Www Mineral Solutions Net Dmso

The Miracle Mineral Solution: MMS Protocol 1000+DMSO …

DMSO, a sulfur-containing organic compound, is renowned for its penetrative properties and has long been utilized in various therapeutic applications. The protocol entails …

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MMS for Oral Health Mouthwash, Gum Care, Periodontal …

Jim Humble nicknamed chlorine dioxide as Miracle Mineral Solution when he discovered its inexpensive yet powerful uses as a personal antimicrobial, and its efficacy in oral health and healing of periodontal disease. ... In some cases, MMS combined with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) can be employed to address abscessed teeth. ...

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DMSO and kidneys

I read that DMSO was good for making CDS (or MMS) be absorbed into the body. I had not read about DMSO and kidneys until yesterday. ... MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is Sodium Chlorite 28% (22.4% Sodium Chlorite, 5.6% Inert Salts and the remainder water) plus an acidic activator (usually 50% Citric Acid or 4% Hydrochloric …

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How to Dilute 99.999% DMSO to 70% DMSO

After that time, if all the solution is 'frozen' solid, then your DMSO is undiluted. If you use distilled water to dilute DMSO you won't change the purity percentage. If you use tap water to dilute DMSO (70% DMSO, 30% water), most likely you will not only dilute DMSO, but will also reduce the 99.999% purity of it.

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DMSO (Dimetüülsulfoksiid)

DMSO on kõrge polaarsusega orgaaniline lahusti, mis penetreerub kiiresti ja mis absorbeeritakse naha poolt ja mis võib kanda kaasas teisi lahustunud aineid. Turustaja: Living Minerals OÜ, Kivila 18, Tallinn, Eesti

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DMSO onto open wound

MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is Sodium Chlorite 28% (22.4% Sodium Chlorite, 5.6% Inert Salts and the remainder water) plus an acidic activator (usually 50% Citric Acid or 4% Hydrochloric Acid) when combined produces Chlorine Dioxide.

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Danger: Don't Drink Miracle Mineral Solution or Similar …

The FDA warns you not to drink sodium chlorite products such as Miracle Mineral Solution. These products can make you sick.

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How to Make a Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO Patch | Miracle Mineral …

The Miracle Mineral Solution: MMS Protocol 1000+DMSO Therapy Cancer and Death as a Result of the FDAs Betrayal Jim Humble Heart Attacks Are Not Due to Cholesterol or Clogged Arteries

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DMSO mix with MMS how to?

Hi, looking for the definitive guide to mixing mms with dmso ? how much how long, etc.. and how to work with (pure) dmso, ... MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is Sodium Chlorite 28% (22.4% Sodium Chlorite, 5.6% Inert Salts and the remainder water) plus an acidic activator (usually 50% Citric Acid or 4% Hydrochloric Acid) when combined …

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Important question about DMSO mixing with Chlorine …

I have done repeated tests with mixing activated MMS1 solution with large amounts of DMSO (for example, approx 60 ml solution with 20 activated drops of MMS mixed with 15 ml of DMSO) kept in sealed jars for extended periods. ... MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is Sodium Chlorite 28% (22.4% Sodium Chlorite, 5.6% Inert Salts and …

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What Is the MMS Protocol 3000 by Jim Humble

MMS Protocol 3000 consists of applying MMS1 to the skin on an hourly basis for 10 hours and each time spraying or gently applying DMSO on top of the MMS Water Purification Drops after it has been sprayed or applied to the skin.. Follow this procedure for MMS Protocol 3000 by Jim Humble: Make up a spray bottle of MMS1 with 20 drops of MMS to …

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Questions on MMS with DMSO

I would think you would need to remake the solution each time because the DMSO degrades the MMS - or is that incorrect? ... MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is Sodium Chlorite 28% (22.4% Sodium Chlorite, 5.6% Inert Salts and the remainder water) plus an acidic activator (usually 50% Citric Acid or 4% Hydrochloric Acid) when …

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Protocol 2000

Awaiting delivery of MMS2 to continue on to the Protocol 2000. In the meantime, as time sensitive, I am increasing MMS1 and DMSO dosages to maximum gradually...

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How to Use Chlorine Dioxide or MMS for Addressing …

To create a chlorine dioxide solution at home, you'll need to use sodium chlorite solution and an activator like citric acid. The procedure involves a specific ratio of activator drops …

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How to use DMSO and Magnesium Oil and Why?

DIY DMSO/Magnesium Preparation. Prepare a 50% DMSO solution for external use by mixing equal parts of DMSO and magnesium chloride solution in a glass container. Measurement can be done using a metal teaspoon or scale markings on the glass, with the smallest amounts achievable by mixing single drops of each liquid.

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MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is Sodium Chlorite 28% (22.4% Sodium Chlorite, 5.6% Inert Salts and the remainder water) plus an acidic activator (usually 50% …

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DMSO for Pain: A Healthy Skepticism Guide

Detailed guides to painful problems, treatments & more. A Healthy Skepticism Guide. DMSO for Pain. Can dimethyl sulfoxide "solvent" your pain problems? This complex industrial solvent is a little too biologically "interesting" for comfort

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Preparing DMSO for my dog and a bit confused

I'm hoping the DMSO I just got will help her skin. ... MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is Sodium Chlorite 28% (22.4% Sodium Chlorite, 5.6% Inert Salts and the remainder water) plus an acidic activator (usually 50% Citric Acid or 4% Hydrochloric Acid) when combined produces Chlorine Dioxide.

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Church leader, sons jailed for defying FDA by touting …

The FDA raided the family's compound after members failed to stop claiming Miracle Mineral Solution cures COVID-19.

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DMSO and CDS protocol

MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is Sodium Chlorite 28% (22.4% Sodium Chlorite, 5.6% Inert Salts and the remainder water) plus an acidic activator (usually 50% …

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Chlorine Dioxide Solution also known as MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is made of Sodium Chlorite 28% (22.4 Sodium Chlorite 5.6% Inert Salts and the remainder water) and an acid activator (usually 50% Citric Acid or 4% Hydrochloric Acid).

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DMSO and Jim Humble's MMS – Master Mineral Solution

Dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO, also known as Topical Penetrant Solution (TPS), is an industrial solvent that is a by-product of making paper from timber. It has …

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MMS Quick Reference Guide

Immediately add DMSO and mix by rubbing it in, as it is too strong if not mixed with DMSO. Be sure to see Chapter 13 for details.

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Hi, Anyone know where I can buy 99.9% DMSO in bulk and high quality? Besides Jacob labs

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Understanding MMS Jim Humble's Miracle Mineral Solution …

DMSO Addition: Adding DMSO to activated drops is called "Protocol 1000 Plus." Gold Standard: Herb Roi Richards, Ph.D., highlights this in "DMSO for Humans, Recipes and Treatment." Advanced Protocols: For more brutal diseases or particular situations, seek advice from a natural alternative specialist or homeopathic practitioner.

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Laube Holistic your guide to an supplier of AMS

The Laube Holistic Health Solutions distributes healing remedies. All our products are aimed at enabling a better quality of life for our clients. The flagship Activated Mineral Solution treatment is joined in our healing remedies range by the popular DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide) and The Pure Water Kit.

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mineral solutions net dmso

MMS Miracle Mineral Solution: Testimonials. MMS Miracle Mineral Solution Order MMS here. Order MMS here; luni, 30 mai 2011. Testimonials Melanoma and Dog's eye infection ... The brown spot had grown to 1/2 the size of a dime when I started to apply the MMS w/DMSO. I applied it 3 times a day for 3 days and I also drank the mixture 3 times a day.

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Sodium Chlorite – Chlorine dioxide

MMS – DMSO – Used together in the 24-hour Cancer Cure protocol where the Master Mineral solution is activated, mixed with DMSO and rub it on the skin every hour for 13 hours. DMSO will take the MMS directly into the body through the skin. This application causes no nausea problems that is common with drinking the Chlorine …

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where to buy MMS and DMSO in the UK?

Ah right! you can buy DMSO in the UK from the net even Amazon, not sure about the ready made MMS/Activators in the UK as I am buying the raw materials and making my own. ... MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is Sodium Chlorite 28% (22.4% Sodium Chlorite, 5.6% Inert Salts and the remainder water) plus an acidic activator …

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Hi Tryng to find the amount of DMSO to take with CDS, actually the CDS is labelled as Activated Mineral Solution which i believe is the same. This solution...

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MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is Sodium Chlorite 28% (22.4% Sodium Chlorite, 5.6% Inert Salts and the remainder water) plus an acidic activator (usually 50% Citric Acid or 4% Hydrochloric Acid) when combined produces Chlorine Dioxide.

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Furthermore, DMSO should not be used by individuals with certain medical conditions or by pregnant or breastfeeding women without consulting a healthcare professional. MMS. MMS, also known as Miracle Mineral Solution or Master Mineral Solution, is a controversial substance that gained attention as an alternative health treatment.

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One drop of a 25% DMSO solution (diluted in sterile physiologic or saline solution) once or twice per day is useful for eye problems, including cataracts or glaucoma.

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