Chromium Flotation Concentrate

Selective depression mechanism of ferric chromium …

Selective depression mechanism of ferric chromium lignin sulfonate for chalcopyrite–galena flotation separation Jin ... due recovery of Pb in Cu concentrate was substantially reduced to 4.73% using FCLS compared with 10.71% using the common depressant ... during flotation. The concentrate and tailings were filtered, dried, …

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(PDF) Gravity Concentration of Sudanese Chromite Ore Using Laboratory

The concentrate assay, under these conditions, was 47.2% Cr2O3 at a recovery of 75 percent. keywords: concentration of low-grade chromite ores, gravity separation, shaking tables, table tilt angle, feed size distribution 1. Introduction Chromium is one of the most important industrial elements nowadays.

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Hydrometallurgical processing of Platreef flotation concentrate

Request PDF | Hydrometallurgical processing of Platreef flotation concentrate | Platinum producers are evaluating hydrometallurgical process routes to extract platinum group metals (PGM) and base ...

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The Reduction of Chrome in UG-2 Flotation Concentrate by

The chromium extraction in the sulphuric acid leaching of 45 UG-2 concentrate presented in Table 4 was calculated as a percentage of chromium in leach liquor to that in the unprocessed UG-2 concentrate sample.

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Chrome ore beneficiation challenges & opportunities – A …

Chromium is one of the modern industry's essential element and important raw material for the production of special steel and ferrochrome alloys. ... Concentrate with required Cr 2 O 3 content and Cr/Fe ... Mechanism of collector adsorption in chromite flotation. In:... Banerjee, T.H., Sengupta, A.K., Gundewar, Amanullah, C.S., 2005. …

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The Reduction of Chrome in UG-2 Flotation …

The Reduction of Chrome in UG-2 Flotation Concentrate by ... chromium from chromite ores under acidic conditions, were used to form the scientific basis in this study [19, 32, 30, 12, ...

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Froth Flotation

Froth Flotation Froth flotation is one of the most versatile and flexible of all mineral separation processes. Reasonable ... MIBC is superior to pine oil at achieving high grade concentrate - froths recover more water and provide better drainage of mechanically-entained particles.

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Fine chrome beneficiation and reverse PGM upgrade of …

The chromite could adversely influence flotation of the PGM minerals, and recent flow sheet configurations use gravity separation spiral circuits to remove chromite before flotation. This can be done safely without losing PGMs to the spiral heavy concentrate, since the PGM-bearing silicates are

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Flotation technique: Its mechanisms and design parameters

Flotation is a widely used, cost-effective separation technique for wastewater treatment [1], mineral beneficiation ... Aoudj et al. [36] investigated the separation of chromium (VI) and fluoride by electrocoagulation-electroflotation by …

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Recover Chromite by Flotation

One sample of mill products, subjected to severe weathering, required removal of the primary slime to obtain a concentrate of 65 percent chromite with only 75 percent chromium recovery. The U.S. reserve of …

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Effect of pre-oxidation on copper-lead bulk concentrate flotation

Effect of pre-oxidation on copper-lead bulk concentrate flotation separation with sodium polyacrylate as galena depressant. Author links open overlay panel Jinpeng ... 68.84 %). Compared with traditional chromium-containing depressants, this work avoids the pollution of metal chromium to humans and the environment, and provides a better ...

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Microsoft Word

Post-flotation spiral circuits are typically installed to separate the chromite – now the valuable product – from the PGM-stripped silicates which are no longer economic to …

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MSc Dissertation The Reduction of Chrome in UG-2 Flotation Concentrate by Hydrometallurgical Means 2022 i DECLARATION I declare that this dissertation is my own unaided work.

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How to Recover Chrome Metal from Scrap Alloy

It may be possible to remove these metals in a concentrate by floating the chromium sulfide after sulfur flotation. These points should be taken into consideration in any future studies to further …

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Chrome Ore Process Plant

Sometimes, use a weak magnetic separator or high-intensity magnetic separator to further improve the grade of chromium concentrate and the ratio of chromium iron. Besides, some chrome mines use flotation and flocculation flotation methods.

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Evaluate the Depression of High-Concentration Pyrite in …

Cu concentrate grade required by the downstream pyrometal-lurgy process. To effectively depress pyrite in copper flotation, a conventional approach is to substitute forged steel grinding media with high-chromium (HiCr) steel grinding media. It has been documented that HiCr steel provides better chalcopyrite

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Flotation: Recent innovations in an interesting and effective

Furthermore, selective separation of pyrite from arsenopyrite in an auriferous bulk flotation concentrate, stockpiled in the mine area (in Stratoni Halkidiki, Greece), …

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Innovative methodology for recovering titanium and chromium …

Raw ilmenite concentrate containing Cr can be either as a resource or as one kind of the most hazardous solid waste. In order to recover titanium and chromium from the raw concentrate which was ...

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A number of different chromium collectors were also examined, including R84, which is a sulphonate collector as the primary collector, and amine acetate as the secondary collector was found to be effective for chromium flotation. The most critical parameter for selective chromium flotation was the pH.

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Chromium (Cr) Ore | Minerals, Formation, Deposits

Chromium ore is primarily mined in countries such as South Africa, Kazakhstan, India, Turkey, and Zimbabwe, which are known to have significant chromite deposits. The extracted chromium ore is typically processed to obtain high-grade chromite concentrate, which is then used in various industrial processes to produce chromium …

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Selective depression mechanism of ferric chromium lignin

Selective recovery of chalcopyrite–galena ore by flotation remains a challenging issue. The development of highly efficient, low-cost, and environmentally friendly depressants for this flotation is necessary because most of available reagents (e.g., K2Cr2O4) are expensive and adversely affect the environment. In this study, ferric …

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Flotation is one of the most important processes used to separate mineral particles. Over 109 tonnes of ore are treated by ... where they concentrate in a froth which overflows into a launder. The hydrophilic minerals or tailings are recovered from near the bottom of the flotation cell. Mineral flotation processes operate IIIOst efficiently ...

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Extraction of Platinum Group Metals | IntechOpen

A typical mineralogy of the flotation concentrate blend is shown in Table 2 . Eksteen (2011) has given the fractions of typical minerals in the UG2 and Merensky concentrates. The ... Selective reduction improves the solubility of chromium in the slag .

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Chromite ore beneficiation: prospects and challenges

Chromium is one of such very important metal, although it is very rarely used in its metal form, is an essential ingredient for stainless steel making. tool, and alloy steel, nickel–chromium heating elements, and plating metals. ... The purpose of beneficiation is to concentrate the ore mineral physically and chemically suitable for ...

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Heavy Mineral

A number of different chromium collectors were also examined, including R84, which is a sulphonate collector as the primary collector, and amine acetate as the secondary collector was found to be effective for chromium flotation. The most critical parameter for selective chromium flotation was the pH.

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with minimum chromium losses, earlier flotation results of low-grade chromite ores were inferior to those obtained by tabling (Nafziger et al., 1979; Nafziger, 1982). Flotation requires fine grinding, which necessitates high slime losses and creates the ... separation of a table concentrate from the Montana chromite ore resulted in a final ...

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A study on the recovery of fine chromite from UG2 tailings

Flotation tests at a natural pH of 8.6 on hot tailings samples showed that from a feed grade of 16.1 %, a concentrate of 29.4 % Cr 2 O 3 at a yield of 28.6 % could be …

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Hydrometallurgical processing of Platreef flotation concentrate

This approach would attract several potential benefits to the cost-effective processing of lower-grade and high-chromium concentrates. ... Grinding of flotation concentrate to P80 of 53 ...

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Processes | Free Full-Text | Flotation in Water and Wastewater …

The flotation of the following metals was reviewed: copper, zinc, nickel, lead, iron, chromium, arsenic, gold, and others. The bubble generation method could be applied for typical dispersed-air flotation column, electroflotation, or dissolved-air flotation; the latter being the most appropriate established technique in water treatment.

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Evaluate the Depression of High-Concentration Pyrite in …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Evaluate the Depression of High-Concentration Pyrite in Copper Flotation by High-Chromium Grinding Media" by R. Lee et al.

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Chrome Processing Plant, Equipment

Chrome (chromium) ore processing mainly includes gravity separation, flotation and magnetic separation. The magnetic separation process can process chromite with better magnetic permeability to further improve …

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Flotation of Chromite Ore

The amine flotation method was applied to chromite gravity concentrates prepared from Benbow-2 ore by a combined Humphrey's spiral and table separation technique. The purpose of re-treating the gravity concentrate was to prepare a low-silica feed material for refractory testing. …

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Potential Processing Routes for Recovery of Platinum …

For the chromium-rich, highly oxidized ore from Panton Sill deposit in Australia, poor recoveries were obtained using conventional xanthate (SIBX) collector even after long flotation times and large quantities of collector dosages. ... using a low-grade ore flotation concentrate. The investigation involved initial bioleaching of the ore using ...

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Metals | Free Full-Text | Refining Approaches in the Platinum …

Most of them intended to mine, concentrate the PG minerals to flotation concentrate, and sell the product. There was also several ongoing studies, in particular smelter studies, on further upgrading the product …

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Extraction of Valuable Metals from Luanshya Copper …

A majority of chromium and sulphur are recovered to the non-magnetic fraction. 1. Froth flotation of the magnetic fraction yields a higher grade copper concentrate (> 25 weight% copper) which is suitable for smelting. On the other hand, the grade of copper concentrate was low after flotation of the non-magnetic fraction. 2.

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