What Surgical Procedure Involves Crushing A Stone Or Calculus

Chapter 7 Medical Terminology Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet

What is the surgical procedure that involves crushing a stone or calculus? Cystoscope. The instrument used to inspect the urinary bladder is a _____. Nephropexy. What is the surgical procedure to correct a prolapsed kidney? IVP. What is the abbreviation for intravenous pyelogram? ... A patient with a calculus in the ureter would most likely ...

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What is the surgical crushing of kidney stones?

What can be used to break up kidney stones and gallstones? Lithotripsy is a general term meaning stone crushing, and can be applied to the destruction of both kidney stones and gallstones.

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Cystoscopic Laser Lithotripsy and Stone

Stones occur within the urinary bladder due to incomplete bladder emptying, urinary stasis, and/or chronic bladder infections. With time, the urine that is not voided begins to harbor bacteria and contain higher amounts of mucus, sediment and urinary minerals, eventually resulting in a bladder calculus. Surgical options for patients with symptomatic bladder …

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Kidney Stone Surgery: Prep and Recovery

Kidney stone surgery involves a surgeon either physically removing a kidney stone whole or in pieces, or essentially blasting it apart so that it can be passed …

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What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus…

The surgical procedure that involves crushing a stone or calculus is lithotripsy. The term lithotripsy comes from the Greek word "lithos," which means stone, and "tripsis," which means crushing.. Lithotripsy is a non-invasive procedure that uses shock waves to break up stones into small pieces that can be passed out of the body …

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chapter 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like act of voiding urine, What term means increase in nitrogenous compounds in the blood, What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus and more.

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Urinary System Test Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What term means act of voiding urine?, What term means nitrogenous compounds in the urine, What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus? and more.

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Med term final | Quizlet

what is the surgical procedure that involves crushing a stone or calculus? lithotomy. lithotripsy. lithiasis. cholecystectomy. 23 of 50. Definition. speech. The suffix -phasia means. ... what is the surgical procedure that involves crushing a stone or calculus? Choose matching definition. lithotomy. lithotripsy. lithiasis. cholecystectomy. Don ...

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Chapter 7 Questions Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What term means act of voiding urine? A. Nocturia B. Micturition C. Oligura D. Urodynia E. Pyorrhea, What term means increase in nitrogenous compounds in the blood? A. Azotemia B. Polyuria C. Enuresis D. Dysuria E. Oliguria, What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone …

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Exam 3 Flashcards | Quizlet

When the second portion of the small intestine is sutured, the surgical procedure is known as: jejunorrhaphy. 32. Which medication is administered to control nausea and vomiting? ... What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus? lithotripsy. 35. The increased formation and excretion of urine is called: diuresis. 5. The surgical ...

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what is the surgical procedure that involves crushing a stone …

What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus. Surgical crushing of a stone? It is called Lithopaxy What is the medical term meaning surgical crushing of a stone? Lithotripsy What does calculus involve? » Free online chat! What is the name of the procedure for surgical crushing of a …

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urinary system review chapter 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

Surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus. nephr/o/plasty. The surgical procedure to correct a prolapsed kidney. urethrocele. Herniation of the urethra. Cyst/o/scope. instrument is used to inspect the urinary bladder. Edema. Excessive accumulation of fluid within body tissues. IVP.

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Med Term ch 2 Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Rupture of the eyeball, The surgical crushing of a stone is called, An enzyme the breaks down fat is: and more.

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exam 7 urinary system | Quizlet

What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus? lithotomy. lithotripsy. lithectomy. lithiasis. lithoscope. 3 of 52. Definition. ... What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus? Choose matching term. lithotomy. lithotripsy. lithectomy. lithiasis. lithoscope. Don't know? 3 of 52.

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surgical procedure that involves crushing a stone or …

Posts Related to what surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or… what surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or … Posts Related to what surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus .

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Crushing of a stone is called: a. lithiasis.

This is different from lithotomy, a surgical stone removal procedure, and should not be confused with geological terms like lithification. The crushing of a stone in medical terms is referred to as c. lithotripsy. This procedure involves breaking down renal or biliary calculi (stones) using physical forces, such as shock waves or laser energy.

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Medical Terminology Exam 3 ch. 7

What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus? A) lithotomy B) lithotripsy C) lithectomy D) lithiasis E) lithoscope. B lithotripsy. What is the surgical procedure to correct a prolapsed kidney? A) nephroptosis B) nephrodesis C) nephrotomy D) nephropexy E) nephrostomy. D nephropexy. Herniation of the urethra is known as: A ...

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Kidney / Bladder Stones

Treatment of bladder stones may involve the use of medications to help dissolve the stones, but larger stones may need to be removed through a surgical procedure such as …

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Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy

Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a pioneering, noninvasive approach to managing urinary calculi, revolutionizing the landscape of urological care. This innovative procedure harnesses the power of shockwaves to fragment kidney and ureteral stones from outside the body, obviating the need for surgical incisions. Introduced in …

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Medical Terminology Exam 3 ch. 7

A) azotemia B) polyuria C) enuresis D) dysuria E) oliguria, What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus? A) lithotomy B) lithotripsy C) …

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Chapter 3 Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Identify the urinary structure that expels urine from the body., Which of the following describes nephrorrhaphy?, What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus? and more.

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'Crushing the stone': a brief history of lithotripsy, the first

Lithotripsy developed in stages, first by learning how to pass a straight hollow sound, then drilling stones to break them up, later by crushing them, followed by means …

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Quiz 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus? lithotripsy. Which urinary structure stores urine? bladder. What is the surgical procedure to correct a prolapsed kidney? nephropexy. What is the abbreviation for intravenous pyelography? IVP. Cystectomy is the surgical procedure for:

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Surgical crushing of a stone is: Select one: O a. calculus O b

Surgical crushing of a stone is referred to as lithotripsy, a medical procedure that breaks a kidney stone into small particles using shock waves. Explanation: Surgical crushing of a stone is referred to as lithotripsy. Lithotripsy is a medical procedure in which a kidney stone or other calculus is broken into small particles …

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Chapter 7 Quiz

What is the surgical procedure that involves crushing a stone or calculus? lithotripsy. What is the surgical procedure to correct a prolapsed kidney? nephropexy. What is the term that means uncontrolled loss of urine from the bladder? incontinence. When urotoxin is suspected, it means there is a poisonous substance in the: ...

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Medical Terminology Urinary System Test Review

stone or calculus. painful urination. ... Accumulation of fluid in the tissues is called ? edema. surgical procedure that involves crushing of a stone or calculus. lithotripsy. surgical procedure to correct a prolapsed (floating) kidney. nephropexy. Microscopic filtering unit in the kidney.

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What Surgical Procedure Involves Crushing A Stone …

What Surgical Procedure Involves Crushing A Stone Or Calculus P & G Pharmacy Handbook Research Methods in Psychology Handbook on Flaps in Crush Injuries of the Hand Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Disaster Management The Crush Syndrome (and Lessons Learned from the Marmara Earthquake) The Modern Treatment of Stone in the …

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Surgical crushing of a calculus in the urinary tract is refered …

The surgical crushing of a calculus (kidney stone) in the urinary tract is referred to as lithotripsy. Lithotripsy is a medical procedure where high-intensity ultrasound pulses are used to break the kidney stones into smaller pieces that can be passed more easily through the urinary tract.

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What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus …

The surgical procedure that involves crushing a stone or calculus is called lithotripsy.. Lithotripsy is a minimally invasive procedure used to break down or fragment kidney stones, bladder stones, or gallstones into smaller pieces, making them easier to pass out of the body naturally.The procedure is typically performed using non …

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Fundamentals Med Term Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus?, Inability to control urination is called, Herniation of a fallopian tube is called: and more.

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Which term means surgical crushing of a stone? O …

Answer: the correct term for surgical crushing of a stone is "lithotripsy." Explanation: Lithotomy: Lithotomy refers to a surgical procedure to remove a stone from the bladder, urethra, or other parts of the urinary tract. It involves making an incision to access and remove the stone.

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Kidney Stone Surgery and Removal Procedures

Find out whether kidney stones require surgery, the possible risks and complications, the length of the recovery period, and the aftercare required.

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