Chinese Explore Yukon Mining Potential

The Yukon Mining Sector's Innovation Ecosystem

Action To uncap the true potential of Yukon's mining sector, further investment in the research and development of new innovations for exploration and surveying will be needed.

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Invest Yukon

Yukon Mining Alliance, through its Invest Yukon initiative and brand, collaborates with its members, industry, and governments to connect investors globally with the competitive advantages of Yukon and continue to accentuate the high mineral potential of our underexplored territory.

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Canada's Yukon: An underexplored world-class gold district

Given the large impact that the mining industry has on the Yukon economy, it is only logical for the government to invest in the industry to further drive growth in the territory. ... further accelerating the attractiveness and growth potential of the district. White Gold's unique district scale opportunity in an underexplored jurisdiction ...

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2021 Yukon exploration bounces back

Mining exploration and production activity soared in Yukon Territory in 2021 thanks to high metals prices, pro-industry government policies, and mounting successes in the field. Bouncing back from some of the most challenging working conditions in modern history due to the COVID-19 pandemic, placer and hardrock miners stepped up the pace …

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Mineral riches lure explorers to Yukon

The Canadian government, Yukon government and private industry agreed in 2017 to spend C$469 million on about 650 kilometers (524 miles) of upgrades of existing roads in the Dawson and Nahanni ranges – two key areas of high mineral potential and active mining in Yukon.

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Fireweed Zinc consolidates Macmillan Pass in the Yukon

The Macmillan Pass project is the largest undeveloped zinc and lead resource in the world held by a junior Canadian company.

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chinese explore yukon mineral processing potential

WebChinese explore Yukon mining potential A high-level delegation of Chinese mining and government officials is in the Yukon this week, looking at potential mines to invest in. About. Uploaded by IsumaTV. 06 August 2009. 783 views.

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Invest Yukon conference brings Yukon mining potential to …

Join the #InvestYukon #VirtualSiteSeries conference and safely discover Yukon's exploration and mining potential through their innovative virtual site...

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Experts raise concerns over potential cyanide spread after Yukon …

By Caitrin Pilkington Some experts are warning of potential impacts of cyanide in the territory's waterways after a heap leach failure at Victoria Gold's Eagle mine near Mayo, Yukon.

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Invest Canada North | Yukon

Today much has changed in the Yukon - including the technology and mining methods but companies are still charging to the Yukon for the modern polymetallic rush. 2. GEOLOGICAL POTENTIAL. It could be argued that the Yukon has the world's greatest mineral potential. ... Invest Yukon Unlocking the Mining Potential of the North.

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Five base metal projects underway in the Yukon

Now headlines echo the shift toward the Yukon's second gold rush. Before the White Gold district was even a thing, base metals deposits hogged the spotlight in Yukon mining circles.

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Mining | Government of Yukon

Pages and documents related to mining in the Yukon. Mine. Exploration. Mining land use. Placer. Hard rock. Quartz. Mineral Resources Branch. Yukon, Canada.

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Aleut's Ring of Fire mineral potential

Aleut's Ring of Fire mineral potential. Aleutian ANCSA corporation's region is home to Alaska's first lode gold mine; hosts abundant Pacific Rim metals potential North of 60 Mining News – August 1, 2019

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Site visit: Yukon gold duo McConnell and Christie helm …

John McConnell and Tara Christie are the Yukon mining power couple. The husband and wife are both presidents and CEOs of Victoria Gold (TSX: VGCX) and Banyan Gold (TSXV: BYN; US-OTC: BYAGF), respectively. Victoria has the territory's only producing open pit gold mine, the heap-leach Eagle mine about 275 kms east of …

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Find maps and records for mining claims and tenure

Find records for mineral claims and tenure You can use our mining claims database to look up: the type of mineral tenure; the status of a claim; the claim owner; and important dates related to the claim.

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Hecla Yukon | Canada | Hecla Mining

Learn more about the Hecla Yukon Mine located in Yukon Territory, Canada and how the mine is planning on expanding after further exploration.

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'As goes mining, so goes the Yukon': Government and

The Yukon Panel at The Northern Miner's the third annual Canadian Mining Symposium held in May 2019 at Canada House in London, U.K.

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Klondike Gold hunts for source of the Yukon Gold Rush

Few stories in mining history rival the lore of the Klondike Gold Rush. Photographs of hordes of fortune-seekers climbing the Chilkoot Pass in north-western Canada in the late 1890s are some of ...

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HISTORY: Chinese were early traders in Yukon

The coin adds to the body of evidence that the Chinese market connected with Yukon First Nations through Russian and coastal Tlingit trade intermediaries during the late 17 th and 18 th centuries and perhaps as early as the 15 th century. ... Canadian Mining Journal provides information on new Canadian mining and exploration trends ...

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Modern Mining

The History of Alaska-Yukon Mining: CHAPTER 17 Modern Mining. ... but the Bear Creek company continued to explore in other areas and discovered copper-polymetal deposits on Ruby Creek in the Kobuk River Valley. ... Given the importance of mining in Alaska's past and the potential defense needs of the nation, miners have been unhappy with ...

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Glacier melt opens up new territory for salmon — and mining

A new study has found that glacier retreat is exposing land never touched by humans and creating new rivers. This new habitat is already attracting salmon – and mining interest.

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A soap business bubbles up in midst of Yukon mining boom

A soap business bubbles up in midst of Yukon mining boom. Joella Hogan is exploring her entrepreneurial drive in her traditional territory, but a new mine is complicating matters for the small community of Mayo, Yukon. ... Hogan bought Yukon Soaps, an established local brand, as a way to explore her entrepreneurial drive without …

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Yukon Mining Investment Conference & Property Tours

The highly-anticipated Yukon Property Tours and Investment Conference is returning July 14 -18, 2019. This exclusive event invites delegates to join senior leadership from the Yukon mining industry, Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nations in exploring and discussing the geological potential of Yukon.

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Invest Canada North | Yukon

Yukon hosts a healthy pipeline of mining projects in multiple commodities. Over the last decade, we have proven that we know how to discover, develop and operate mines in …

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Yukon should match mining potential with better policy to …

However, according to a recent study, which measures the investment attractiveness of mining jurisdictions worldwide based on government policies and …

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Bolstering North of 60 mineral exploration

With mineral exploration expenditures nearly doubling over the past year, Nunavut has dethroned Yukon as the most popular Canadian territory to discover and …

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Yukon: An Emerging World-class Mining District | INN

With a mineral-rich geology, a long-established mining history and stable, mining-friendly policies, the Yukon is quickly emerging as a world-class jurisdiction for mining and exploration.

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China, US racing to make billions from mining the …

Unlike in the era of Sputnik and Apollo, the world's top superpowers can't even agree on basic principles to govern the next generation of space activity.

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Yukon government will not halt mining, despite First …

The Yukon government will not stop mining across First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun (FNNND) territory following the June 24 landslide at Victoria Gold's Eagle …

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Bolstering North of 60 mineral exploration

Canada's westernmost North of 60 mining jurisdiction, however, does not benefit from one major mining company that dominates exploration in the territory. Instead, mineral exploration in the Yukon tends more toward earlier staged projects being advanced by …

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Yukon Gold Mining History: The Untold Story

Yukon's mining history. If you are interested in learning more about Yukon gold mining history, there are a number of resources that you can consult. The territorial government has a number of publications that are devoted to the history of mining in the Yukon, and there are also a number of books that have been written on the subject.

Phone: 0086-21-58386256

Fax: 0086-21-58385887

Email: [email protected]

Maps | Yukon Chamber of Mines

Uncover the region's mineral wealth and potential as you navigate this comprehensive resource, providing valuable insights for both enthusiasts and industry experts. Explore map data using GeoYukon Yukon Mining and Exploration Projects

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