surgical crushing of a stone: polycystic: many cysts: ureteroplasty: surgical repair of the ureter: pyurea: pus in urine: nocturia: excessive urination at night: nephroscopy: veiwing the insides of the kidney: gonococcus: bacteria that causes gonorrhea: glomerulopathy: disease of glomerulus: abdominocystic: pertaining to the abdomin and urinary ...
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like cystectomy, cystolithotomy, cystorrhaphy and more.
Which term means surgical crushing of a stone? lithotripsy. Absence of urine production is: anuria. A 32-year-old woman has kidney stones. Which is the proper diagnostic term for a kidney stone? nephrolithiasis. The instrument used in cystoscopy is a: cystoscope.
Lithotripsy is a procedure that uses energy (shock wave therapy) to break up kidney stones (calculi), bladder stones, or deposits in the ureter ( ureter stones) when they cause …
Purpose The purpose of this Guideline is to provide a clinical framework for the surgical management of patients with kidney and/or ureteral stones.
The term "lithotripsy" is defined as A: incision of the meatus B: surgical repair of the urethra C: surgical crushing of a stone D: an excision or removal of ureter
1 Purpose The purpose of this Guideline is to provide a clinical framework for the surgical management of patients with kidney and/or ureteral stones.
Most procedures for small stones can be performed as same-day surgery, allowing you greater flexibility and a rapid return to work and other daily activities. There are three main techniques for kidney stone surgery, and the choice of technique depends upon multiple factors, including the size and type of stone, medications you may be taking ...
Approximately 10 to 20 percent of all kidney stones require surgical removal, which is determined based upon the presence of symptoms and the size and …
Surgical crushing of stone(s) in the kidney is called: O ureterolithiasis pyelolithotomy nephrolithotomy nephrolithotripsy
Understanding what is the best option for treating your kidney stone can be difficult. In our new chart, we summarize the benefits and drawbacks of each surgical option. While it still won't make the decision for you, it can help you to make an informed decision when talking to your urologist. For more detailed information and videos, see our treatment pages.
Lithotripsy developed in stages, first by learning how to pass a straight hollow sound, then drilling stones to break them up, later by crushing them, followed by means to evacuate the fragments, finally by integrating the lithotrite with the cystoscope, permitting surgery under direct vision.
Lithotripsy is used to break up stones in the bladder, kidney, or ureter when they can't pass on their own. A variety of methods exist and, depending on the size and location of the stones, can be done from outside the body (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) or from inside (intracorporeal lithotripsy).
Surgical options for patients with symptomatic bladder stones include open cystolithotomy, percutaneous cystolithotomy, or cystoscopic laser lithotripsy with …
A doctor may recommend kidney stone surgery for stones that are very large, are causing pain, or have become stuck. Learn more here.
About 1-2 thousand shock waves are needed to crush the stones. The complete treatment takes about 45 to 60 minutes. Sometimes, doctors insert a tube via the bladder and thread it up to the kidney just prior to …
Surgical crushing of stone(s) in the kidney is called: Answered step-by-step. AI Answer Available
Cystolitholapaxy is a procedure to break up and remove bladder stones. Learn more about the procedure and when you may need one.
lithotripsy BECAUSE: Lith/o means stone and -tripsy means surgical crushing; thus, lithotripsy means surgical crushing of a stone. -otomy means cutting into, so lithotomy means cutting into an organ to remove a stone. -megaly means enlargement; therefore, lithomegaly means enlarged stone. -malacia means abnormal softening; hence, …
surgical crushing of stone(s) azotemia. urea in the blood. nephrohypertrophy. excessive development of the kidney. pyelonephritis. inflammation of the renal pelvis and the kidney. ureterocele. protrusion of a ureter. cystostomy. creation of an artificial opening into the bladder. nephrostomy.
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Medical term meaning pertaining to the urethra, Suffix meaning drooping, Medical term meaning surgical crushing of a stone and more.
STS-URO-082-00. Optical Stone Crushing Forcep to be used with 25Fr. Cysto-Sheath
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The combining form meaning sound is: albumin/o azot/o noct/i son/o, In the medical term lithotripsy, the word root means: stone renal pelvis water meatus, In the medical term cystorrhaphy, the word root means: bladder, sac glomerulus meatus urea, nitrogen and more.
Lithotripsy is a procedure that uses shock waves to break large kidney stones into smaller ones that can pass through the urinary tract. Learn about the benefits, risks, and alternatives of lithotripsy, and how it differs from surgical crushing of a stone.
Which of the following terms means surgical crushing of a stone? lithomalacia lithotripsy lithotomy lithomegaly. lithotripsy. Which of the following therapeutic measures uses an artificial kidney machine? catheterization hemodialysis …
Lithotripsy uses high energy shock waves to break kidney stones into small pieces that can pass with urine. Learn about the procedure, advantages, disadvantages, side …
surgical crushing of a nerve. trips. word root for crushing. lithotripsy. surgical crushing of stones, perhaps during lithiasis. ultrasonic lithotripsy. therapeutic ultrasound used to fragment stones in the kidney. myelocytic. pertaining to myelocytes. dysplasia. poor or defective development-plasia. suffix for growth or development ...
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is used most often for larger stones or when less-invasive procedures don't work or aren't possible.
The surgical term that means crushing a stone in the common bile duct is: choledochlith/otripsy. The combining forms os-, or/o-, and stomato-, all mean: mouth. How is shigellosis diagnosed? isolating and identifying the Shigella bacterial organism in stool.
Kidney stone surgery involves the surgical removal of stones in the kidney or ureters. Reviewed by our board-certified surgeons.
Surgical crushing of a stone A. lithotripsy B. neurotripsy C. pancreatolith D. cholelith - Digestive System Medical Terminology Quiz
surgical repair of the nose. rhinoplasty. surgical repair of tendons. tenoplasty. suture of a muscle. myorrahphy. fixation of a (pendulous)*breast. mastopexy. suture of the bladder. cystorraphy. surgical fracture of a bone. osteoclasis. crushing of a stone. lithotripsy. seperation of the intestina (adhesions) enterolysis. crushing a nerve ...
Lithotripsy is a non-invasive surgical procedure used to treat kidney stones. Shock waves are transmitted from outside the body to break up kidney stones. The remaining kidney stone fragments pass through the urinary tract. Lithotripsy is one of the most common treatments for kidney stones in the United States
Surgical crushing of a stone is: a. calculus b. lithiasis c. lithogenesis d. lithotripsy lithotripsy Cephalometry is: a. a headache b. an instrument used to measure the head c. measurement of the head d. study of the head