Clifford Chance Briefing Note

Clifford Chance | Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

We are pleased to present this briefing regarding the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (the "IRA"), which Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) described as "The Boldest Clean Energy Package in American History." Hundreds of billions of dollars will be unlocked to support renewable energy project development and electrification initiatives in the United …

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Briefing Note

extension of the senior managers and certification regimes: asset managers 22203-v0.15 uk-5030-new2018 july 2018 | 3 clifford chance what are the key elements of the smcr?

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Clifford Chance | Implications for Secured Lenders of the …

Failure to comply with the new regime carries consequences, including restrictions on the ability of an overseas entity to deal with its UK real estate, which could affect transactions involving, and security over, such real estate.In this briefing note, we consider the implications of the Act for secured lenders.

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This briefing also explores other avenues by which investors may directly enforce against the relevant issuer. Clifford Chance | 1 principle, whereby each party only has rights …

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New laws regarding mortgages in Poland

CB_Reforma hipoteki Ang:Briefing note 1column.qxd 16:16 Strona 1. What is the New Mortgage? ... *Clifford Chance also has a co-operation agreement with Al-Jadaan & Partners Law Firm in Riyadh and a 'best friends' relatio nship with AZB & Partners in India and with Lakatos, ...

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Equitable remedies for breach of contract 1 Equitable remedies for breach of contract The influence of equity in our modern legal system must not be underestimated.

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Loan trading across the globe

Clifford Chance has written a briefing note on each of the proposals, which are available on the Financial Markets Toolkit on the Clifford Chance website.The trading of loans can raise complex legal issues particularly in relation to guarantees and security, withholding tax, confidentiality and regulation.

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Clifford Chance | The UK's Data Protection and Digital …

The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill is expected to re-enter the UK legislative process, preceded by a short period of governmental engagement with businesses and civil society in relation to possible amendments. Originally laid before the UK Parliament in July 2022, the Bill's passage through the UK's legislative process was …

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Email: [email protected]

Planning for your 2023 AGM

Clifford Chance Client Portal All your tailored resources in one place Visit our resource centre giving you access to our toolkits, publications, alerters and crossborder guides all in one place ... In this briefing note, we flag the five key areas PLCs should consider for the 2023 AGM season. At a glance. 1. What is the right meeting format?

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Briefing note June 2014

Briefing note June 2014 . 2 China relaxes outbound direct investment rules 5182-v0.2 CN-8000-COMM-15 ... Clifford Chance LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales under number OC323571 Registered office: 10 Upper Bank Street, London, E14 5JJ

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(A Clifford Chance Client Briefing was drafted following the publication of the co-legislator provisionally agreed version of the regulation in ... other things, the report notes that significant further progress has been . SUSTAINABILITY: RECENT ESG DEVELOPMENTS (NOVEMBER 2023)

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This client briefing starts with a description of the background circumstances which are likely to have influenced the promotion of these bills. That description draws heavily on the 'Overview' section of our May 2021 client briefing but is updated to reflect the most recent practical experience in the sovereign debt restructuring field.

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Clifford Chance | The Jackson reforms: what they mean for …

The Jackson reforms come into force on 1 April 2013. Though aimed primarily at personal injury litigation, the reforms will affect commercial litigation. For example, the rules on disclosure will change, cases could be subject court-determined budgets, and claimants will be encouraged to make settlement offers. The funding of litigation will also change. …

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Recent government announcements for the energy sector

Both announcements aim to assist the UK in meeting net zero targets whilst also increasing the security and resilience of Britain's energy supply. We provide our …

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Clifford Chance | CAA guidance note on the notion of …

Clifford Chance in Luxembourg has produced a client briefing on the new Information Note of the CAA and action points for insurance undertakings and sponsors concerned.

Phone: 0086-21-58386256

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Email: [email protected]

Briefing note 14 November 2012

Briefing note . 14 November 2012 . 2 OCI issues Guidance Note on Outsourcing . annually) regarding the ability of their service providers. 5. Outsourcing agreement. Outsourcing arrangements ... Clifford Chance, 28th Floor, Jardine House, One Connaught Place, Hong Kong

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Email: [email protected]

Energy & Resources

The global energy and resources group at Clifford Chance is a multi-disciplinary team of highly-experienced lawyers who provide innovative legal advice, with expertise in Capital Markets, M&A and Joint Ventures, Construction, Environmental and regulatory issues, Litigation, PFI/PPP, Project Finance, Restructuring, Real Estate and Tax.

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Email: [email protected]


Clifford Chance ENFORCEMENT OF DEBT SECURITIES ... note has standing to enforce against the relevant issuers before the global note is converted into definitive notes to be registered in the names of individual or discrete investors. ... • This briefing also explores other avenues by which investors may directly enforce

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Eu listing act: european commission proposes measures …

Clifford Chance EUROPEAN CAPITAL MARKETS MONTHLY BRIEFING SERIES EU LISTING ACT: EUROPEAN COMMISSION PROPOSES MEASURES ... Note, but also the EU Follow-on Prospectus and EU Growth issuance document as each described in more detail below) will succeed, will in practice depend, amongst other things, on whether …

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Email: [email protected]

Briefing note December 2015

Briefing note December 2015 . 2 Political agreement on the EU General Data Protection Regulation - the data protection "big-bang" business created by the Schrems ... Clifford Chance LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales under number OC323571 Registered office: 10 Upper Bank Street, London, E14 5JJ

Phone: 0086-21-58386256

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Email: [email protected]

Ukraine: The latest global sanctions and export controls

The following briefing provides an overview of the sanctions and export controls imposed by the US, EU, UK, Japan, Singapore and Australia, as well as measures adopted in response by Russia, as of 10pm GMT, 7 March 2022.These new sanctions are complex, multilateral and continue to be incrementally changing in real time in response …

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Topics covered: The latest on Covid-19 and pay. Corporate governance - Round up of 2020/21 AGM season and trends to watch. Update on Brexit and employee incentives. …

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Clifford Chance | Funded Re-Pra Supervisory Statement

The Supervisory Statement was accompanied by a Dear CEO letter outlining the implementation approach for the Supervisory Statement (the "Letter").The Supervisory Statement followed a consultation on Funded Re arrangements (see PS13/24, the "Policy Statement") and consultation paper CP 24/23 ("Consultation Paper").In this briefing ...

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Clifford Chance is proud to be at the forefront of the Islamic project finance industry and in 2012 our Middle East banking and projects ... Briefing note . Spring 2013 . Key issues Overview Recent deals Islamic structuring Tax …

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Fax: 0086-21-58385887

Email: [email protected]

Clifford Chance | The EU financial services legislative pipeline

The current European Commission's financial services legislative pipeline is almost full, although some additional proposals are expected over the next year. This briefing provides an overview of the nearly 40 existing and scheduled legislative proposals by the current Commission on financial services and related cross-cutting issues. The …

Phone: 0086-21-58386256

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Briefing note February 2015

Briefing note February 2015 . 2 China issues new guidelines on the taxation of the indirect offshore transfer of PRC assets Controversial withholding and penalty mechanisms ... Microsoft Word - Clifford Chance Client Briefing-SAT 2015 Announcement No.7.docx Author: 917252

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European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR)

This Topic Guide helps you navigate both the legislation itself and the complex array of secondary rules through which it is being implemented and allows you easy access to briefing notes and other materials prepared by Clifford Chance's team of derivatives and financial regulation experts.

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Clifford Chance | Preparing for the implementation of the …

The Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) is due to come into force on 23 February 2018 and will impact the distribution of insurance and reinsurance across the European Union, replacing the current insurance mediation directive (IMD).There have been calls for the delay of its implementation by the insurance and insurance distribution …

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INTERNATIONAL REGULATORY UPDATE 9 AUGUST 2024INTER. eal of regulatory regime for RFMCs publishedRecent Clifford Chance briefing: US bankruptcy …

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Holiday Pay November Employment Newsletter

Briefing Note November 2014 Key issues Holiday pay: issues for consideration What is normal remuneration? How far back can claims go? ... Clifford Chance LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales under number OC323571 Registered office: 10 Upper Bank Street, London, E14 5JJ ...

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The EU Securitisation Regulation – entering a brave new …

On 1 January 2019 the EU Securitisation Regulation (the "Regulation" or "Securitisation Regulation") began to apply – somewhat extraordinarily – before key elements of the regime were even close to being finished. Of the dozens of mandates for technical standards and guidelines, not a single one has been completed and published in the Official Journal of …

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Key Issues. Implementation of NPL Directive by Member States is not yet finalised and therefore its influence on the NPL market in the European Union remains uncertain.

Phone: 0086-21-58386256

Fax: 0086-21-58385887

Email: [email protected]

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