Figure 2. Major gold mines in South Africa lie along an ar c from Jo--west of Johannesburg in a geological location known as the Witwatersrand Super Group. The South Afri-can region of Anglogold Ashanti operates gold mines in the Klerksdorp and Carletonville ...

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v117n7a1 Multi-stakeholder collaboration to unlock the …

gold mining sectors. Figure 1 indicates South Africa's contribution to the global production of gold. Historically, South Africa was the ... Narrow-reef mining methods, technology, and mechanized equipment have not changed much over the last century, despite the productivity fluctuations. There have been three

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(PDF) A progress report on ultra-high-pressure …

A progress report on ultra-high-pressure waterjet cutting underground: the future of narrow reef gold and PGE mining

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Narrow Reef Mining (NRM) Innovative Mining …

number of different mining methods, including variations of the same method, to extract the narrow reef tabular platinum [10]. The choice of a particular mining 'method'—i.e., the specific mix of techniques for excavation, ground support, and materials handling—is greatly influenced by the nature of the orebody being exploited.

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The geotechnical evolution of deep-level mechanized destress mining …

Since Gold Fields acquired South Deep in 2007, several mining methods have been used to date, but destressing was done conventionally using traditional South African narrow-reef gold mining methods.

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Mining Weekly

In chrome and platinum mining, where the dip is generally not more than 100, 30-million tons a year are being mined using mechanised low-profile room-and-pillar mining method in narrow-reef orebodies.

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Mining Weekly

Resources: Total mineral resources as at June 30, 2017, were estimated at 17.1-million tonnes grading 7.86 g/t gold. Mining Method: Narrow reef conventional mining of the South reef.

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Narrow-reef precious metals mining at a …

After leaving Comro in 1996, he spent another 18 years running his own business and again focused on the adoption of better mining methods in that narrow-reef space.

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A Trade-Off Study Between Drill & Blast Operations and …

The blasting technique in narrow reef mining is found less effective due to the use of explosives which leads to low efficiency, higher vibrations, possible fly rock, dilution, and

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Narrow Reef Mining (NRM)—Innovative Mining Technology for Narrow…

PDF | On Oct 11, 2023, Vječislav Bohanek and others published Narrow Reef Mining (NRM)—Innovative Mining Technology for Narrow, Sub-Horizontal PGE Ore Bodies | Find, read and cite all the ...

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geologically disturbed environment— the way forward

Johannesburg. A longwall mining method with stability pillars is used to extract the Carbon ... the most severe hazard to deep level gold mining in South Africa. It ... New mining methods and systems for narrow reef mining, Jul. 1999.

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Narrow-reef precious metals mining at a crossroads

Mechanical engineer Rod Pickering spent 20 years at the Chamber of Mines Research Organisation (Comro) running the stoping technology laboratory, the part of the now-defunct Comro that focused on hard rock, narrow-reef mining. After leaving Comro in 1996, he spent another 18 years running his own business and again focused on the …

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Optimization of blasting in narrow reef mines in South …

Gold mines and the older platinum mines are similar insofar as they utilize relatively unskilled labour to mine narrow reefs, having a seam height of the order of 1 m at dips …

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Narrow-reef precious metals mining at a crossroads

In chrome and platinum mining, where the dip is generally not more than 100, 30-million tons a year are being mined using mechanised low-profile room-and-pillar mining method in narrow-reef orebodies.

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Continuity Risk in Narrow Reef Gold Deposits

These features lead to a high resource risk and require careful management during both evaluation and mining. The gross form, location and global continuity of gold reefs can …

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Major Mines & Projects | Doornkop Mine

Mining Method: Conventional narrow-reef mining; Longwall; Breast stoping with strike pillars; Breast mining; ... Secondary conglomerate bands and stringers in the hanging wall and footwall of the South Reef may contain sporadic gold values. The general strike of the reef is east-west with a flat dip from 5 to 15 degrees. Reserves - subscription ...

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A review of the sequential grid mining method …

The Ventersdorp Contact Reef is a gold-bearing quartz pebble conglomerate capping the topmost angular unconformity of the Witwatersrand Supergroup (Figure 2). Regionally, it is seen as a separate lithological unit in its own ... A review of the sequential grid mining method employed at Elandsrand Gold Mine

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Narrow-reef precious metals mining at a crossroads

In chrome and platinum mining, where the dip is generally not more than 100, 30-million tons a year are being mined using mechanised low-profile room-and-pillar mining method in...

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v117n2a8 Reflections on narrow-reef platinum mining …

paramount. The success of platinum mining by the bord and pillar method depends heavily on a comprehensive and dependable pillar design method. Pillars need to be large enough to safely support the load and small enough to avoid loss of resources. A critical evaluation of current pillar design systems used in narrow-reef platinum mining was ...

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