Adverse Effects Slag Cement

Recycling of steel slag aggregate in portland cement concrete…

Reusing industrial solid waste in cement‐based products is an economical and environmentally friendly solution. This study investigated the effect of steel slag on the mechanical properties of…

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Different carbon treatments for steel slag powder and

In the experiment, the untreated steel slag powder is used as the control group, and the effects of steel slag powder with different treatments provided by the cement plant on the properties of cement-based materials are mainly compared, then, the possibility of its application in cement-based materials are discussed.

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Long-Term Performance of Concrete Made with Different Types of Cement

Concrete sulfate attack is of great interest as it represents one of the main reasons of concrete deterioration and poor durability for concrete structures. In this research, the effect of different cement types on concrete sulfate resistance was …

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Degradation effects in concrete bound ferrochrome slag …

Ferrochrome slag (FS) having favourable mechanical properties) may be gainfully utilised as concrete aggregate. The concrete specimens with FS, natural stones (NS) and NS concrete mixed with 2% chromium nitrate salt (CR) as coarse aggregate were prepared. The samples were cured in aggressive curing solution like sulphuric acid …

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Enhancing Concrete Strength and Durability of Normal and …

This study investigates the interaction effects of silica fume and ground granulated blast furnace slag on the behavior of normal and high-strength concrete …

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Performance of Slag Cement with Portland‐limestone …

shown that Type IL cement‐slag cement combinations are as resistant to sulfate attack as Type I cement‐slag cement combinations and more resistant than equivalent w/cm concretes made with Type V cements to both the ettringite and …

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233R-17: Guide to the Use of Slag Cement in Concrete and Mortar

The analysis results indicate that the incorporation of steel slag powder (SSP 3) may have adverse effects on the initial setting time, volume stability, compressive …

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Adverse Effects of Using Metallurgical Slags as …

This paper summarizes the adverse effects of steel slag, copper slag, lead-zinc slag, and electric furnace ferronickel slag in the application of cement-based materials, and the following conclusions can be drawn. Metallurgical slags can affect the fresh properties of mortar or concrete.

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Research Progress on Controlled Low-Strength Materials: …

One drawback of slag-modified concrete is that at temperatures below 23 °C, the setting time of the slag-modified concrete is significantly delayed, compared with …

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Reactive MgO-based self-healing slag-cement-bentonite …

Despite the common use of slag-cement-bentonite slurry trench walls for geotechnical and geoenvironmental applications, the materials deteriorate under mechanical, chemical and environmental stresses.

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Steel slag and its applications in cement and concrete technology…

In this review, steel slag usage in the cement and concrete industry and its environmental effects were examined. Also, its physical and chemical structure, its effect on the characteristics of ...

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Benefits of using slag cement

Q. What are the benefits of using slag cement? A. The hydration products of slag cement are generally found to be more gel-like (less crystalline) than the products of hydration of …

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Blast Furnace Slag Cement

Granulated blast furnace slag having the composition within the following ranges generally meets the requirements for its use in making blast furnace slag cement.It should contain less than 1.0% Fe 2 O 3 and 1%–3% Na 2 O + K 2 O. Some uncertainty was raised in the past concerning the mobilization of sulphur present as sulphide in the slag, its …

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Hydration of Portland slag cement in the presence of nano …

Cement blended with slag and nano-silica is prepared and hydration properties studied. • Nano-silica can improve the hydration of slag and cement. • Hydration promoting effect of nano-silica decreases as Nano silica increases because of agglomeration. • Combined use of slag and nano-silica can be a good substitute for …

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The results emphasize that even 7-day wet curing was inadequate for high levels of slag replacement, and that continued exposure to a drying environment can have adverse effects on the long-term durability of inadequately cured slag concrete.

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Influence of blended gypsum on the properties of Portland cement …

The effect of unprocessed PG and FG was studied on the properties of portland cement and portland slag cement (PSC) with and without natural gypsum (NG). The NG was blended with by-product gypsum to reduce the adverse effect of impurities of P 2 O 5 and F present in this type of gypsum. The role of blended gypsum vis-a-vis by …

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Beneficial Effects of Steel Slag on Concrete

This paper aims to study experimentally, the effect of partial replacement of coarse aggregate by steel slag (SS), on the various strength and durability properties of concrete, by using the mix design of M40 grade.

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Materials | Free Full-Text | Adverse Effects of Using …

"Adverse effects of using metallurgical slags as supplementary cementitious materials and aggregate: A review" (page 1, line 2-3) "However, they have some adverse effects that could significantly limit their applications when used in cement-based materials." (page 1, line 12-13)

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Durability of Portland blast-furnace slag cement concrete

However, the results of an important case study on the performance of high-quality slag concrete exposed to a severe Arabian Gulf environment are also highlighted [8]. Particular attention is drawn to the adverse effects of poor early curing of slag cement concretes with respect to surface scaling of concrete. 2.

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The use of steel slag aggregate to enhance the

The paper summarizes a two-stage research conducted to evaluate the use of the two environmentally harmful materials in concrete. Stage 1 studies the effect of using recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) or steel slag aggregate (SSA) on the properties of normal concrete.

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Mock-up performance evaluation study for crack reduction …

In this study, the drying shrinkage and crack reduction characteristics of blast furnace slag concrete mixed with expansive and swelling admixtures were investigated. Basic performance experiments ...

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Examining the endpoint impacts, challenges, and …

This indicates that the use of fly ash will significantly lessen the negative effects of concrete production on human health. ... which has an adverse effect on ... impact of pervious concrete ...

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Effect of blended inorganic salts containing negative …

Water glass (WG) is generally considered to be the most effective activator to prepare alkali-activated slag (AAS) cement in terms of strength and dur…

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Steel slag's effect on concrete mechanical properties and …

The utilization of steel slag as a mineral additive in concrete has been the subject of research aimed at assessing its impact on concrete's properties such as compressive strength, chloride penetrability, drying shrinkage, and resistance to carbonation.In this study, two different conditions were considered: constant water …

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Effect of copper slag and cement by-pass dust addition on …

This research was undertaken to study the effect of copper slag (CS) and cement by-pass dust (CBPD) addition on concrete properties. In addition to th…

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Effect of elevated temperature on mechanical properties of …

Elevated temperatures have a particularly adverse impact on the micro and ... the exposure of building components to high temperatures has catastrophic effects on the building in the event of a fire disaster. ... Effect of the curing condition and high-temperature exposure on ground-granulated blast-furnace slag cement concrete. Int. J. …

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Steel slag and its applications in cement and concrete …

Slag from iron and steel plants (steel slags, blast furnace slag, etc.), storage of the ashes of burning coals (bottom ash, fly ash) at thermal power plants, and …

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Environmental impact of cement production and …

Additionally, this concrete also can be produced by integrating waste materials, particularly fly ash, slag cement and silica [80] which further contributes to cleaner environment. On overall, the production and utilization of good quality concrete formed using lesser cement content, industrial waste as supplementary cementitious …

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Performance of Slag Cement with Portland‐limestone …

In concrete, PLC also performs well with slag or fly ash at normal replacement levels. In many cases, Type IL+SCM perform better at early age than Type I+SCM, due to …

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Fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag-based …

Fly ash-based alkali-activated concrete has been developed using the Taguchi method. • Effect of adding GGBS on compressive strength and microstructural of fly ash-based alkali-activated concrete.

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