Impurities In Uranium Processing Solution

Uranium recovery from strong acidic solutions by solvent extraction

Since the stripped organic solution will be re-circulated to the extraction stage, and no other impurity effect could be present in uranium loaded strip liquors from which for uranium transfer, therefore complete stripping of uranium is unnecessary.

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Oxygen Isotope and Fluorine Impurity Signatures during the …

Oxygen-stable isotopes (δ 18 O values) of uranium-bearing materials have been theorized to provide the processing and geolocational signatures of interdicted materials. However, this signature has been minimally utilized due to a limited understanding of how oxygen isotopes are influenced during uranium processing.

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Uranium Processing | SpringerLink

Uranium leach solutions often contain a number of cationic impurities such as iron, vanadium, titanium, e.g., that result in complex effects of the extraction behavior, …

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Solid phase separation and ICP-OES/ICP-MS determination …

Among these the determination of impurities in uranium matrices by ICP-OES provides reasonable detection limits and a large dynamic range. But it requires separation of the trace impurities from uranium. Owing to its simplicity and simultaneous capabilities ICP-OES scores over other analytical techniques.

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Computational simulation and modelling of uranium …

Non-disperse solvent extraction is an effective technique for the extraction of metal ions from aqueous solution. In this study, uranium extraction using n-dodecane solvent containing ...

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Determination of Metallic Impurities in Uranium Metal …

Determination of Metallic Impurities in Uranium Metal or ... and uranium solutions which can be converted to uranium oxide (U3O8) in a muffle furnace. It may be used to determine ... 7.3 Photographic Processing Solutions—Prepare solutions as noted in Practice E 115.

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Uranium recovery from strong acidic solutions by

A new solvent extraction process has been developed to transfer uranium from strong to weak sulphuric acid solutions suitable for uranium precipitation without …

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Specifi c Features of Peroxide Precipitation of Uranium …

alcoholic medium was examined with uranium solutions having concentration of 23.8 g/L (0.1 M), with introduc-tion of a 5-fold excess of HP relative to uranium and ... and Sr are the main impurities in processing of uranium with a small degree of depletion [4], experiments were performed with 152Eu and 133Ba. Figures 1 and 2 show

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Uranium Recovery (Extraction) Methods |

The uranium dissolves into solution and is collected at the engineered barrier. The solution undergoes additional chemical processing to produce " yellowcake ". In the in-situ recovery (ISR) process, a solution called lixiviant (typically containing water mixed with oxygen and/or hydrogen peroxide, as well as sodium carbonate or carbon dioxide ...

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An overview of spectrometric techniques and sample

Request PDF | On Jan 31, 2013, Alexandre Luiz de Souza and others published An overview of spectrometric techniques and sample preparation for the determination of impurities in uranium nuclear ...

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Chemical processes for recovery and purification of high …

This work describes a streamlined approach to the recovery and purification of 234 U from aged 238 Pu. Key modifications to conventional techniques are described …

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Sorption of Uranium and Rare-Earth Elements to Remove

Modern technologies for extracting uranium from ores provide for the sorption of uranium from pulps or solutions onto ion-exchange resins [].To obtain a triuranium octoxide concentrate, additional treatment of uranium eluates, such as extraction purification, ammonium carbonate salting out, and other methods, is required to remove …

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Computational studies of impurity migration during …

This article describes multiple experiment-informed models designed to simulate a specific laboratory system in which uranium melt, containing a known starting …

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The solution is then passed on for clarification where impurities are eliminated. From there it is fed to the ion exchange. The chemical reaction that takes place during this stage, results in the uranium that is in solution, being attracted onto resin, and then, through a series of chemical reactions that solution is concentrated.

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Notes of Practical Ion Exchange in Uranium Extractive …

at the same time exhibiting good selectivity for uranium over other impurities in the leach liquor. Additionally, a strong, durable resin is required, especially when contacted directly with pulps. ... This method is the most economical for processing of low grade ores. ... Mineral solids are filtered off; clarified solution continues to the ...

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Extraction processing of concentrated solutions of …

Process flowsheet of recycling uranium concentrated solutions with its purification from insoluble impurities of iron, silicon, molybde num, calcium oxides and hydroxides and soluble impurities with application of centrifugal …

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Analysis of twenty five impurities in uranium matrix by ICP …

Uranium sample was digested, separated with the UTEVA resin and directly diluted for ICP-MS/MS measurement under optimized He collision mode. Recoveries of all the impurities exceed 90%, most of which were more than 95%. The inter-element inferences as well as the solution matrix effects on the impurity signals were investigated.

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Uranium: The Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Beyond

Uranium is a relatively common element that is found throughout the world and mined in a number of countries. After mining, uranium ore is crushed in a mill and grounded to a fine slurry, which is leached in sulfuric acid (or sometimes a strong alkaline solution) to allow the separation of uranium from the waste rock.

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Extraction of impurities from phosphorite ore in

As a result of processing, a nitrate-phosphate solution purified from radioactive elements and impurities is formed, based on which a complex nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer "Nitrofos" is ...

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Recent progress in impurity removal during rare earth …

The presence of impurities in REE-containing solutions has an enormous impact on not only the final REE products, but also on the efficiency of processing; some specific examples are provided in Table 1. In REE processing streams, impurities like aluminum and iron(III) are detrimental to solvent extraction circuits.

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Recent progress in impurity removal during rare earth …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Recent progress in impurity removal during rare earth element processing: A review" by W. Judge et al.

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Application of uranium impurity data for material

Samples of materials involved in the conversion of uranium into nuclear-grade products are collected to support the verification of States' declarations and to look for indications of possible undeclared materials and activities. Samples are analysed by several laboratories to determine concentrations of about sixty impurities; the data …

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Uranium Mining and Extraction from Ore

Because of this, uranium extraction is used to isolate and purify the uranium containing compounds from the raw ore. This paper will focus on the chemistry of uranium …

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Chemical processes for recovery and purification of high-purity uranium

Among actinide impurities, uranium is of paramount concernmore » An aqueous method based on nitric acid was selected for purification of the {sup 238}PuO{sub 2} fuel. All aqueous processing used high purity reagents, and was performed in PTFE apparatus to minimize introduction of new contaminants.

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Precipitation and purification of uranium from rock …

This study was carried-out to leach uranium from rock phosphate using sulphuric acid in the presence of potassium chlorate as an oxidant and to investigate the relative purity of different forms of yellow cakes produced with ammonia, magnesia and sodium hydroxide as precipitants, as well as purification of the products with TBP and …

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Introduction to Uranium | SpringerLink

Historical studies of uranium were attributed to its distinction as the heaviest element in nature and as the terminus of the classical periodic table. Presently, the mechanical, physical, chemical, and metallurgical properties of …

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Exploration, Mining, Milling and Processing of Uranium

The yellow cake of sodium or magnesium diuranates produced from uranium ore in the uranium recovery (milling) process contains several impurities and needs purification …

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Specific Features of Peroxide Precipitation of Uranium from …

The data obtained in precipitation of uranium peroxide in preparing uranium for manufacturing process are related to the purification to remove weight quantities of impurities, and the coefficients of uranium purification to remove rare-earth elements (REEs) are rather large [1, 2].In processing of SNF with small degrees of …

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Chemical processes for recovery and purification of high …

Processing with a high uranium concentration in the feed and a high HNO 3 concentration in the feed/elution achieved excellent uranium retention on the anion exchange column as well as the uranium separation from trace quantities of plutonium and stable metal impurities.

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(PDF) Ion Exchange in Hydrometallurgical Processing: An …

levels of impurity metals from concentrated solutions, such. as the removal of contaminating zinc and copper from. ... Technologies for the primary processing of uranium have.

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Concentration-Purification of Uranium from an Acid Leaching Solution

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Concentration-Purification of Uranium from an Acid Leaching Solution" by H. Guettaf et al.

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(PDF) Determination of impurities in uranium oxide by …

Solutions processing order. Calibration solut ion 3 (1 ... Analysis of trace impurities in uranium materials is crucial for quality control in the nuclear industry and also informative for nuclear ...

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(PDF) Solid phase separation and ICP-OES/ICP-MS

Solid phase separation and ICP-OES/ICP-MS determination of rare earth impurities in nuclear grade uranium oxide ... processing the solution ... an additional step to remove uranium from the REE ...

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Uranium processing

Uranium processing - Leaching, Extraction, Purification: Roasted uranium ores are leached of their uranium values by both acidic and alkaline aqueous solutions. For the successful operation of all leaching systems, uranium must either be initially present in the more stable hexavalent state or be oxidized to that state in the leaching process. Acid …

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Oxygen Isotope and Fluorine Impurity Signatures

Within the front end of the nuclear fuel cycle, many processes impart forensic signatures. Oxygen-stable isotopes (δ18O values) of uranium-bearing materials have been theorized to provide the processing and geolocational signatures of interdicted materials. However, this signature has been minimally utilized due to a limited understanding of how oxygen …

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