Effect Of Mining Activities In South Africa

The Contribution of the Mining Sector to Socioeconomic

SLP Social and Labor Plan (South Africa) SME Small and Medium Enterprises ... volatility—sociopolitical effects dominated the discourse. A large part of ... In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) mining countries grew, by 1.3 percent …

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The trade risk from carbon-intensive mining in South Africa and the country's vulnerability to climate-related events create a unique set of risks but also potential opportunities for mining companies. An opportunity exists for South African mining companies to manage the key climate challenges by adapting their

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The Local Socioeconomic Effects of Gold Mining

The Local Socioeconomic Effects of Gold Mining Evidence from Ghana Punam Chuhan-Pole Andrew Dabalen Andreas Kotsadam Aly Sanoh ... with detailed information on gold mining activities, the ... Ghana is the second-largest gold producer in Africa after South Africa, with gold production averaging 77 tons per year (Gajigo, Mutambatsere, and …

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(PDF) Evaluating Impacts of Coal Mining in South African …

This study, therefore, evaluates the impacts of coal mining in South Africa relative to achieving society 4.0 in the country. Mpumalanga province was used as a case study as mining activities are ...

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Mining and Minerals in South Africa | The Oxford Handbook …

Although the mining value chain only accounted for around 13% of the GDP and 6% of employment in 2020, it remained a central link between the South African economy and …

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Satellite images show the widespread impact of mining on …

The study links these changes directly to river mining activities in the affected areas. ... South Africa. View author publications ... the widespread occurrence and pervasive detrimental effects ...

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Mitigating the environmental effects of opencast mining

Opencast mining operations in South Africa remain one of the industry's main contributors to short- and long-term environmental damage, as they have a direct and cumulative impact on the air ...

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Health impacts of industrial mining on surrounding …

Perceived positive impacts on health and well-being were related to interventions implemented by the mines such as new or improved water sources, health …

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The impacts of mining activities on the environment …

In South Africa, this interaction between the mining sector, geology and urban development is even more important due to the major role the mining sector plays in our society. South African min-eral resources are among the largest in the world. South Africa has the largest reserves of gold, platinum, titanium, chromium, manganese and vanadium,

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Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in …

2. The many ways mining activities impact biodiversity. Mining affects biodiversity at multiple spatial scales (site, landscape, regional and global) through direct (i.e. mineral extraction) and indirect processes (via industries supporting mining operations, and external stakeholders who gain access to biodiversity-rich areas as the result of mining).

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What is the contribution of the mining sector to Southern …

The development of many Southern African countries is inextricably linked to the mining sector. Yet the history of mining in Southern Africa, a region marked with high levels of inequality, is beset with controversy.

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Mining impact on communities' livelihoods: A case study …

Mining has been blamed globally for harmful and impoverishing effects. Most countries are rich sources of gemstone, yet there is very little development, since miners, and those around mining sites, still live in abject poverty. This study sought answers on: "how mining activities have affected communities' livelihoods?". Data was …

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Harmful mining activities, environmental impacts …

This paper examines impacts and effects of the mining activities. It also looks at the legislative interventions that have been put …

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Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review

Focus on social consequences of minerals mining activities, excluding oil and gas extraction (but including coal). ... Australia and South Africa: n.a. Global: 14: Tonts et al. (2012) P: A: Statistical: Australia: n.a. ... Finally, the report acknowledges land related impacts from shale gas activities, including eventual effects on land prices.

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How does the mining sector impact the South African economy?

Mining has had a larger impact on shaping the South African economy than any other sector. It transformed a predominantly rural economy into an industrial one.

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Effects Of Mining on the Environment and Human Health

The effects of mining coal persists for years after coal is removed. Dear Readers, please refer to this latest article regarding the serious effects of Acid Mine Drainage on the environment and human lives in South Africa. This Harvard report was just recently released in October, 2016 and is extremely in depth on the issues of the serious ...

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The impact of mining induced urbanization : a case …

rethink about mining induced urbanisation so as to reduce pollution and other adverse event of secondary activities that support the primary industry of mining. Key words: Environment, Mining, Urbanization, South Africa 1. INTRODUCTION A lot of research has shown that human activities have negative effects on the

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Coal mining and environmental sustainability in South Africa…

This study investigates the effects of coal mining on environmental sustainability in South Africa in relation to the moderating role of institutions. To achieve the study's objectives, the fully modified least square (FMOLS), dynamic least squares (DOLS), canonical cointegrating regression (CCR), Bayer-Hanck cointegration and Toda …

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Mining and socio-ecological systems: A systematic

The changing consumption patterns, the rising demand for raw materials to fuel the world's industries, and the desire for economic growth and development through foreign direct investiments, especially in the developing countries, are significant drivers of mining activities worldwide and in Africa in particular. Mining activities, which entail ...

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Mining activities continue to dispossess black families in South Africa

Mining companies and some heritage consultants don't understand the sacredness attached to ancestral remains, and the meaning of land in African communities.

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Community Perceptions on Environmental and Social Impacts of Mining …

This study investigated the perceptions of communities on environmental and social impacts of nearby mines in Limpopo South Africa. Data was collected using a questionnaire administered to male ...

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History of mining in South Africa: The key events …

History of mining in South Africa. From the world's largest hand-dug mine to strike action with fatal violence on both sides, South Africa's mining industry has been one of the country's most influential for over a hundred years. We look at the history of mining in South Africa.

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Hazards identified and the need for health risk …

However, mining in South Africa has the legacy of silica exposure, silicosis and tuberculosis, which contribute substantially to mortality and morbidity of miners. In this review, particulate and …

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accelerate economic growth with greater equity and self-reliance. ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources now and into the future. The goals for SDM cover: …

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Coal mining and environmental sustainability in South Africa: …

Results from the study show that coal mining contributes to environmental degradation in South Africa, while its interaction with institutional quality mitigates the …

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Health impacts of industrial mining on surrounding …

Industrial mining projects can play an important role in global sustainable development if associated health risks are minimised and opportunities maximised. While a broad body of evidence from quantitative studies exists that establishes the interlinkages ...

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The impact of coal mining on the environment and …

Coal is South Africa's major primary energy source, and plays a significant role in supplying the chemicals and steelmaking industries. The benefits of coal production are relevant in the light of South Africa's development priorities of job creation and economic growth. Even so, primary metal production and coal-based power generation industries, …

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South Africa's Miners Addressing Climate Change …

The trade risk from carbon-intensive mining in South Africa and the country's vulnerability to climate-related events create a unique set of risks but also potential opportunities for mining companies.

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A systematic review of artisanal and small-scale mining: …

Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) activities have contributed, in most cases, to the rural development of some African countries. Practically, these activities have influenced the environmental, health and socio-economic status. In essence, there is a need to investigate how these activities fuel poverty eradication in Africa. Here, a …

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Positive And Negative Effects Of Mining In South Africa

OUT OF SITE, OUT OF MINED: MINES BRING BENEFITS BUT THEY ARE NOT EQUALLY SPREAD South Africa is known for its extraordinary abundance of rich minerals....

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