High Gradient Magnetic Separation Techniques

Processes | Free Full-Text | SPIONs Magnetophoresis and Separation …

Magnetic separation techniques driven by magnetophoresis have proven to be highly efficient, encompassing both high-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) and low-gradient magnetic separation (LGMS).

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Frontiers | Magnetic Separation in Bioprocessing Beyond …

In the life sciences, high-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) is "the integrated process consisting of coupling a batch-binding step to magnetic adsorbent handling (i.e., capture, washing, and elution) with a …

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Rapid extraction of low concentration heavy metal ions by magnetic …

We combined the high gradient magnetic separation with liquid–liquid extraction, and explored a novel method for the extraction of low concentration Au 3+ from aqueous solution by using magnetic fluids in the high gradient magnetic separator. (2) Au 3+ was selected as a model of heavy metal ion to study the feasibility of this method. …

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Magnetic Separation: Principles, Devices, and Applications

A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for future research directions and describes possible research applications. ... Interests: magnetic separation; pulsating high-gradient magnetic separators; flotation separation; mineral magnetism; mineral surface ...

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High Gradient Magnetic Separation Technique for Wastewater Treatment

The system is based on the attachment of wastewater pollutants to a magnetic carrier material (magnetite) and a subsequent magnetic separation of the magnetite-pollutant conglomerates. After separation, the magnetite is recovered and re-used in the process.

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High-Gradient Magnetic Separation of Magnetic Nanoclusters

The capture of magnetic nanoclusters in high-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) operations, the rate-limiting step in magnetic nanoparticle-based …

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Magnetic Separation: Principles, Devices, and Applications

In addition, the development of high magnetic intensity (reaching as high as 1.8 T) high-gradient magnetic separators has been achieved, with which it is feasible to …

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High-Gradient Magnetic Separation | Semantic Scholar

This is the first of three articles by the authors to be presented in the JOURNAL which discuss High-Gradient Magnetic Separation (HGMS). HGMS is a new technique that is capable of extracting weakly paramagnetic, submicron particles at several hundred times the flow rates of conventional filtration. HGMS is applicable to water purification by a …

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Beneficiation of phosphate ores using high gradient magnetic separation

The minerals calcite and barite are essentially nonmagnetic and cannot be recovered in the magnetic fraction during high gradient magnetic separation. A novel concept of using magnetic surfacant to render the material magnetic has been investigated using manganese stearate and oleate as surfacants. The effect of various …

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Magnetic Separation in Bioprocessing Beyond the …

We want to emphasize the still unexploited potential of magnetic separation techniques, which could be applied in industrial downstream processing for the pharmaceutical, nutritional, and medicinal sectors, among others. ... High gradient magnetic separation versus expanded bed adsorption: a first principle comparison. …

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Development of a high-gradient magnetic separator for …

1. Introduction. Modern high-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) initially originated from a magnetic filter patented in 1937 by Frantz [1], in which the ferromagnetic matrix of fine wires or rods was first introduced into a uniform magnetic field to increase the magnetic field gradient by several orders of magnitude [2].The steep increase in …

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Magnetic techniques for the isolation and purification of …

Moreover, the power and efficiency of magnetic separation procedures is especially useful at large-scale operations. The magnetic separation techniques are also the basis of various automated procedures, especially magnetic-particle based immunoassay systems for the determination of a variety of analytes, among them …

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High Gradient Magnetic Cell Separation With MACS1

High gradient magnetic cell separation. In a high gradient magnetic field, generated in a column of steelwool which is inserted into an external magnetic field, cells labelled with …

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Working principle and application of magnetic separation for

Magnetic separation is a versatile technique used in sample preparation for diagnostic purpose. For such application, an external magnetic field is applied to drive the separation of target entity (e.g. bacteria, viruses, parasites and cancer cells) from a complex raw sample in order to ease the sub …

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Scalable high-throughput microfluidic separation of magnetic

Among the gradient-based magnetic separation systems, one popular technique to further enhance the magnetic field gradient is to use micromagnets. 30 Patterned micromagnets can be deposited directly on the substrate as part of the microfluidic channel, placing them very close to the target magnetic microparticles. The …

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High-gradient magnetic separation using ferromagnetic …

High-gradient magnetic separation using ferromagnetic membrane. A new design of magnetic separator with ferromagnetic membrane was developed. Coarse …

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Separation of malaria-infected erythrocytes from whole …

Separation of malaria-infected erythrocytes from whole blood: use of a selective high-gradient magnetic separation technique

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Developing high gradient magnetic separators for greener …

To avoid the entrainment of nonmagnetic particles during high gradient magnetic separation, various techniques are employed to disperse the fed minerals. …

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Minerals | Special Issue : High Gradient Magnetic …

A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for future research directions and describes possible research applications. ...

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Gradient Magnetic Separator

High-gradient magnetic separation has achieved remarkable progress and wide applications since Jones in 1955 achieved a high-gradient magnetic field in a …

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Removal of magnetite particles and lubricant

High gradient magnetic separation technology is a green production technology that has an unparalleled superiority in separating fine and weak magnetic particles. As the characteristics of poor, fine, and heterogeneous in weakly magnetic mineral resources (hematite, wolframite, rhodochrosite, etc.), the importance of …

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Mathematical Model of Ilmenite Separation Efficiency Using a High …

In this investigation, the Mathematical model of the plate high gradient magnetic separator is established, the magnetic induction and the flow field distribution are investigated based on the COMSOL multi-physical simulation, and then the separation efficiency and TiO2 grade are analyzed using the plate high gradient magnetic separator.

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Using microwave pretreatment to improve the high-gradient magnetic

The different magnetic properties of different components in the coal (e.g., the inverse magnetic properties of the coal and the paramagnetic properties of coal-measure pyrite and some of its ash minerals) can be exploited through the use of high-gradient magnetic separation techniques. Download: Download high-res image …

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Low-Resource Nucleic Acid Extraction Method Enabled by High-Gradient …

The method uses magnetic beads, a transfer pipette, steel wool, and an external magnet to implement high-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) to retain nucleic acid-magnetic bead complexes within the device's steel wool matrix for subsequent processing steps.

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High gradient magnetic cell separation with MACS

High Gradient Magnetic Cell Separation With MACS1 Stefan Miltenyi, Werner Muller, Walter Weichel, and Andreas Radbruch ... Most magnetic cell separation techniques de- scribed so far (1,3,11; for a review see 5,15) resemble panning and rosetting in …

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Developing a HTS magnet for high gradient magnetic separation techniques

Separation efficiency of a high gradient magnetic separator (HGMS) is mainly related to the strength of the magnetic field applied and the field gradient generated to trap the magnetic particles. High T c superconducting (HTS) techniques provide an opportunity to a HGMS with higher separation efficiency. HTS B-2223/Ag clad wires …

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Recovery of Manganese Ore Tailings by High-Gradient Magnetic Separation

With the depletion of high-grade manganese ores, Mn ore tailings are considered valuable secondary resources. In this study, a process combining high-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) with hydrometallurgical methods is proposed to recycle fine-grained Mn tailings.

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Unified View of Magnetic Nanoparticle Separation under …

The migration process of magnetic nanoparticles and colloids in solution under the influence of magnetic field gradients, which is also known as magnetophoresis, is an essential step in the separation technology used in various biomedical and engineering applications. Many works have demonstrated that in specific situations, …

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Adsorption combined with superconducting high gradient magnetic

Through the application of superconducting high gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) technique, we herein constructed a facility for th … Adsorption combined with superconducting high gradient magnetic separation technique used for removal of arsenic and antimony

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SEPARATION OF MALARIA-INFECTED ERYTHROCYTES FROM WHOLE BLOOD: USE OF A SELECTIVE HIGH-GRADIENT MAGNETIC SEPARATION TECHNIQUE. F. Paul. F. Paul. Affiliations. Departments of Haematology and Physics, University of Southampton, United Kingdom. Search for articles by this author. S. Roath.

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Metals | Free Full-Text | High Gradient Magnetic Separation …

Rare earth oxides such as La2O3 and Gd2O3 are abundant in waste optical glass. The separation of rare earth oxides is beneficial to the recycling of rare earth resources. In this study, the rare earth oxide Gd2O3 particles were separated from La2O3 particles using high gradient magnetic separation, and the influence of different fluid …

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Working principle and application of magnetic …

viathe utilization of high magnetic field gradient, but also, in most cases, low magnetic field gradient with magnitude less than 100 T m21 is equally feas-ible. It is the aim of this review paper to summarize the usage of both high gradient magnetic separation and low gradient magnetic separation (LGMS) techniques in this area of research.

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