Oil Shale Mining Machines

Haspert oil-shale mining systems. Final report on design …

Technical Report: Haspert oil-shale mining systems.Final report on design work of a prototype oil-shale mining machine

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Surface Mining Techniques used in the Oil Sands

Surface mining is sometimes known as open-pit, open-cut or open-cast mining and is only commercially viable if the deposit is located relative close to the …

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Anvil Points mine: Decades of boom, bust

However, the story of oil shale and the Anvil Points mine go back long before this. ... It was the height of World War II, citizens were on strict gas rationing and the government had to supply a massive war machine with dwindling supplies of gasoline, diesel and oil. The intent was to discover a method that would become commercially …

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Machine learning-based fracturing parameter optimization …

Scientific Reports - Machine learning-based fracturing parameter optimization for horizontal wells in Panke field shale oil Skip to main content Thank you for visiting nature.

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Environmental impact of oil shale mining

Oil shale mining has impact on the environment. In Estonia, 100 years of oil shale mining history provides sufficient experience and acknowledgement for estimating environmental impact for the future. The mining depth is increasing, and mining activities are moving from surface to underground mines. Environmental impact of oil …

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Oil shale mining and material handling: Considerations for …

At present, open pit, block caving, and various stopping systems appear promising. Existing mechanical mining machines are capable of high drivage rates in oil shale; …

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More than 10 million tons of oil shale mined in Estonia in 2022

According to Ministry of the Environment figures, 10.7 million tons of oil shale were mined in Estonia last year, marking the highest volume of oil shale mined in the past three years. More than half, or 6.2 million tons, was mined by Enefit Power, a subsidiary of the Estonian state-owned energy group Eesti Energia.

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Production Capacity Prediction Method of Shale Oil Based …

Based on the effect of threshold pressure gradient and stress sensitivity, a mathematical model of three-phase seepage of oil, gas and water in a shale oil reservoir is derived, …

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Reading: Mining | Geology

Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth from an orebody, lode, vein, seam, or reef, which forms the mineralized package of economic interest to the miner. Ores recovered by mining include metals, coal, oil shale, gemstones, limestone, dimension stone, rock salt, potash, gravel, and clay.

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Evolution of Mining Equipment in the Oil Sands

Oil sands mining fleets are subjected to some of the harshest conditions on earth. Equipment must be able to sustain brutally cold winters, abraisive silica sand, sticky bitumen and unstable ground conditions.

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oil shale mining machine shale mining oil machine Prior art date Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.) Expired Application number CA511105A Other languages French (fr) Inventor G ...

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The Story of Kohtla mine

The current Estonian Mining Museum is one of the largest tourist attractions in the region and offers the opportunity to explore underground kilometers of oil shale mining, get acquainted with both older and modern technology, oil shale production and energy as well as enjoy the charming industrial landscape in various ways.

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Advances and challenges in shale oil development: A critical …

In this work, the advances and challenges in the development of shale oil are summarized from following aspects: phase behavior, flow mechanisms, reservoir …

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16.2: Mining, Processing, and Generating Electricity

The miners use large machines that dig out the coal. In drift mines, a tunnel is dug horizontally into the side of a mountain. ... creating subsurface mines, or open-pit mining. Oil shale can be burned directly like coal or …

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Three Ways Greater Digitalization in Shale Oil Plays Can …

In shale-oil applications, greater digitalization can provide three big benefits to help operators accelerate execution speeds, optimize completions and production, and …

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Study on physical and mechanical properties of oil shale …

The utilization of oil shale ash in developing environmentally sustainable filling materials for subterranean mines presents a promising ecological approach, albeit with typically low ash content. In this study, the filling material was prepared by adding oil shale ash and slag. The study examines the physical and mechanical properties of …

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Oil shale mining in Estonia | MININGMETALnews

- Selective mining improves quality in oil shale extraction, told German company, active now in Estonia, in a press release. Oil shale is a type of rock consisting of both organic carbon and mineral constituents. Oil shale resources are estimated to amount to some 10 quintillion tonnes worldwide. The amount of oil they …

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Oil Shale Extraction | HowStuffWorks

Oil shale must be mined using either underground- or surface-mining methods. After excavation, the oil shale must undergo retorting . This is when the mined rock is exposed to the process of pyrolysis — applying extreme heat without the presence of oxygen to a substance, and producing a chemical change.

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Oil Shale and Tar Sands | Bureau of Land Management

Oil Shale and Tar Sands The United States holds more than half the world's oil shale, a fine-grained sedimentary rock containing organic matter from which petroleum products may be distilled. Although it has long been seen as a potential source of secure, reliable, and affordable energy, the technology to produce oil from oil shale in commercial …

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However, the environmental impacts associated with the preparation and production of oil shale. The different mining methods used for oil shale extraction and accompanied development processes have various environmental impacts.

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The Scottish Oil-Shale Industry

Oil-shales were predominantly formed in aquatic environments, either seas or lakes, and occur world wide. They are carbonaceous, fine-grained sedimentary rocks, rich in organic matter, which produce shale oil when heated in retorts. Historically they were burnt in domestic fires, like coal, but in the late nineteenth century they were...

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Surface Mining Techniques used in the Oil Sands

Oil sands mining operations are some of the largest mines in the world. Although open-pit oil sands mines have a lot in common with traditional hard-rock mines (such as gold or copper), oil sands operators …

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Realizing shale's full potential | Deloitte Insights

Shale's continued resilience during the lower oil price environment indicates a promising outlook for the next decade. But as the resource matures, all stakeholders …

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[PDF] Machine learning-based fracturing parameter …

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-56660-8 Corpus ID: 268372656; Machine learning-based fracturing parameter optimization for horizontal wells in Panke field shale oil @article{Li2024MachineLF, title={Machine learning-based fracturing parameter optimization for horizontal wells in Panke field shale oil}, author={ong Li and …

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Room and Pillar Method

The self propelled continuous mining machine rips the coal from the working face, in a preplanned pattern of room-and-pillars, with an array of hardened steel cutting teeth mounted on rotating wheels. ... Oil shale can be mined using one of two methods: underground mining using the room-and-pillar method or surface mining. After mining, …

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Atmosphere | Free Full-Text | Analysis of Experimental

However, all of these studies on oil shale were limited to measurements, monitoring, and analysis of PM and LDSA in underground oil shale mines, and therefore focused on the air quality problems in operational faces. The aim of this study is to analyse PM and LDSA concentrations in the operational workings of the oil shale underground …

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A Novel Screening Method of Surfactants for Promoting the …

Following hydraulic fracturing operations within shale reservoirs, there frequently exists a considerable volume of residual oil that remains encapsulated within …

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12.9: Mining

Ores recovered by mining include metals, coal, oil shale, gemstones, limestone, dimension stone, rock salt, potash, gravel, and clay. Mining is required to obtain any material that cannot be grown through agricultural processes, or created artificially in a laboratory or factory. ... MACHINES. Heavy machinery is used in mining to explore and ...

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Oil Sands Mining Equipment Built Tough

Big, tough and powerful are the best words to describe the enormous mining equipment that roams the Canadian oil sands like prehistoric beasts. Here in the wilds of …

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Ecological Restoration and Transformation of Maoming Oil Shale Mining

Oil shale is a kind of unconventional energy resource with abundant reserves, but its exploitation has a continuous negative impact on the environment, which has hindered the research and exploitation of oil shale under the international environmental consensus on issues such as climate change. Therefore, more attention …

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Production Capacity Prediction Method of Shale Oil Based on Machine …

Therefore, it is of great theoretical significance to establish a production capacity prediction model for shale oil reservoirs based on machine learning on the basis of clarifying the main controlling factors affecting the shale oil production capacity, which can further optimize the fracturing parameters, improve the design level of ...

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Advancements and Environmental Implications in Oil Shale

Surface mining and surface retorting involve extracting oil shale near the surface and heating it to convert the kerogen into shale oil and combustible gases. This …

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Mechanization potential in oil shale mining. [Data on large …

Journal Article: Mechanization potential in oil shale mining.[Data on large diameter tunneling machines; relationship of current equipment to 100,000 tpd oil shale mining system]

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Oil shale

These energy sources can be used to power machines such as cars, lawnmowers, generators, etc. Mining process. One process of mining oil shale is referred to as in-situ. This is the process of underground heating to obtain the oil shale.

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Oil Shale

Extracting and processing shale oil is an expensive and difficult process. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are less expensive to extract. Australia, Brazil, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, and South Africa began mining oil shale in the 19th and 20th centuries, but they all stopped production by the 1960s. The U.S. ceased production in …

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