South Dakota Mining Case Law For Lode Over Placer Claims

Gold Rush Expeditions

Gold, Silver, Copper, and Platinum mining claims for sale. Mines for sale in California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, Colorado, Idaho

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Lode & Placer: 150 years of mining claims on public lands

While the 10-year-old Homestead Act had established a pathway for settling the West with family farms, the new Mining Law promoted settlement by bringing …

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Lode & Placer: 150 years of mining claims on public lands

The later, perhaps less celebrated law is known as the General Mining Law of 1872, and it continues to govern development of hardrock minerals on federal lands. It had combined two earlier laws dating from 1866 and 1870, and established a means to patent, or take full title to, federal lands where a mineral claim has been located, or staked.

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Pete Lien & Sons, Inc. v. Zellmer

The Supreme Court affirmed, holding (1) the circuit court did not err in deciding that Defendant's fourteen placer mineral claims on property at issue were invalid; and (2) Defendant's invalid placer mineral claims did not preclude Plaintiff's subsequent claims.

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S.D. Codified Laws § 45-4-4

The discoverer of a lode shall within sixty days from the date of discovery record the claim in the office of the register of deeds of the county in which the lode is …

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Libby, Montana Mining Claims | The Diggings™

Filter 10,000 mining claims by decade, disposition, type, and commodity in Libby, Montana.

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Chapter 4

Browse South Dakota Codified Laws | Chapter 4 ... Actions involving mining claims-Proof of customs, usages, or regulations; ... Association with another to obtain possession of a lode, gulch, or placer claim by force and violence, by …

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Mining Claims for Sale: Patented & Unpatented | Placer, Lode …

Explore a diverse range of mining claims for sale, both patented and unpatented. From placer to lode, tunnel sites to mill sites, find the perfect claim for your next venture at MiningClaimSales.

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How to Stake a Mining Claim: What it is and How it Works

Staking a mining claim is the legal process of claiming the right to extract minerals from an area of public land. Here's how to stake a claim.

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Mining Claims – Western Mining History

This page gives an overview of mining claim distribution, and introduces some of the tools WMH produces to aid in claim research. ... 2020, there were over 562,183 active mining claims distributed among the the following states – Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and ...

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Black Hills National Forest Mining Claims | The Diggings™

Filter 10,000 mining claims by commodity, decade, disposition, and type in Black Hills National Forest.

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Nevada Division of Minerals Placer Claim Forum

What is Nevada's Role in Placer Claims on Federal Lands ? • The Mining Law allows states to establish additional laws regarding the manner in which mining claims

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Id. The fourteen claims over limestone in this case are placer claims. South Dakota Mining Laws [¶ 14.] The Dakota Territory first enacted laws regarding mines and mining claims in 1875, before South Dakota became a state. 1875 Dakota Sess. Laws ch. LXVII, § 6. 3 Many of those laws remain largely the same today and are …

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Fall River County, South Dakota Mining Claims | The …

Filter 2,628 mining claims by commodity, decade, disposition, and type in Fall River County, South Dakota.

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eCFR :: 43 CFR Part 3832 Subpart B -- Types of Mining Claims

The Office of the Federal Register publishes documents on behalf of Federal agencies but does not have any authority over their programs. We recommend you directly contact the agency associated with the content in question. ... § 3832.21 How do I locate a lode or placer mining claim? (a) Lode ... not subject to the mineral leasing acts where a ...

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South Dakota Minerals and Mining Exploration

Information about the South Dakota Minerals and Mining Exploration - Exploration Notices of Intent. ... Annual assessment work to maintain the validity of a mining claim; and; ... What Laws and Rules Govern Exploration Activities.

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Microsoft Word

One exception is the case of a placer with overlapping lode claims. Placer claims are claims to the minerals in unconsolidated or loose surficial deposits. If there are any known …

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20.66 acres in Custer, SD, 57730 | Land

SOUTH DAKOTA BLACK HILLS MOUNT RUSHMORE LODE CLAIM WITH GOLDVEIN This is a legally registered, 20.66 acre gold and gem, LODE Mining Claim for sale, the Rushmore Gem Lode #1, with a quartz/gold mineral vein running thru the whole claim for 1500 feet. Located in gold rich Custer County, near the town of Custer and only 37 miles …

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Pete Lien & Sons, Inc. v. Zellmer :: 2015 :: South Dakota …

Id. The fourteen claims over limestone in this case are placer claims. South Dakota Mining Laws [¶14.] The Dakota Territory first enacted laws regarding mines and mining claims in 1875, before South Dakota became a state. 1875 Dakota Sess. Laws ch. LXVII, § 6. 3 Many of those laws remain largely the same today and are codified at SDCL …

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Evaluating Seniority in Mining Claims Revised

The third case is a senior placer claim with junior lode claims intersecting or abutting the placer claim. For the case of a known lode within a patented placer claim, the patent for the placer claim excludes those known lodes. If the placer claimant believes that there are known lodes within his claim, he must stake and

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Available Mining Claims | Gold Rush Expeditions, Inc®

View our mining claim inventory with gold, silver, copper, and platinum mines in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Idaho, Montana.

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South Dakota Codified Laws § 45-4-6 (2023)

2023 South Dakota Codified Laws Title 45 - Mining, Oil and Gas Chapter 04 - Location And Working Of Mining Claims Section 45-4-6 - Dimensions of lode claim--Determination of width by election.

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South Dakota Codified Laws § 45-4-6 (2021)

The length of any lode claim may equal but not exceed fifteen hundred feet along the vein or lode. The width of a lode claim shall be three hundred feet on each side of the center …

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Introducon to Mining Law

Tunnel Sites • 43 C.F.R. § 3832.41 • Subsurface right-of-way under federal land open to mineral entry • Used for access to lode mining claims or to explore for

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Explanation of Location | Bureau of Land Management

The two types of mining claims are lode and placer. In addition, mill sites and tunnel sites may be located to provide support facilities for lode and placer mining claims (43 CFR Part 3832). Lode Claims. Lode claims cover classic veins or lodes having well-defined boundaries and also include other rock in-place bearing valuable mineral deposits.

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What is lode mining claim?

Definition of a Lode Mining Claim. A lode mining claim refers to a legal claim on a vein or lode of mineral-bearing rock within the public lands of the United States. The claim gives the claimant the right to extract the minerals found within the vein or lode, typically consisting of precious metals like gold or silver.

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Map of Mining Claims In Custer County, South Dakota Map

Map of 10,000 mining claims filtered by commodity, decade, disposition, and type in Custer County, South Dakota.

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Lawrence County, South Dakota Mining Claims | The …

Filter 10,000 mining claims by commodity, decade, disposition, and type in Lawrence County, South Dakota.

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45-4-1 Discovery of lode within limits of claim essential. 45-4-2 Conditions precedent to filing of location certificate. 45-4-3 Marking surface boundaries of claim. 45-4-4 Location …

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South Dakota Codified Laws § 45-4-6 (2021)

2021 South Dakota Codified Laws Title 45 - Mining, Oil and Gas Chapter 04 - Location And Working Of Mining Claims Section 45-4-6 - Dimensions of lode claim--Determination of width by election.

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Colorado Gold Mining Claims | The Diggings™

Filter 397 gold mining claims by commodity, decade, disposition, and type in Colorado.

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What is a Placer Claim? | Mining Frequently Asked Questions

Placer claims are defined as "...including all forms of deposit, excepting veins of quartz, or other rock in-place." In other words every deposit, not located with a lode claim, should be appropriated by a placer location. Placer claims, where practicable, are located by legal subdivision (aliquot part and complete lots).

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Pete Lien & Sons, Inc. v. Zellmer, 865 N.W.2d 451

The fourteen claims over limestone in this case are placer claims. South Dakota Mining Laws [¶ 14.] The Dakota Territory first enacted laws regarding mines and mining claims in 1875, before South Dakota became a state. 1875 Dakota Sess. Laws ch. LXVII, § 6. Many of those laws remain largely the same today and are codified at …

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