Silverite Mines Equipment

Solved: (Awakening) Silverite Mines Glitch

I have tried every single solution offered, and nothing has worked. I have removed every piece of origins-specific gear from my character. I have tried both fan …

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Re: Dragon Age: Awakening; Silverite mines bug

There is a bug where equipment, armor and/or weapons the Warden-Commander was wearing are unrecoverable after waking up in the Holding Cells. You will know the bug has occurred if the main character is naked instead of clothed like the others and only three Experimental Subjects spawn. ... TerraEx's "Awakenings Silverite Mines …

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WARNING: Lost All My Gear (Wending Woods)

I encountered a prertty nasty bug in the Silverite Mine. Before you enter the Silverite Mine make a real save and strip all the clothes off your characters.

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Can i get back into the silverlite mines once i escaped?

I have alredy escaped the silverlite mines but i forgot to get the fresh dragon egg wilst i was in ther and i need it to make the dragonbone sword with wade.

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Dragon Age: Awakening; Silverite mines bug

It is advisable to save before entering the mines in case this does happen, as the only way to fix it is to reload the save and try again, or take off all equipment before …

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The best 10 Mining Equipment & Supplies in Tanzania 2024

Find Mining Equipment & Supplies in Tanzania and get directions and maps for local businesses in Africa. List of best Mining Equipment & Supplies in Tanzania of 2024.

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Architect's Lab | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom

Initially seen after entering the Silverite Mine, the Architect's Lab is located north of where the Warden wakes up (just past the darkspawn patrol). There are two ways in, each leading to a different level. The upper level is accessed by killing the darkspawn jailor and taking the key to the door. The door leading to the pit is locked. To unlock it, the Warden must …

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Bug in Silverite Mine

Ah yes that. There is a fix called Silverite Mine fix but if you don't like mod, do the Silverite Mine last or leave your gear in the keep.

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What equipment transfers over to Awakening?

Make sure you unequip any DLC armor before entering the silverite mines though, the DLC armor gets lost forever and I learned that the hard way.

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Lost all my gear in Silverite Mines Help?

For Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Lost all my gear in Silverite Mines Help?".

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Silverite Ore | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom

Silverite Ore is a plot item in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. It can be given to Wade to upgrade the equipment of the Vigil's Keep soldiers. Found in the Silverite Mine to your right when you enter the room where you fight the two Experimental Subjects.

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Guide for Dragon Age: Origins

Page 24 of the full game walkthrough for Dragon Age: Origins. This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements.

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Architect's Lab

Initially seen after entering the Silverite Mine, the Architect's Lab is located north of where the Warden wakes up (just past the darkspawn patrol). There are two ways in, each …

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Forum:The mine guy stole my stuff!!!!! | Dragon Age Wiki

[Silverite Mine - Bugs] Bug! There is a bug where equipment, armor and/or weapons the main character was wearing are unrecoverable after waking up in the Holding Cells. You will know the bug has occurred if the main character is naked instead of clothed like the others.

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How do I solve Experiment levers in Architect's lab

When you escape the cells in the Silverite Mines, you go into the lab and there are levers there to clear out the gas and open the magic door to get to whatever is on the floor.

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Talk:Silverite Mine | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom

This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Silverite Mine article. General discussions not pertaining to the improvement of the article should be held in Discussions ... Regarding the Experimental Subject bug: In my experience, reloading a save and entering the mine with equipment removed does not prevent the equipment from being ...

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The Silverite Mine Equipment Bug

Unfortunately I suffered from the Silverite Mine equipment bug in the Wending Woods. On the first play-through, I was able to recover my companions' …

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Silverite (Inquisition) | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom

For the crafting resource in Dragon Age II, see Silverite. Silverite is a crafting material in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Random loot from sacks. Found in the Arbor Wilds, Emprise du Lion and the Frostback Basin. Available at Emporium's Crafting Materials for 192 (x100). Available at the Crafting Materials Merchant in the Legion of the Dead Camp for 288 …

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The Wending Wood (I)

Once they've been defeated, you'll automatically leave the Silverite Mines. At this point, Velanna volunteers to join the Grey Wardens, and thus becomes a permanent member of your party. Side ...

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!!!Take off your gear before entering silverite mine *major …

For Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "!!!Take off your gear before entering silverite mine *major bug*!!!!!".

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The Enduring Vigil achievement in Dragon Age: Origins

After you're caught in prison, while searching for your equipment. ... Veridium Ore - Vigil Keep Basement 3 - Silverite Ore - Silverite Mines Voldrik's Wall Upgrades: 1 - 80 Gold Pieces 2 ...

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M6 Silverite Mine | Maps Dragon Age: Origins

M6 Silverite Mine | Maps - Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening Game Guide & Walkthrough | gamepressure. Download Game Guide PDF, ePUB & iBooks.

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Experimental subject | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom

The Experimental Subjects are a group of four ghouls located in the Silverite Mine. The Righteous Path Silverite Mine The subjects will be the same race, class and gender as the party member whose equipment they are using. The subjects are the only ones besides the named party member who can wear items restricted to a party member. There are …

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DAO: Awakening

Unfortunately I suffered from the Silverite Mine equipment bug in the Wending Woods. On the first play-through, I was able to recover my companions' equipment, but not my own.

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Silverite Mines question (Spoilers, NOT about missing equipment…

For Dragon Age: Origins on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Silverite Mines question (Spoilers, NOT about missing equipment)".

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Overview: Silverite Mine

Did we miss anything in this section? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know! Overview Shortly after entering the mine (via Exit A), you and your companions will get captured by the Architect, and he'll imprison you and confiscate all of your equipment.

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Awakening: Silverite mine, where is your warden's armor?

Then I guess you encountered the well known Silverite Mine Bug, which completely destroys the main characters equipped items and there is no way to get them back.

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M6 Silverite Mine | Maps Dragon Age: Origins

M6 Silverite Mine. Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening Game Guide & Walkthrough. Free iOS App iPhone & iPpad. ... Chest - Your equipment. 12. Dragon whelps. Next Maps M7 Blackmarsh Prev Maps M5 Wending Wood. See/Add Comments. JOIN FOR UPDATES. Join the gaming community. Facebook. Youtube. Guides. Twitter.

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Silverite Mines

Silverite Mines. 115. Back to Vigils Keep. The Keep. 116. Amaranthine Part 3. 117. The Blackmarsh. The Blackmarsh Undying. 118. Shadowy Crypt. 119. ... Going south you will encounter another Subject wearing someone else's equipment along with any of its friends. View Full-size. The Holding Cell Key is used to open doors further along. The ...

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The Righteous Path

I'll help you figure out how to do the Experiment in the Architect's Lab and then fight your way out of the mine through the waves of darkspawn. I'll also cover how …

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Overview: Silverite Mine

You should be able to get your equipment back (by defeating experimental subjects and looting a chest near the end), but as of version 1.04 this sequence is buggy, and it's …

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The Righteous Path | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom

Some conditions may cause the main character's equipment to vanish completely after being captured by the Architect in the Silverite Mine. This could happen if the Experimental subject, who would have been wearing your equipment, does not satisfy the requirements to wear your gear. You will know if the bug has occurred because the Warden will ...

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Silverite Mine | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom

Follow the path around to a horde of Darkspawn, defeat them and check the soldier corpse and the Experimental Subject for more of your gear and a Spyglass . Going south you …

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Awakening Silverite Mines Bugfix

This mod fixes the infamous Silverite Mines equipment glitch that causes you to permanently lose some/all of the equipment on your player character. With this fix installed the scene involving the Arc

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