A process for the beneficiating of that fraction of oxidized nickel ores occurring as discrete boulders and joint blocks. The boulders and blocks treated are those which have undergone enrichment at their surfaces and decreasing degrees of intermediate enrichment inwardly from their surfaces. The boulders are tumbled in a body in rubbing contact with each …
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Some factors that affect beneficiation of sulphide nickel-copper ores" by V. Kirjavainen et al.
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Study on Beneficiation Technology for Rational Utilization of Low-Grade Copper Nickel Symbiotic Ore" by F. Gan et al.
Both hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical approaches are used to process nickel laterite ores, with the best approach depending on the ore composition.
Pyrrhotite flotation and its selectivity against pentlandite in the beneficiation of nickeliferous ores: An electrochemistry perspective. Special Iron Ore Processing Issue ... 1988, "Flotation behavior of pyrrhotite in the processing of copper-nickel ores," Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt, G.P. Tyroler and G.A. Landolt, eds., pp ...
To improve beneficiation of nickel and iron from low-grade saprolite laterite with 1.29 wt.%Ni and 16.31 wt.%Fe, co-reduction with limonitic laterite ore and basicity …
Meanwhile, strong demand for nickel in recent years and depletion of high grade ores have prompted the need to process more these low grade reserves of laterite [4,5]. Unfortunately, the nickel laterite is very difficult to treat due to its low-grade and complex mineralogy.
This review outlines metallurgical processes for nickel production from various nickel sulfide ores resources, particularly focusing on recent developments in metallurgical …
The possibilities of extracting valuable components and producing selective good-quality concentrates from hard-to-beneficiate crude ores are considered for the disseminated copper–nickel ores from the Norilsk district. The stated aim is achieved by a combined technology including beneficiation and hydrometallurgical processes.
A new process is developed for metallurgical beneficiation of iron laterite nickel-containing (limonite) ores with the formation of a metallic nickel-cobalt concentrate. This process includes reducing roasting of the ores with sulfur-containing additions in the temperature range 1100-1200°C, the fragmentation of the roasting product, and the magnetic …
The utilization of low-grade laterite ores has become necessary due to the intensive mining of high-grade nickel sulphide ores for a long time.
Beneficiation is followed by processing activities such as smelting and refining. The beneficiation process begins with milling, which is followed by flotation for further beneficiation. At the first stage, extracted ores undergo the milling operation to produce uniformly sized particles for crushing, grinding, wet or dry concentration.
For silver-bearing lead–zinc ores, preferential flotation process is used for high-grade ores that are easy to dress, with a simple flotation circuit. Zinc-sulfur bulk flotation process is applicable to low-grade ores with lower beneficiation costs through discarding tailings in advance.
Request PDF | Some factors that affect beneficiation of sulphide nickel–copper ores | Sulphide Ni–Cu deposits occur typically in mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks and intrusions. The ...
The microwave heating characteristics of ultramafic nickel ores, and the mineralogical changes that occur as a result of microwave treatment, are described in this paper. Ultramafic nickel ores were found to heat well in response to microwave radiation and the temperatures achieved were sufficient to convert serpentine to olivine.
Copper and nickel are widely used in power, machinery and electronic industries [1–4].Nowadays, the main source of copper and nickel is extracted from ore resources [].With the progress of society and the continuous development of mineral resources, the easily processed ore resources are gradually exhausted [].The main characteristics of …
This study investigated the recovery of nickel from tailings (0.2% Ni) obtained in a chromite beneficiation plant using H2SO4 leaching followed by oxalic acid precipitation. The tailings were characterized using mineral liberation analysis. Ni was found as Fe-Ni, Fe-Ni-Co sulfide minerals, which were encapsulated in serpentine, olivine, …
The recovery of rare earth values from the lean-grade ores requires several stages of mineral beneficiation and hydrometallurgical unit operations. The mineral beneficiation techniques such as gravity concentration, magnetic separation, electrostatic separation, and flotation were employed for the recovery of rare earth minerals.
The processing of ultramafic ores requires fine grinding, which can result in slime-coating of the nickel-bearing mineral, pentlandite, by the phyllos…
The processing of lateritic nickel ore is quite difficult, since the nickel-bearing minerals are finely disseminated in the ore bodies. Hence the establishment of beneficiation techniques has long been needed.
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Beneficiation of Nickel from Ultramafic Ores: Using Sodium Citrate as a Green Processing Reagent" by O. Wani et al.
With the vigorously growing demand of the steel industry, corrosion resistance alloys, clean energy industries, and a variety of engineered infrastructure or technology, high-grade nickel ores are being exhausted gradually in the world. This review outlines metallurgical processes for nickel production from various nickel sulfide ores resources, particularly …
Highlights • Ni grade in laterite ores was increased using magnetic and gravity separation. • Ni bearing serpentine were separated from heavier minerals with a …
The objectives of this thesis were to: understand how the recovery of nickel (Ni) from ultramafic Ni ores is affected when recycled process water is used; develop technique …
Request PDF | Beneficiation of Nickel from Ultramafic Ores: Using Sodium Citrate as a Green Processing Reagent | The processing of ultramafic ores requires fine grinding, which can result in slime ...
Nickel ore mainly includes copper-nickel sulfide ore and nickel oxide ore, we provide nickel ore beneficiation process solutions, flow design and beneficiation equipment.
Often erroneously considered to be clay 'only', phyllosilicates are common gangue minerals in cobalt-containing ores. With nickel laterites, Cu-Co sediment-hosted and cobalt arsenide deposits, ... cobalt beneficiation processes are usually of secondary importance compared to the process required to recover the main commodity ...
The physical beneficiation of nickel (Ni) laterite ores is clearly a potential method to improve nickel recovery and processing efficiency. Since nickel-bearing minerals are often finely disseminated throughout the ore, it has been difficult to economically upgrade the nickel content in ores without substantial losses.
Highlights. •. Presence of divalent cations in recycled process water causes detrimental impact on nickel recovery from ultramafic ores. •. Sodium citrate removes …
Request PDF | Nickel Laterite Beneficiation and Potential for Upgrading Using High Temperature Methods: A Review | Australia has large reserves of limonite and clay-based laterites that are ...
However, basic investigations on the beneficiation of nickel ores prove that these ores do not yield to the usual methods of concentration^, Investigations ß, 5, Sj show that in such ores nickel only occurs in the form of isolated minerals (garnierite, nickel-bearing minerals,
Of all these techniques, sizing was the most successful means of beneficiation of laterite ores. Nickel in New Caledonian laterite was higher in the finer fractions with just under 50% reporting to the −37 μm fraction. Magnesium, chromium, aluminium and silicon were concentrated in the coarser fractions.
Nickel laterite ores comprise a significant resource in Australia and according to United States ... Beneficiation of Arid-region Nickel Laterites For pre-concentration, a selective comminution ...
Nickel is associated with cobalt in laterite oxide ores, and all the other Ni-based byproducts derive from Mg content. The extraction efficiency of nickel depends on …